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If you see a bunch of people from a distance that look like they are all turning green today, it might be they are beginning to rot...


Or Maybe???

They're just celebrating Saint Patrick's Day.



If maybe you are one of them...

Happy St. Patty's Day to you!



Or maybe they have hypochromic anemia, also known as green sickness.

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Every time you clean something, you just make something else dirty.

Are you suggesting that the planet Earth is nothing but a big ball of dirt and grime with water that has to be filtered to keep the fine grains of microbiological creatures (very small people that could infest our bodies and make us into their puppets) out of our drinking water? :dry: Are you?! :ermm:


I'm boiling my drinking water right now!


(There won't be any miniature Alaskan crab, Giant lobster, River Crayfish, or any Amoeba alive in my drinking water. Or any other tasty crustacean type edible food that might end up infesting my body. Hm! Is that a freshly boiled tiny alaskan crab I see with my microscope. A little microscopic drop of butter and squeezed lemon on that and... Terrific! So tasty on my pizza! YUM!



easy as pizza (pie)

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The word "palindrome" is rather lame, it doesn't read the same backwards and forwards.


Palindrome Palin drome Pal ind rome Hm? Pal in dro me Pa lin dro me Pa lind rome Pa lin drom e


Well; Pal, I just can't seem to make heads or tails from the pieces of palindrome. I prefer "the only word to characterize Kepler's discoveries that was ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’" myself.



easy as pizza (pie)

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