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The last poster wins


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I am now walking down a dark hall way inside a Mansions with 16 bedrooms, another door behind me closes, i go to investigate. Halloween game :laugh: :cool:


We have to stay for 2 weeks, i think to myself.

As i look around in the room a dark figure with a flash lite known as Paga walk down the hall as the storm brews and the rain lapping across the windows. Wooaa i said but with a kind yell as you try to calm me down. Creepy looking you are Paga, nice heart though, that is depends what you have to say PagaFYR??? :huh: :huh: :huh: .

Edited by niphilim222
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Out of the corner of his left eye he saw a man with an umbrella standing near the bus stop stand. The way the man was dressed seemed familiar. Peculiar. It wasn't raining.


He looked down at the curb expecting to see a few drops of water beginning to spoil the sunny day. Again he realized it wasn't raining. The perfect shine on the man's black shoes sparkled. The sunlight beamed a little into nim's eyes. He saw the man's trousers where they were tailored to barely touch the tops of the man's shoes.


Nim noticed the man was dressed in an exquisite new suit, white collared shirt under the dark vest and jacket. A burgundy string tie.


The bus arrived before he could give a good look at the face of the light skinned young man.


When nip saw his friends he started to board the bus. A hand came out of nowhere holding in it a card. You'll be needing this, sir! To break the curse that you've accidentally played upon yourself.


Nip trembled. Looked up to see the man's face. He turned his gaze upon the hand holding out the card. He looked up seeing the young man extremely pale face. While the man stood with perfect posture holding the umbrella carefully shading his fresh new attire. Nip gingerly took the card. Swallowing hard he stared at the man. The man image seemed to fade. Almost as if the snappily attired young gent hadn't been there at all.


As the man dressed perfectly stepped back he spoke. You wouldn't be needing a butler in your company in the future. I assure you. Your future is a bit, odd! Begging your pardon, Sir! Your friends await. Good Day to you, Sir!




Wake up!

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Strange i say with a spooked look on my face, As Paga continues too escort me to the kitchen area, Paga the care taker of the Mansion Don't get lost in this mansion it ain't healthy, its Haunted as he grins with serious look on his face.


I thought to myself gee at least there is a cell tower near by, 3 bars lit up as i woke my cell phone up, what?? i feel relieved already. Power cable i brought with me and a power bank as well. Paga says don't worry the outage is only temporary.


The haunted nexus mansion, more accommodation then most haunted houses. Escept no Internet, LTE only. Thank goodness for data plans :geek: :geek: :huh: ... I can see a lot of yelling and scary texting happening in this mansion. The party should arrive soon. More like spooky house on the hill nexus victims...

Edited by niphilim222
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I reread your story lines. Above, and it's already too late for me to participate, because my interests in your story can't be applied in it, since you have Paga as a butler. You are also adding all of the story lines so I don't even have a part where I can say want I would say.


You carved the model for the character Paga already. No place for me to participate.




I gather you really want to make a video game for Halloween. Start by not using my Avatar name.


If you want me to go along with this, and I am thinking about it, I will want a new character name for the game. I will choose my new name; myself. You choose your's.


Something with the theme for a haunted house, like a ghost hunter might use on a business card, kind of name.


Is that what what your story is about?


Or is it a place you just decided to spend the Halloween Holiday renting a room in a REAL Haunted house?


If you want me to play, I will think of a cool name for my character. If you choose to go on with the Haunted House plan you have begun; leave my avatar name, and me, out of it.


If I am going to join in within the story with you; as if we were partners in an adventure, let me write my own lines to share as we explore together.


Your game, you lead, so you write the theme.


May I suggest start by describing the place we first met. Having a conversation would be good too to begin with.


Getting acquainted and talking about our shared or different interests in finding and recording a real experience with a ghost.


Then make our way to the haunted house where the plot thickens.


Or are you a detective like Murdoch in Murdoch Mysteries?


I repeat; if you aren't going to leave openings for me to post as a part in a play and if you choose to go on with the Haunted House plan you have begun; leave my avatar name, and me, out of it.

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To make myself clear the story is me the owner of the mention inheritance of the nexus Mansion on the top of the hill, there is a small neighborhood down the road. I take it you have concern for ghosts, but this mansion likes to toy with you and your technology you bring with you, mainly your phone. They say the nexus mansion is alive and has some evil property for the average person who trespass on its grounds. I'm here to investigate the mansions secrets. But i need help like yourself __ and the rest. For me its a done deal but its secret evil ways still taunts me.

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It's your story all the way then. Remove the last line where you used my full avatar name and fill it in with Pagaaaa! instead please.


Do not use my full avatar name. Since you only used a facsimile in the rest of your short parts, that is of no concern to me.


Just don't use my full avatar name in your story.


May I suggest that you write the story and post it in the Lounge Off Topic area instead of in The LAST Poster Wins too?

If you do take off like I do on occasion; you will discover you will write like you've had your spirit lifted and never stop at times, until you finish what is flowing from your thoughts. Enjoy!


I will most assuredly read it if you go on. Without further comments from me.

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Sense I'm waiting for the bus to arrive with friends, i might just use my cell phone to text on the last poster wins game On the Nexus forums while writing this story, all just fantasy though. Made your head spin did i. :cool: :happy:

All of this is clearly all just writing a story, none of its real. Or is it????????????????????????? "Nexus Haunted House on The Hill Begins shortly"...

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I edited a post and left you a note on this post for you to consider. Under that post I edited I would like you to edit the name you used in your post above it without my permission.


Here's the link to the note. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/141044-the-last-poster-wins/?p=74147803


Edit my avatar name in it now, so it is Pagaaaaaa and nothing more from your post above that so you do not use my full avatar name.


And niphilim222; never use my avatar name in any of your writings of any story, any further, without my permission. Since you didn't ask me first to use my avatar name in your story. Which I feel does put a spin on things.


Stop! Stop using my avatar name entirely in any story ideas you have. Or I may hire a solicitor to deal further with the, how should I put this, improper method of adult misuse of my avatar name without asking me FIRST if you could use it to add it to your story.


Have a happy life!

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