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No! Pagafyr is a man who I am. Damaged by some accidents and was given a second chance with life to find out if the brain would accept a chip. I am not fully computerized. I am no longer retarded though. It's getting better all the time. Another Beatles song. I just picked for a musical adaptation to serve as a gesture that reminds me of my past and since my post is technically partly because of a machine too. The Lawnmower Man. Could ideally live in my head to protect it from being found by the evil scientists who want to destroy him.


I'm a writer niphilim222 I make things up to entertain! :laugh: REMEMBER ME?! This is an ENTERTAINMENT site. :geek: Don't fall for this bull... Because it's all games and fables, and fairytales that is why I write fiction on purpose; to ENTERTAIN! :laugh: :happy:



easy as pizza (pie)

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We know Pagafyr you write to, a chip inside the head makes sense Pagafyr. All that wisdom stored inside the head using pc memory chip to enhance yours. Sense you never forget now how is the weather there being immortalized as a human hybrid with storage for infinite and then some. So you never forget now, unless you glitch out lol.

Edited by niphilim222
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The White Knight in Alice in Wonderland always writes everything down so he doesn't have to remember.


Now I will always have space available so I never forget the calendar days for birthdays of my family and friends.


And my short term memory isn't forgotten, so I remember where I set the tasty cookie I set down while I take a drink of some hot coco. And I can explore by following the crumbs to another one.


Cookies! :happy:


Glitch! Yeah like a spurt of memories and collected information expressing the interests and educational information I have gathered. Flash. News Flash! The weather? So comfortable I am going to sleep.


Nighty nite.

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Well in his glitched dreams Pagafyr understands that they gave him the ability to surf the web in his dreams to. :ohmy: Using ssd as a storage he remembers what he was dreaming in his dream state. It was a nightmare. Although accessing the dream came up to 15gb. :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

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niphilim222 seeks the depth and breathed of the human mind. It alone can store billions of Giga Bytes not bits; 8 bits per byte. Memory is the stickler because the longer we live the more long term memory we store. And we all have little space on reserve after we've lived with the family growing up, the school time with classmates and friends, and the rave of our youth, birthday parties, clubs parties, concerts parties, political parties. A short tale you might think, but in truth it's longer then you think.


To remember it all a catalog must be mentally devised so that one can place the good stuff on the shelves and put the side shows on a different shelve and make your mind into a library to hold all your wisdom in Organized Splendor. Then when one of your children asks, the big one, you slide up the ladder to the area that matters and there it is. The whole story in a dusty tome you put there just for such an occasion.


So many people put a time capsule somewhere and hope they will find it on a special occasion. Or make a map to it so they never forget. A map that their children may find, if it weren't put in a safe place to be given to them one day so they could explore our path back to the places we all played.


The brain is much like that. And when something special occurs we place it in our memory so it will always be there to remind us of the splendid times we had.


Stop kidding yourself. Raise a glass of apple juice, orange juice, cranberry juice, pineapple juice, or any drink that you favor at breakfast and make a toast.


I offer my thanks to all that made this possible, to all the living people who raised the plants so we could have this meal, and to the people right in the room who prepared it too. Look at everyone in the room. Because they and all about did it to give us the strength to live out our lives, and dreams this day. The greater good are living beings.


We may not be able to see them at work and at their homes, and at play so you could say they are invisible, but they are not!


The feeling of sharing knowing and showing that caring will raise your own spirit from meal to meal knowing that you are part of a real, yes real, living people doing your part too!


OH! I nearly left out the part that makes this post it's point for play...



easy as pizza (pie)

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Now we fantasize we are MORG. Resistance is fantile. Capt Clek, there's something wrong with Lt. Gila. Seems like he's fuzzy all around. Maybe we should stop at a fueling station and use their landline to call Lt. Gila to find out if he's ok? He's looks like a monster, Sir.


There's numbers on those old landlines. I don't understand them. Are you familiar with old Spoken numbers and letters. I don't see numbers unless I am looking at the Stir Shops Chronometer numbers. It was my first gas in a federations school. Horology. heh heh heh. :laugh:


I didn't know that; Capt Clek. I thought you never meddled with hor's derves before.


Except that green gal one time. I didn't know it was a petrie dish experiment.


Maybe you see numbers interrupting you that are a bundle of frames Capt. Maybe those computer numbers which are painted by the numbers. Painted to look like objects in your space. oooWEEEooooo.


Do you mean! Machine language?!


Yes capt the whole ship is all numbers flowing together in perfect unity and harmony. Your clothes your comm badge. Even the ship's COMPUTER!


Computer! Is Engineer Motly ok? Is he having an Gallucination seeing all those shapes and colors. :tongue:


No capt it's Alien Invadars. Ond of her minion has poisoned your synth beer!


Do da do da do.

Tune in for the next week for the next episode of

"Morgs hanging around in Space".

Do da do da do.


And now! A word from our sponsor.


Pssst! Pssst. Don't say my name, don't mention who paid you to promote this corny television show.


Television?! What's that? This is a radio program. And most importantly.


I don't care just sit still... Splat. Squish! Enjoy the creamy white frothy sugar cream pie I just pushed in your face.... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Muwah a ha haa haaa.



easy as pizza (pie)


Names and words of familiar famous families who created their own language from scratch have been altered or deleted to keep them from finding out, "we know where they live!.


Morgs hanging around in outer space will not continue until we find someone who isn't clowning around to support us. We only like Peekcan Supreme Pizza pie.

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Hi I'm a IT server based IT, I would like to take "P.a.g.a" for short offline, hes talking alien nonsense. Well not as bad as some AI i have witnessed.


I'm not as freaky as I can be. You should have seen Thor's ravings and rantings. He may have got banned, but he wasn't because of his ravings and rantings until he just blew his top. He starting tossing around accusations fitting to some spy channel, pointing the finger at everyone who was a friend of his. He was banned because he was lacing all his words with movie trivia that people think has great new cars that can turn into submarines, and fancy new clothes with bulletproof cloth.


His profiles still functions. Even the people he declared ruthless incorrigibles and undercover agents still stop by and check on in his profile once in awhile. It's like a headstone on someone's grave. It gets my respect still. I visit once in awhile.


Inactive. I've blown the propeller off my thinking cap and never got as wild as the Thor. The Star Trek loving Thor.


Think of what I created as a little tribute the the Star Trek fan.

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