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The last poster wins


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Oh! And now that the bubble of fame has seemed to have risen to it's peak and there's a bitter fog blurring my chance of getting an award for best mod. I bow out from the back stage to return to the street where all who create, act, and work walk to their own comfort zones.


The fog thickens; making it harder for me to see the starlight shining down on the stage where the gaffer pointed the beam to where I might stand to accept an award.


My mind is clearing and the fans which may have delighted at thinking we could work together have not responded to the questions that would assure they were desireable of working with me. One fan! Ah! Such a glad moment.


But... I shan't be more rude and act towards anyone anymore with my desire to have the modding fire of fame fanned in the forge of my old great grands blacksmith shop.



Back. I have never stopped workin, my lowest down time didn't stop me from getting up and head to working again. Using my powers of thought. I kept doing what I could until the people who I served saw the light. Then let me have the retirement package I could have earned if I hadn't had my physical plane damaged at the time it did and did for no good reason.

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Someone name 01010100 01101000 01101111 01110010 00101110 was here inside P.a.g.a head. What oh the experience program??, yes that one. The chip in his head links to the server P.a.g.a program, and caps his brain activity 80%.

He lives a sort of hacked life Pagafyr only in his dreams and sleep motion program working against his very soul.


thor sounds like a bad nightmare for Pagafyr, he must of deserved to be banned. So calm down Pagafyr he won't harm you or even me for that matter.

Edited by niphilim222
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Oh look! Cute little numbers. The same line that used to get attention when someone was learning how to type.


And now with all my might... I saved enough. I go to sleep.


Or maybe after another movie about being a lad who lost his parents in a car accident and lived with a dragon for 6 years.



easy as pizza (pie)

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