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The last poster wins


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It's been a bit since there was a post here. Thought I'd spice things up a bit.


I'm in highschool still. Grade 10.


Since it's spirit week, on Friday we get to wear pajamas in school.


Even better yet, we get to miss Math class on Friday to watch a movie in the gymnasium.



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Does Spirit Week mean that all the spirits that are hiding in the school come out a roam around? Or do you spent the week drinking spirits?


Make sure you make the most of your High School years.


If you don't go to college (University to our old world friends) it's all downhill after graduation.

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Make sure you make the most of your High School years.


If you don't go to college (University to our old world friends) it's all downhill after graduation.


Taking a path you are familiar with is always safest.


Following the leader will never earn you that rank until they retire.


Making a path is more difficult and more thrilling than just taking another scholars knowledge for granted.


Keep an open mind and you will always learn something different, albeit not necessarily new, no matter which way you travel or choose to create yourself.


A good teacher sees the child who has the ability to create. Sometime one tries to give support when often times it isn't needed.


(example of an too worrisome teacher) Ouch! Until you told me to be careful to not hit my thumb with the hammer while holding the nail; I never had. :mad:


All of you WIN!

easy as pizza (pie)

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It's been a bit since there was a post here. Thought I'd spice things up a bit.


I'm in highschool still. Grade 10.


Since it's spirit week, on Friday we get to wear pajamas in school.


Even better yet, we get to miss Math class on Friday to watch a movie in the gymnasium.




Snow Fox for the Win !!! ... being able to hang with the likes of this forum at her age :cool:


Add edit : incase for clarity ... ( since I use sarcasm liberally )

There was no sarcasm in that statement :armscrossed:

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It's been a bit since there was a post here. Thought I'd spice things up a bit.


I'm in highschool still. Grade 10.


Since it's spirit week, on Friday we get to wear pajamas in school.


Even better yet, we get to miss Math class on Friday to watch a movie in the gymnasium.




Snow Fox for the Win !!! ... being able to hang with the likes of this forum at her age :cool:


Add edit : incase for clarity ... ( since I use sarcasm liberally )

There was no sarcasm in that statement :armscrossed:


Just because we've clashed in the past doesn't mean you need to cheer me on. You're allowed to have your own opinions and perspectives and you can definitely express them as contribution.


(I do appreciate your kindness though. Hehe.)


It's good to have an ally like you, Mktavish.



Does Spirit Week mean that all the spirits that are hiding in the school come out a roam around? Or do you spent the week drinking spirits?


Make sure you make the most of your High School years.


If you don't go to college (University to our old world friends) it's all downhill after graduation.


I've never really understood the definition of "Spirit Week". Maybe it's just saying for us to get our spirits up? Just a guess.




And to everyone, goodnight!

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Spirit Week ... is an extension on cheer leading.

Cuz cheer leading became so exclusive.


The spirit stuff is a means to include more of the student body.


It's a good thing ! but it is what it is ...


Good night~

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Spirit Week ... is an extension on cheer leading.

Cuz cheer leading became so exclusive.


The spirit stuff is a means to include more of the student body.


It's a good thing ! but it is what it is ...


Good night~

I've been recommended as a cheer leader a lot before, but I never took it up. Mostly because I'm pretty shy.


My voice isn't very loud and I'm already tired of my aunt dressing me in overly-skimpy outfits.


I'd rather not forward it by joining some cheer leading or volleyball (which I also got recommended for) and having to wear something that shows me off so much.


It's embarrassing.

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I hope you have a very merry dinner with your friends and family on Christmas Day.



easy as pizza (pie)

Winners never quit and quitters never Win: by Vince Lombardi

(If you hope to win something you don't need it may make no sense to anyone why you want it. You'll always find that what you

desire, or want still exists and that it may always be out of your reach. By the idiot, David; The Last Poster Wins, Haunter.)

If you quit you will never get what you want, but if you keep trying you will find a way to get what you want. ('Quitters never win, winners never quit, but those who never win and never quit are idiots' is a variation accredited to Larry Kersten

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I'm not holding anything against anyone.


In fact I'm doing my best to stay as far away from all of you. So if the wise guys with missiles ever decide I am no longer polite enough to them, in their political opinions, then the missile shot at me only kills me when they shoot it at my location. I mean; hey! What are friends for anyway; if they don't keep you safe. I'm especially concerned for those two locations where Fallout games producers selected for Fallout 76, because I think they thought someone was living there that might actually not be polite as they could be and their politics might get a missile shot at them. That's a 150 in diameter blast zone for the small atomic bomb, and 300 mile diameter space for the mid atomic bomb. Hey! But everyone knows if the newbs all start shooting atomic warhead missiles at each other one of us is going to get real nasty and use a Neutron one which could have been planted in a briefcase in some bus stop or airplane airport locker 60 years ago. In some basement or an old tunnel for the leaders to escape through.


It's so unclear, as to why anyone would even consider me for such a high status that I might attract a missile for being impolite at a time when people have learned to be so polite we even kiss their hand on your own land when we greet them at the lawn of our White House. Some president we had was so forgetful to stand up to our rules of do in our country as we do or GET OFF OUR LAWN!


Have a safe and happy holidays!





easy as pizza (pie)

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