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I got the book SIVA! Walt Richmond and Leigh Richmond



easy as pizza (pie)

Even though it's not all the same as the first publication I had of it was, now that I have it, I can't seem to sleep.



It's clearly the rewrite that Walt and Leigh Richmond made after some strange stuff that I feel certain now was intended to give the conspiracy theorists back in their day a thrill. Pages were classified as "Top Secret". Yeah! Right?! :wink: :wink: And were removed, but not before a large number of that books copies were sold. :laugh: :tongue:


I found my first copy on a dusty shelf at a Resale Book Store. The version I got in the mail yesterday, of the novel is clearly an updated version and where the hieroglyph was, it is now a dedication to their children. What is really creepy is the name of the online store, "Secondsales".


Feels strange to have the novel. I don't mind the rest I had been getting with feelings of rejuvenation and mentally reestablished sound of mind reconnections. Of course I'm probably mentally damaged from all the years it seemed of no interest until my imagination was fired up by some person whose old avatar title I won't mention.


The memories disturbed me a bit about how the first copy I had, I had loaned out, seemed to have been lost by the person I loaned it to too.


This version proves the previous one clearly had more text. One actual hieroglyph which was described as a schematic, and some notes which were exciting, exciting enough so I wanted to go to Egypt to see the great pyramids myself.


That's the kind of authors work I like. The kind that makes a person want to go on a real adventure.


Even though it's not all the same as the first publication of it was, now that I have it, I can't seem to sleep.


No biggy! I was getting so I could do a whole weekend, or more days, without really anything more then video game breaks to eat, drink, and get right back into the game. So rereading the book should only take a day or two.


Then! Back to the drawing board or the G. E. C. K., or???


Whichever I decide to do first.

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I pinched my nerve in my shoulder and i have very little motion on my right side, and yes i am right handed to, Ohh wo is me... I cant even play games on my ps4 right now.. So depressed.. It will take 3 weeks to heal properly. Nerve was damaged but can heal. Went to emerge and a specialist, and a Xray. What a week i had. I feel like a brick landed on my shoulder lol.


Not work related or a sports injury :ohmy:

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Didn't they set you up for a soak in the hospital's Jacuzzi once a day? :ohmy: Do you have a bathtub? :huh:


At least get yourself a heating pad, and three bottles of The Kings Mead (known as Royal Honey Wine) to sweeten your tea, and have 3 extra tea breaks a day to get you all limber and feeling like a new noodle. :happy:


And be sure to wear your lobster floatation device in case you fall asleep in the bathtub. Or maybe one of your neighbors has one of those modern Alchemy cauldrons you could use? Called a; Hot Tub! :dance:

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Do your exercises so you heal up correctly! Or you could end up like me.


I was crying when I read your note. Remembering how I hurt because I was not given any of the fine vegetable juice to aid my recovery. While thinking about what I could have had. If only I had been a bit older when I got hurt. A football players rewards for being a good player. Hot tubs, Jacuzzi's, vacations on beaches where it is warm on the island. Far from the Madding crowd out in the middle of paradise.


Ah, just imagine that.


I mean you, just imagine the warm feeling of the Sun gently caressing your brow. The lotion keeping you comfy while you sit in a lounge beach chair enjoying drink with a little umbrella. The idea that those thoughts puts into our heads while we heal. Ooo! It is a feeling as good as a Mother's gentle hug. Making all the woes fade away so we get up and go out again, ready to play.


Just knowing we will have another chance to rise to the top of the heap. I can still Dream. Can't you?


Then the players; what they endure as they go through their daily exercises, doing a lot of hard work preparing for the games again. Painfully sore muscles after each day of practice; especially if they missed a few days exercising during their vacations. Oh! What pain!


Just dream about the rewards and forget about whether you got one or not. I can still dream.


Dream of being healed up. When the pain starts grabbing your attention that pain won't last as long as the days that you get being healthy again.


Do your exercises so you heal up correctly! Or you could end up like me.

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So sorry that niphilim222 pinched a nerve while thinking about something that tripped him up. Something other was on his mind then the crew of the Vaheva and their next destination. He should have been watching his steps so he could have avoided the collision with... Whatever it was that caused him to get that nerve exposed. And got it pinched.


My digging into the lists of the past worked!


It's a bit I used to get the ancient members of their book club alerted to their copies of it. I was so relieved when they realized they have had the original all this time. I was no longer needed to help. It restored my elders excitement. I slept well and recuperated for 5 days and nights. I slept like a baby.


Back in their days that they were getting very little excitement from another book I was almost phased out. I used that other book to get their attention for awhile. All the clues led me in a circle going nowhere. I was having lots of sleepless hours. Only I was enjoying it. Until I could find out what book they were all missing I was seeing people, places, and lot of extraordinary items. Where their memories of such had been and some began.


Finding the actual title and date of publication led me to the correct one they read.


It was like I pointed to their copies with light bright enough so they could see where they put it. They found their copies. Their wisdom was reinstated. They that shared it and live today are well now. They will be able to tell their Great Great grandchildren about their grand adventures and not just because of that book, but the many they read and mused over in their meetings at the club.


I'm glad to read you're enjoying your sleepless hours.

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I have been recovering nicely, starting to feel pain and suffering that will make you cry, which is a good thing Doctors said.


Hey! Thanks for unwittingly using the name of the crew in SIVA! Niphilim is the name of the crew. If I hadn't noted the other names over the years since Thor, used by that same individual, who isn't here anymore :wink: :wink:, in the line up of that persons reentry under new names, which are all in the glossary, I probably would have quit looking for SIVA! by Walt and Leigh Richmond.


Surfing the Internet lead to Siva, or Shiva. and a number of indirect links that left me entirely into the dark.


Thanks to a fellow seeking how to access files using the F. of I. A. from the C. I. A. telling me of his woes about trying to get a file from them covering business with that hippies family and me telling him why it is so difficult, back when, I didn't quit trying occasionally. And to Anunnaki; Aengels; and to an Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom paperback novel I learned a bit more about Shiva.


It wasn't anything like SIVA! :laugh: If you have a copy of SIVA! with the hieroglyph to intrigue readers that would be a collectors edition, or a certain arrest for possession of a book with Top Secret pages in it exposing some very damaging proof that a young man suggested about another incident while I was researching the Tibetan Book of the Dead for a course I was taking in Sociology leading to the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts. I later took the 101 course in Anthropology. Because I began to see a pattern in different populated areas around the world.


Did you know that in 2010 a city in India had 67million living people? While; about the same time China held the record at 1.3Billion living people.


My Mom used to tell us children at the dinner table when I was a lad, Eat your dinner. Someone in China is starving. I remember not feeling any remorse for anyone there, because on those days we didn't want to eat her latest creation I think the starving people in China would have refuse to eat it too.


Thanks again.

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