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The last poster wins


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That was a fun time trying out what I thought my phones divided GB allowance could share. I can't watch movies that are downloaded to my phone even with this app or the phones streaming apps ever since the company I purchased the from changeed their protection settings requiring me to by another device to plug in to the monitor to play the movies I outright purchased. They are on the phone so I can watch them on that 3.5 in monitor, but not transmitted to my television screen.


The only plus is now I have access to download using the phones own system main GB which is for the phones many functions. Other wise I would have to switch to the Hotspot or tether service which limits the amount for it's used to 1/3rd of the entire GB which I can't use except as the HS and tethered allowance. I don't know why the company doesn't allot the entire amount of GB to be used fully but they have this HotSpot or Tether set up so it can't access the phones GB pack which is set to 2/3rds of the total GB Ihave available.


If I had the full service that they sell in the cities I would get all of the benefits of a broadband service like Comcast or FiOS. Amazingly I can watch purchased movies from the companies like Vudu and Google Play, but not the SD/HD movies I purchased and downloaded to my phone. I'll have to watch them on my phone now unless I am willing to buy another gadget to make it so I can watch them on the television monitor that used to be allowed to be streamed using a mirror setting from phone to TV.


I'm definitely not buying any SD/HD/UHD/3D digital movies again. Renting them seems less likely because I am a little more peod about their new rules forcing me to spend even more money on gadgets that support their COPY of movies with a different protective code.

I lose.

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I found a thingy that was turned Off when there was a high risk to the phone being hacked.


I forgot about it. Naturally! Why would I want it's function On when I not using the function. Nothing I noted worth risking getting my phone records hack was bothered. So I forgot about it.


Or maybe I'm getting so I want to be like everyone else who has a job and tries to find ways around doing parts of their job so they do not have to do all the HARD work. Like the kid who invented the firetruck automatic pump system using strips of tire rubber to make the pump work without needing him, or anyone else, to push down on the handle so it pumped the water out and then wait for the handle to reset. The water pressure in the tank was enough that all he had to do was strap two pieces of rubber to the handle and a bolt to do the easy part and the rubber tires bands he tied to the pump handle did it for him with ease.


When the firetrucks tank ran out of water and he wasn't around the Fire Chief went looking for his son. When he was found his explanation was that he did it so he could go and play marbles with his friends.


Now all I have to do is set a reminder to turn that switch back On and then Off again when I am not using that function. At least I won't get reprimanded for leaving the job and risking the firetruck water tank running out before the fire was put out.


Inventors! What will they think of next to make their life easier?

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Inventors! What will they think of next to make their life easier?


Some of them invented the ignore button here on the internet , so they could avoid superfluous or offensive content.

But I myself consider that as showing a weakness , and saying ... "I do not have the will power to ignore someone of my own volition ... Whaaa Fooking Whaaa ,,, my thought bubble space was violated :sad: "

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By the way ... I am NOT happy about the Bauldurs Gate 3 reveal .


Why use the BG name if you are not going to have some continuity with it ?


Boo Says WHAT ?


I guess I have some inkling now of what Fallout fans felt about Fo3 :/

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Wow! I just saw the location of where my Internet Service Provider is. My computer was last seen in Salt Lake City, Utah. I don't know how it got there, but I know it didn't get out of the room it is located in. I didn't even make the trip to pick up a new computer at a Best Buy Store in Salt Lake. A gamer machine with 32 GB of RAM Dual Nvidia 2080 Ti cards. I almost got up and started heading out the door for a road trip when I saw Out of Stock pop up on their website.


I thought I might order one from the company that made them. They were specifically designed for Best Buy and all the big city stores were sold out within hours after opening the doors. I don't know if they just canceled them out or if people stormed the stores, because they were On Sale for $779.95,


I wouldn't have got there fast enough even if I had one of Elon Musk's Space Taxi's. I may as well have stopped off at Colorado Springs, Colorado and tried to speak a peek at the Cheyenne Tunnel entrance at Ent Air Force Base. The one used in the Star Gate Sy-Fy.

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I feel you are trying to blame that on me , cuz I once lived in Salt Lake City.

Which I still live in New Orleans and have no plans to move back to that den of evil f*#@ wads .


By the way when I said I didn't believe you ... was just a jab at you , soorry I didn't get back with a comedic smooth over.

Maybe I am still a little peeved cuz you shut down the Seder Hotel mod project :geek:

But I will get over it when we start it back up again :laugh:

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I feel you are trying to blame that on me , cuz I once lived in Salt Lake City.

Which I still live in New Orleans and have no plans to move back to that den of evil f*** wads .


By the way when I said I didn't believe you ... was just a jab at you , soorry I didn't get back with a comedic smooth over.

Maybe I am still a little peeved cuz you shut down the Seder Hotel mod project :geek:

But I will get over it when we start it back up again :laugh:


You are not reading me correctly, because I had such a short introduction to life before, I barely represent a mirror for everyone to reflect to see if they are ready for their next act.

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