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The Explorers Guild newb thanks you for the awakening.


I appeared to have been getting ahead of the EG group, because of an interesting event I'm not hindered by; cold weather, Ice Cream


I like that small on the outside Doctor Who effect. So much room 136.6 mb ?! Still.. So much on the inside! And leveling??? I'm going to be exploring for a long time until the thaw.


I hope I don't end up skipping too far ahead of the EG group again. I sort of enjoy the surprise events they get into.

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How do you update the ROG Strix MoBo B450-F's BIOS?


Wouldn't want a bunch of outdated chipset codes running any nearly outdated old chipset codes.


GET the BLAZING FAST swaps between parts you deserve for buying all that good stuff you install


I read that some of BIOS updates for computers helps support other parts that are new from 2019. Upgraded BIOS codes will smooth out onboard or external addons so the exchanges are ready or more stable 10/100/1000 Mb LAN/Wi-Fi/Fiber Optics LAN, Video Cards, and 32 GB RAM chips that are a little newer. Get some really fast page swaps on large 1TB SSD's and 1 to 10 Terabyte HDs with Windows 10's Virtual RAM, among other things.


Wait! I think I heard a couple new shoppers suddenly realizing they can afford that MANIAC fast home built Game machines parts you built on their budgets. DING SALE. DING SALE. DING SALE. :happy:


Oh! :woot: 3 more!

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Just did a clean up of old temp files backed up system updates, copied of course, saved me 15gb in space.


Do you have a tera byte yet ... or are you still trying to pawn off second rate stuff to us ?


Paga's GuFF is a full 737 GB ... and I wouldn't have the mod made with anything less than his full GuFF.


Otherwise it would just be a shadow ... and what's the point of that ?

except noodles and cheese. If you go in for that sort of thing :teehee:


Life is a mystery , then people think about checking into Hotels :ninja:


"What kind of Sangwich aint to fattening ?"

"I don't know , a half a Sangwich "



My GuFF is?


Chili Mac and Cheese?


Good thing the baby starter mod for the Seder Hotel Mystery is only 148 KB's, not GBs.



LoL , I don't really know why I came up with the noodles and cheese comment , except , I was in fact eating chili mac at the time ... I guess that was your psychic ability at work there :ohmy:


But no , Your Guff is the potential of the stories you could write. Which 148kbs is not even a glimmer of a pale shadow in my observation. Which 737 GB was probably a conservative estimate imo having glimpsed probably only infinitesimal amounts of your Guff ooOOozzing through the internet.

Plus thought out of consideration should leave niph atleast 236 GB to run his comp and play a few other games :D


Did nobody know the sandwich comment was a movie quote ?

Then I even told the name of the movie in my next comment.

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I've never heard of much, less thought about eating a Sangwich before. I was laughing at the idea of a sandwich that could be Sangwich.


You were doing well. Now I am thinking it was funnier when I read it, because... I was eating a SANGgwich at the time. Laughing is the best agitator for digestion and it sure helped my digestion :laugh: .

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Sangwich was my attempt at an Italian accent (mob guys) ... but I see now "SANGgwich" conveys it much better.


Ya see the potential of your GuFF ? :turned:


Dirk Diggler " Everyone has one Special thing "

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