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I hope everyone I have shared these fun times texting are safe out of the floods harmful path.


It rained so heavy here it knocked down trees, scared wildlife that normally only passes through at night as they ran for shelter in the old building outback. I know how it feels, I was where the flood surprised us twice and was on the clean up crew after both times.


I hope the blessings of your skills have given you a place of safety as we work through the changes in our Earth's weather.

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It got real wet. Still damp. The barrier that the elders constructed on the west side of the city is still holding. They built it after the second flood reached the eaves on everyone's houses. The first flood barely made a puddle in people's yards that lived along the Sun River. The second time the mountains got a lot more snow. When it melted on a hot spring day, the river rose and like a wave it crossed the land like an Ocean wave all the way from the Rocky Mountain Range west to the west side of town. The water made a new lake that lasted for about 5 weeks. I helped clean up two houses with a mud vacuum machine that second time.


Mktavish mentioned that where he lived in New Orleans that it was only a few inches above sea level. Orlando, Florida got flooded real bad with is not above that sea level mark where Mktavish lives.


Hey niph; Glad to read you're on high land. Hey Oblivionaddicted. Thank you both for your concern.

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If you haven't got a UPS that modulates the surge from the power companies output you're paying almost twice as much as I am to your electric company, because the UPS can actually smooth the feed into your equipment and cost less for doing it.


I used to pay the electric company $80.00 big american (bucks) dollars a month. For the past 19 years I have had only a $40.00 payment with a few American pennies over the top.


Now if I had a house with solar panels, or wind generators, I could be selling electricity back to the electric company.


Ooo! Do I sense someone is going out to buy a new house, maybe even build one of their own design after learning to craft, I mean MOD, with one of the building construction kits like the G.E.C.K. that provided crafters, I mean MOD makers, a Fallout 3 construction kit?




Up next:

MidSummer Night's did you know nights could Dream

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Wow! Water almost the way it looks in real life!


Advanced mod users will love that.


It's a little too technical setting it up though for someone like I used to be back when I was just barely making sense of mods and following the instructions once I realized that there were important steps to follow in the Mod writers Readme. There's no Readme with the Download so you will need to Remember to Click on TRACK the mod if you download it so you can get the step by step instructions to fine tune all the water views.


It's a lot of tweaking to do so it will work on your computer with your video card and equipment.




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