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The last poster wins


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I fell asleep, tired out from all the early morning until noon excitement that got me tired, and I actually really dreamed I was playing a new video game. Wow! I wonder if it will become a reality so I can play it for a day or two? I was so enjoying it; so much so, that I didn't wake up until 4 hours later. And when I finished scrubbing the sleep out of my eyes it was just in time for the last Supper of the evening this June 16th 2020.


Yay! I think I am going to enjoy living a little longer if my daily grind continues like today's.




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Tell me more about this video game you dreamed of.



I don't want to add a spoiler for the dream I had about the video game. If I did someone might take my dream and make a mod. Then when the real deal I dreamed about might appear, come out, from the ethereal plane, I might not realize it's the one I dreamed about.


On the other side of the modding; crafters like you might be making a mod that is playable in a game or even go so far as to create their own video game and become famous. I don't want to ruin your's or anyone else's chances of becoming famous for their mod or video game.


OH! MY! I may have become one of those kinds of people who can see...


No spoiler, nope!





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Well today i am starting a new build for a friend, an old 486 it is, I always wanted to go old school, but the 486 had some really advanced graphics in 3d for its time was never heard of at that level. It was a dream build. Doom.


I mentioned to him i have a 386 working order that's when the deal became legit.


Something like this, parts will be hard become by.



But in our program we will be installing windows 3.1 for even more greater games.


More info here the chips both came out at the same time, but the 486 was capable of so much more.


Edited by niphilim222
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Can't you simply emulate the very old games using a virtual machine instead?

There is no challenge doing it that way. The fun is in finding the parts and getting everything working together. It is like restoring old cars and homes.

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Can't you simply emulate the very old games using a virtual machine instead?

There is no challenge doing it that way. The fun is in finding the parts and getting everything working together. It is like restoring old cars and homes.



All I have to do is go out to the storage room, unwrap it, it's the same kind from the good ol' computer days with one just like it, and plug it in. :mellow:




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