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Thanks! Fellow players. :happy:


THE MONTANA DINOSAUR TRAIL I got started collecting rocks and found myself with no gold or silver. No geodes! Not even one.


But then I found a specimen which led me along the most curiousest of paths. I thought it was the sign of becoming an Archaeologist. No one told me, it was Paleontology. :huh:


A guy named Jack (John R.) Horner made history. Long before he was anymore famous I met him at the Museum in Choteau MT he showed Mom, a brother, and some of their children around and told them about the pale bones and stones with impressions of strange creatures like the one on my rock. He showed us and describe the little museums pale dry stuff. The museum there is about as big as a two rooms in a small apartment duplex. As we were leaving I overheard that he was complaining that the Higher ups were going to take the head of a T-Rex he wanted to set up in the museum in Choteau. They convinced him it would be better in a bigger place.


Known today as "The Museum of the Rockies". He may still be the advisor to Steven Spielberg on dinosaurs for the Jurassic Park movies. After the last movie some people Montana's donated 3 complete T-Rex to MotR. You know that one; in which Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas worked out their relationship? No. Oh well.


After the team at the Museum of the Rockies examined the new and complete T-Rexes. They found that, T-Rex could not run. So the big Tyrannosaurus-Rex had to rely on stealth to catch his breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


Try to imagine a T-Rex trying to hide behind a tree. A BIG TREE!


As for the fact T-Rex was so slow, I'm sure it doesn't matter since the movies directors got a big bang out of it and made the actors Chris Pratt's and Bryce Dallas's day in the theaters. They are all broke now, no, no, I mean their last Jurassic Park movie broke the box offices highest earnings for a weekend showing.


I'd like to know about your states/providences, share your links and such. If I had children I would have enjoyed taking them to a dig, like a quarry, getting them involved in the study of Dino and the Flintstones... NOo no! I mean museums with Paleontology.


Some museums I have been to have a lot of stuff Children find interesting I think is boring, but that's why I like some museums. They have something for the entire family. :happy:

The Museum of the Rockies is my favorite so Far!


While I was aiming my car away from Bozemen, MT toward a far eastern museum along the border of Montana I happened across Grizzly Encounters. I might have a change of venue in my travels. I think I prefer the Living now.


Grizzly Bears!


Oh MY! Next Museum on my Passport, a passport I got at the MotR that is made just for going around to Montana Museums with dinosaurs... Next! Hm?


Thanks again fellow The Last Poster Wins gamers. :D

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No interest in what might be in the attic collecting dust, down in the basement stacked on a shelf in a box, what treasure may be in an old steamer trunk, or ships standing clothes chest, or a chest so big with leather straps and a padlock the size of your fathers fists that might have gold, silver, or jewelry too, no pictures that grab your attention and lift your spirit, or just planes, trains, automobiles, rocket ships?


While the ancient bones of the dinosaur may not be an attraction to draw your attention to the grand times of the Earth's history; there be treasures in every old building, sunken ship out in the sea, under the rolling hills of the sands of the Sahara Desert that appear when the winds of time reveal the past for a time then bury it again like a child looking at their books pictures under the blanket with a flashlight when they are supposed to be sleeping, hiding their favorite story from all of us about another era in time.


The museum is right under our noses, in front of our eyes, we travel through it thinking it is not there, but it is right in front of us, all around us, even in what we believe is Modern day was we walk with our eyes wide open. We are living on a Museum traveling around the Sun, we are archiving it's past.


Places that existed, books that have survived the centuries, and peoples ways of life have been recorded and blended into words and pictures so we see them, even in video games. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim to name a few are filled with books with history, paleontology Wooly mammoths, Sabertooth tigers, and the likes which are all in museums.


We can play with the past in video games, and pretend, feeling like it is all brand new.

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I wanna buy myself an oscilloscope but they're so damn expensive, even those old analog ones from the 60s (that may or may not work) cost quite a bit and most of them don't come with probes so I'd have to buy those separately. In the end I'll probably just go and buy one of those cheap Chinese ones off eBay and hope it works as it should.


And, as always, I win.

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Are you going to hook up the Oscilloscope to your computer and fine tune the computer some way?


I got crafty yesterday. Did some tack work. I put some buttons on a pair of jeans to attach old fashion gentlemens set of six tab; four strap suspenders. From those days when rich men could afford a full suit with a button on collar with a bow tie or tongue tie, a jacket, vest, shirt, socks, long pants, and button top polished leather boots. Wool seemed to be the main cloth used for those all occasions suits.


Mens shirts were made from cotton and were like a curtain. Drop the slacks and the shirt falls down making a nightshirt hanging all the way down to the ankles.


Crafty people made some versatile clothes back in their day.


Oh! And...



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