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Great post Striker!
If you're watching this thread you will have a copy of the post I edited here and deleted; in your message board that is sent to you via email so I won't need to leave it here for anyone to repost in the next post following it in their response.
If you didn't see what I posted here. Too Bad!



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Great post Striker!
If you're watching this thread you will have a copy of the post I edited here and deleted; in your message board that is sent to you via email so I won't need to leave it here for anyone to repost in the next post following it in their response.
If you didn't see what I posted here. Too Bad!






Don't see it in Training Exercises so I guess I'm a snoozer loser. Where there juicy pictures ... film at 11??


Now I'm all pumped to know what I don't know with nowhere to go!! Oooo ... watch Striker go, didn't knoiw you could spin like that!!

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So you know ... could just use an old TV ... notice the static changes as you put different signals across it's display.

A CRT would only serve as a display, I'd have to design and build the circuitry to make it into an oscilloscope which is not an option cause in the end it would still be beaten in every way by a crappy $18 oscilloscope off eBay. So yeah, I'll get a cheap Chinese one until I can afford a real one.

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Great post Striker!
If you're watching this thread you will have a copy of the post I edited here and deleted; in your message board that is sent to you via email so I won't need to leave it here for anyone to repost in the next post following it in their response.
If you didn't see what I posted here. Too Bad!






Don't see it in Training Exercises so I guess I'm a snoozer loser. Where there juicy pictures ... film at 11??


Now I'm all pumped to know what I don't know with nowhere to go!! Oooo ... watch Striker go, didn't knoiw you could spin like that!!



Yesterday there was a guy in a car behind me while I was waiting for the green to go who signed. He had his thumbs pointing to the left and right waving back and forth like he couldn't decide which way to go. Reminded me of older children who were so much older and filled with educations that seem to think I could read their minds. When I was 1 going on 100 years of age. At least that's something like I remember after I heard the words I remember.


Words left me feeling stumped, because they were 5, 8, and 9 year old siblings that loved to display how ignorant they were about what I was trying to convey. Always messed up the fun times we could have had. Just by making the curious babe out to be a fool that should already know. Know what they had already learned about. I should be able to read them via some fantastic mode of communication they thought they shared with me.


I know from times I started a conversation and a person picked up and finished it for me, or vise versa. We had to know something, i.e., before we could understand the body language, before we grasp the meaning between their knowledge swapping lines, blurping, burping, maniac finger swirling, and rolling eyes signs.


Look for a sign from your own past. A sign that may have gotten all the wrong kinds of communications from the many too smart elders.


Find what made you so marveled. What, that, you tried like the dickens to share, and you'll never feel a sense of going nowhere or being lost again! You might even get lucky; dowsing along in your head, you might find a reference that will fill that baby memory gap, that early child discovery fact, that early time with one of those GIANT unknown things that you GAWK at, leaving a seemingly senseless small empty space where no one could help you fill, because of older people making it seem unimportant, in your head.


Maybe a reasonable find; that would even marvel a person with Peter Pan Syndrome!

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Try dowsing around in your abundant memories to see if the past holds a GIANT item you saw when you were so small that no one could answer you well enough to begin to fill your adventurous head with answers leading to a dry well, or was useless to them while in a brainstorm. What else could the reason be I keep on keeping on when I seem to have no reason to be, alive.

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Try dowsing around in your abundant memories to see if the past holds a GIANT item you saw when you were so small that no one could answer you well enough to begin to fill your adventurous head with answers leading to a dry well, or was useless to them while in a brainstorm. What else could the reason be I keep on keeping on when I seem to have no reason to be, alive.


I did try dowsing once, and could not believe that something as inanimate as the dowsing rod could do what it did in my hands (I found the waterline coming into a friends house ... they knew exactly where it was but I didn't, until then).


Yes at times I'm a bit behind the conversation Paga, and I do appreciate your efforts to get me back into sync.


Que sara sara ... and then all that follows.


I am still that youngster marvelling at the wondrous beauty I find around the next corner ... just wrapped up in an older body. The new mixture seems to work for me. Maybe not the same as before but then again, what is the same as before (and wouldn't the same as before just get boring??).

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Try dowsing around in your abundant memories to see if the past holds a GIANT item you saw when you were so small that no one could answer you well enough to begin to fill your adventurous head with answers leading to a dry well, or was useless to them while in a brainstorm. What else could the reason be I keep on keeping on when I seem to have no reason to be, alive.


I did try dowsing once, and could not believe that something as inanimate as the dowsing rod could do what it did in my hands (I found the waterline coming into a friends house ... they knew exactly where it was but I didn't, until then).


Yes at times I'm a bit behind the conversation Paga, and I do appreciate your efforts to get me back into sync.


Que sara sara ... and then all that follows.


I am still that youngster marvelling at the wondrous beauty I find around the next corner ... just wrapped up in an older body. The new mixture seems to work for me. Maybe not the same as before but then again, what is the same as before (and wouldn't the same as before just get boring??).



What I found was probably a simple piece of glass. Smoky, so I couldn't see through it, it was a rectangle, and unbroken. The Razorback Spade I was digging with didn't break it when I jammed the shovels blade into the ground. Seemed like I knew better by the time I was 6 to show off anything that was a mystery to me. Elder Sibling Rivalry and parent's too. Seemed like anything I found that brought their minds out of the slump, that is, everyone living in the house where I grew up, would suddenly make anything thier's. And like Columbus, they planted their flag on the little things I found, like his find on that island East of the USA, in the distance when we might have discovered bigger things.


I am still dowsing in the museums of my own memories. I found the ASTC.org today. Now I have another list to search the Science Tech and other stuff. Maybe another strange piece of glass will be on display. Maybe it's metal?


NO connection just happened again. No connection to anything outside this forums page. AGAIN!


Wow! I'm glad I don't have that piece anymore. Probably got dug up by the new owners of the property and tossed in the trash. I never thought the property would ever get sold.

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It appears that the entire Salt Lake City, Utah, and their Suburbs lost their Wi-Fi services for several minutes. Twice. No towers broadcasts. Only hardwire cable lines weren't affected.


Only know that my Wi-Fi had no SERVICE. Told me to wave the unit around to see if I could find A signal. That 3 times my Wi-Fi system was cut off completely in the last 2 weeks and twice today.

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So you know ... could just use an old TV ... notice the static changes as you put different signals across it's display.

A CRT would only serve as a display, I'd have to design and build the circuitry to make it into an oscilloscope which is not an option cause in the end it would still be beaten in every way by a crappy $18 oscilloscope off eBay. So yeah, I'll get a cheap Chinese one until I can afford a real one.




Not that I really use it all that much, but my father gifted me an oscilloscope he's had for... well, as long as I can remember. Which, consequently makes the thing at least 35 years old. Also gave me his old audio frequency oscillator which is equally as old.

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