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So I was pondering Paga, while messing about in the Striker Manor kitchen (the staff have the rest of their lives off, so I do what I do best ... make messes).


The PB&J are now eaten (one with strawberry, and the halfer with a medley known as orchard berry ... as stand in for the much more coveted blueberry, at a fraction of the price ... such are the compromises of retirement). Your notation of the first sips of the dark black elixir that revs up one's day is what prompted the ponder.


What I wondered is this ... how goes things in the past? I can assure you that here in the future all is well until lunch time, and that second cup is always as delicious as the first.

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Honestly?! Who was up all night preparing for the world turning into the light? As the World Turns!


There is no past, presently. Only now! All my Children!


I've sipped the last of the contents of the cup long ago, because I was up before the worms feared birds would ruin their day. I felt no excited clicks from anyone who had posed their theories to raise my conscious to Star Trek : Where no man has gone before: At 4:00 AM MST or 5:00 AM MDT... Darkness remained and boredom reigned.


How to work the magic? Mom! Why? Son! You've been working the magic for so many years it heats the pot that raised your neural network to such a fine tuned collection of thoughts.


The triangle rotates. As the World Turns.


The mind changes position with the body, the soul residing at a point. All part of the tri and angled to their way to the most prominent position but to no avail, because the triangle isn't on the chalkboard giving the symbol a point above for one of the three to equate as the best of the group.


It's on your drawing table and none of them are higher than you are. Caffeine raised you up and built you a whole new group of brain trained paths so you got to your theater on time to beat the rush.


The sad thing is, you were already at the theater when you drew back the curtain to let the stage lights show you what was already set up. Props, prompting your acting troupe to speak words, and the overhead lights too, where you just chased out the remaining Pigeons last night that nested there while you rested there in the dark after you counted the evenings take and got back from the bank you tried to rob, but it was safe in your safe, in the back room, next to the dressing room, the stage where the sad thing is still there, while you slept you forgot. Yup sad thing is still there on the stage waiting for their lines so the actor can go home and hopefully retire there for all time.



The world is a stage. Isn't it.


Who set it up? I awakened. The actors stretched, got up off their hunches, out of their crouches, and stood. All looked on, hoping that meal in their sight was not just a prop.


No wonder there is no food in sight. Someone ate it all last night. You move on. Redressed, unwrinkled, rehearse, and smooth our minds so the lines we speak for the audience to approve gets a paper plate with yummy food instead of a tossed green salad.


The first to speak says, "Where do you want me?! Here? Over by the door? Where?!"

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Honestly?! Who was up all night preparing for the world turning into the light? As the World Turns!


There is no past, presently. Only now! All my Children!


I've sipped the last of the contents of the cup long ago, because I was up before the worms feared birds would ruin their day. I felt no excited clicks from anyone who had posed their theories to raise my conscious to Star Trek : Where no man has gone before: At 4:00 AM MST or 5:00 AM MDT... Darkness remained and boredom reigned.


How to work the magic? Mom! Why? Son! You've been working the magic for so many years it heats the pot that raised your neural network to such a fine tuned collection of thoughts.


The triangle rotates. As the World Turns.


The mind changes position with the body, the soul residing at a point. All part of the tri and angled to their way to the most prominent position but to no avail, because the triangle isn't on the chalkboard giving the symbol a point above for one of the three to equate as the best of the group.


It's on your drawing table and none of them are higher than you are. Caffeine raised you up and built you a whole new group of brain trained paths so you got to your theater on time to beat the rush.


The sad thing is, you were already at the theater when you drew back the curtain to let the stage lights show you what was already set up. Props, prompting your acting troupe to speak words, and the overhead lights too, where you just chased out the remaining Pigeons last night that nested there while you rested there in the dark after you counted the evenings take and got back from the bank you tried to rob, but it was safe in your safe, in the back room, next to the dressing room, the stage where the sad thing is still there, while you slept you forgot. Yup sad thing is still there on the stage waiting for their lines so the actor can go home and hopefully retire there for all time.



The world is a stage. Isn't it.


Who set it up? I awakened. The actors stretched, got up off their hunches, out of their crouches, and stood. All looked on, hoping that meal in their sight was not just a prop.


No wonder there is no food in sight. Someone ate it all last night. You move on. Redressed, unwrinkled, rehearse, and smooth our minds so the lines we speak for the audience to approve gets a paper plate with yummy food instead of a tossed green salad.


The first to speak says, "Where do you want me?! Here? Over by the door? Where?!"



Ah Paga ... always with the interesting questions. You do know I'm all about questions, don't you?


Arthur C postulated in the year I appeared what would happen when The Nine Billion Names of God were known. I wonder what comes next, after I know the final question I'm expected to know.


To know the unknowable, or question the unquestionable ... always choices, with no obvious answers in sight.


- Edit - I appreciate the nod to my Mom's favourites.


We are all but players without a script, looking for the correct stage door. Could be any door is as good as another, for all plays have the same ending. The applause may differ from one to the other but the curtain falls in any case. Nothing wrong with that.

Edited by Striker879
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Honestly?! Who was up all night preparing for the world turning into the light? As the World Turns!


There is no past, presently. Only now! All my Children!


I've sipped the last of the contents of the cup long ago, because I was up before the worms feared birds would ruin their day. I felt no excited clicks from anyone who had posed their theories to raise my conscious to Star Trek : Where no man has gone before: At 4:00 AM MST or 5:00 AM MDT... Darkness remained and boredom reigned.


How to work the magic? Mom! Why? Son! You've been working the magic for so many years it heats the pot that raised your neural network to such a fine tuned collection of thoughts.


The triangle rotates. As the World Turns.


The mind changes position with the body, the soul residing at a point. All part of the tri and angled to their way to the most prominent position but to no avail, because the triangle isn't on the chalkboard giving the symbol a point above for one of the three to equate as the best of the group.


It's on your drawing table and none of them are higher than you are. Caffeine raised you up and built you a whole new group of brain trained paths so you got to your theater on time to beat the rush.


The sad thing is, you were already at the theater when you drew back the curtain to let the stage lights show you what was already set up. Props, prompting your acting troupe to speak words, and the overhead lights too, where you just chased out the remaining Pigeons last night that nested there while you rested there in the dark after you counted the evenings take and got back from the bank you tried to rob, but it was safe in your safe, in the back room, next to the dressing room, the stage where the sad thing is still there, while you slept you forgot. Yup sad thing is still there on the stage waiting for their lines so the actor can go home and hopefully retire there for all time.



The world is a stage. Isn't it.


Who set it up? I awakened. The actors stretched, got up off their hunches, out of their crouches, and stood. All looked on, hoping that meal in their sight was not just a prop.


No wonder there is no food in sight. Someone ate it all last night. You move on. Redressed, unwrinkled, rehearse, and smooth our minds so the lines we speak for the audience to approve gets a paper plate with yummy food instead of a tossed green salad.


The first to speak says, "Where do you want me?! Here? Over by the door? Where?!"



Ah Paga ... always with the interesting questions. You do know I'm all about questions, don't you?


Arthur C postulated in the year I appeared what would happen when The Nine Billion Names of God were known. I wonder what comes next, after I know the final question I'm expected to know.


To know the unknowable, or question the unquestionable ... always choices, with no obvious answers in sight.



The answer to the first who asks is not here, there, or anywhere. She's your wife you two do it everywhere because you expanded and had children it seems almost a fright, but you go on with it anyway. Until the caffeine runs it's full course and then. One Step Beyond is what the soul chooses. Then you sail away because you are the soul and all the clothes you put on all go back where they belong, including the body you now have on. Before you leave the body and takes flight to the place where you play while the body spends some time in suspended animation, you take one last look back into the empty theater and wonder...


Will your play be as good or better than it was last?


The soul raises me from my suspended animation state and loudly speaks. I sure hope so! Or I will come to life and demand my money back. :laugh:

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Curtains! niphilim222 is on the forum now! What part or computer thrill has it counting on amusing himself with now?!


Niph had a quick peek last night, but I think he may prefer non-snakey environments.


Yes the play must go on, whether with wife, without wife or without ex-wife (did I mention that I gave all the staff the rest of their lives off ... oh yes, I believe I did).


In the heat of the summer, when finally ready for bed I often note that I'm wearing that same outfit I arrived in. Good thing it grows on you ... eh?

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Curtains! niphilim222 is on the forum now! What part or computer thrill has it counting on amusing himself with now?!


Niph had a quick peek last night, but I think he may prefer non-snakey environments.


Yes the play must go on, whether with wife, without wife or without ex-wife (did I mention that I gave all the staff the rest of their lives off ... oh yes, I believe I did).


In the heat of the summer, when finally ready for bed I often note that I'm wearing that same outfit I arrived in. Good thing it grows on you ... eh?





Ah! The thing that grows on us. That birthday suit. Mine just burped. So close to the adult life I became. Never to praise the heavens for a child. Such wondrous powers drove me so to get into that lane where families are from and be one with them all.


Orphaned by the failure of knowing when, or maybe not having the seed. What matters is that this " ? " is there. It always ends begging the answer to a question.


And for a time I will seek to spell out what I have wondered about which I still think is worth churning up something worth learning about.


Even while the doors of doubt close and open to let me see in where the dreamers dream and winners weep I will never find a place among them to sleep. Doubt always raises my early memories of being a child when I could not stretch my legs to go face the world and see where I have yet to have seen.


Doubt keeps screaming you're old, YOU ARE OUT. So I am, while the other players replay the games in their minds and their bodies wrinkle like prunes and stoop so low, I still have a quest.

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