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I felt sorry for Oblivionaddicted's poor pooch. After I read his post I cried tears for family who have gone before me, people I knew who I haven't seen or heard from in years and was friends with for a time, and all my pets. 1 fish, several dogs of different breeds, a crow I found with a broken wing I tended and tried to get help to mend it, and several cats. I started to feel real low.


I thought of all those people I remember fondly and spent the rest of the time clearing the walk of snow while thinking about them. I spent the afternoon feeling like an empty shell. I tried to find something to raise my spirit. The house started feeling cold even while it was warm.


I started to feel realities chill.


I felt the bitter touch of deaths cold bite.


I got some thing to feed it.


I am warm again.


I feel all better.



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I had a dog once, rocky was his name oh, a mix breed.. Kind and gentle...




I have been so busy modding Skyrim, also I'm getting silky smooth fps even with 310 mods active. That legacy of the dragonborn dlc takes allot of patches to get it working well with all them mods..

Edited by niphilim222
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I feel sorry for you Paga.


I supposed you missed him very much when he died niphilim.



My dog's disease worsened so much he became bedridden and died today. We spent 12 years together and he had a happy life but still it's always hard to know he's dead.

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I suffered a lot more when my pets died. Because all the people I knew only visited to pick my property clean of anything they could sell at the pawn shop. Because I kept finding things that I had for a week or two at a local pawn shop one year I started buying everything from the pawn shop from then on. After I bought all the stuff from the pawn shop that was already pawned by someone else, instead of at the big shopping malls, nothing I purchased was ever stolen again.


I also learned who my real friends were. I miss George, a duckling I won at the fair; George, a mud turtle I found in the mud where a pond appeared shortly after as Spring arrived, I miss, Curious George, a mrs. Curious George, two guinea pigs I was given that had a litter while I was with my parents at a PTA meeting at the school; I miss my pigeons that I caught one by one with a box, a stick, and string; I realize Mom made Chicken Noodle Soup one day, when we didn't have any chickens. Ah the list goes on and on. The animals that lived a full life with me I miss even more.


I miss all the pets I had because they, at least stayed around with me through the hardest times of my life. Now that I am out front and dying to live just another moment every moment... I'll probably not have any friends here for long.


When my time truly arrives I'll probably find out in the afterlife if pets go to heaven. I'm pretty sure I won't find any of the people who befriended all my new stuff and sold it to the pawn shop at 20% of it's original value. Unless I end up in the same place they all went. But then, I'll just have to wait and find out if not being adoring of any invisible beings that seem so swell people hope they are good enough to go to their realm some day.


Maybe I won't die? Then what?!


I know! I'll continue to buy video games, because I know the money supports such creative people whose imagination and story making for such are as amazing as Nature's duplicity habits of modding are. :yes:

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Recalling the pain, recalling the human buddies, and the kind of problems that ruined our friendship, and learning that our dreams of being pals forever, marrying our sweetheart, raising children, and having a long life with a good job didn't happen.


Strange how the dream kept me mystified and never occurred. Trying to reason with it, trying to do whatever it takes to get what seems in reach, and having some pet friends along the way that seemed to give me a different sense about real life.


One time I was standing outside back of a house I was renting. I saw some clouds stretching north to south as far as I could see coming in from the west. They looked like a wave rolling in on a beach. Green up to the white caps. It was so different. Green glowing clouds.


The way they reminded me of an ocean wave kept me gawking at them. It was so strange and beautiful. I kept looking up at the clouds. They got closer. A white barn cat that adopted me came around to where I was standing. She started rubbing around my ankles. She did a figure eight and broke off heading for the back door. I still stood there. I was wondering why she acted the way she did. She came back as I was thinking. I looked up at the clouds again. They were getting closer.


She rubbed around my ankles again. Again she went to the back door of house. I decided she must just want to get in. I stepped around the corner, walked over, and opened the back door. She and a male cat that I got from the pound bolted inside. I stepped inside and turned to close the door. As I closed the screen door 1 inch size hail stones started falling from the sky.


If it hadn't been for that white female barn cat the hail might have bruised me.


Thanks to her I didn't get clobbered by a bunch of hail that got to be bigger than golf balls after a short time. They came from the cloud that looked like a green wave rolling in onto an ocean beach.


I called her Sparky! She got skin cancer from too much Sun. The vet said that often happens to white cats.


Even the male she always fought with for position when we got comfortable on the lounge chair to watch television. Top Cat, I called him Top Cat after that cartoon cat of the same name.


Yeah! Sorry about your pal Rocky.


Yeah. Our dead pets Win today!

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