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Hello all. I am new here. I am from the Official TES forums. I am arranging a TES convention in July '06. We are discussing where at the moment. You can discuss the thread http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.p...00#entry3177303


though i'll be talking about it here as well. We are discussing Maryland, that of course being Beth's hometown. If you are able to go, mail me at [email protected] or perhaps you could talk about it at the thread in question?


It has 100 people interested at the time I post this.

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Cool. Too bad I'm a UK lad else I'd be ordering the tickets now. :D


Hope the organising goes well for you, I don't doubt you'll get the numbers you need. Good luck, and welcome to the forums.

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I did notice that the line 'all expenses covered' had been omitted. If bird flu is rampant I might get so desperate that I have to go to Maryland for some chicken (chicken Maryland anyone?). Otherwise I fear the costs outweigh the benefits!
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There is another idea for Europe. Last time I was there Netherlands were winning.


Yeah, UK wasn't even allowed a vote because it doesn't have a "central location" in Europe...didn't make sense to me.

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I would be very interested in it except the fact that I live in Michigan and I'm 16. Having a job and school makes it difficult to go to Maryland and even harder for england, so I will just have to keep up with it online. Sounds like a great idea though!
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Sounds like a great idea but me like adras am only sixteen and live in new york. Specificly Long Island. So with school and all that I will have difficulty. Perhaps you can move it to New York City. I can hoop on a train and get a ride to the city for $15-$10. Forgot how much it was. Well anyway good luck with your idea.


I have to go to Maryland for some chicken (chicken Maryland anyone?)


Huh??? I'm not that much of a lover for chicken but doesn't Kentucky the chicken state.

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