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Increasing Battle times


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Is there any mod or ini. change that can allow battles to last longer? for instance, fighting one enemy will take twice as long to kill due to higher hp,defence, resistance or whatever. I know raising the difficulty bar does this but their attacks raise to bringing 1 or 2 hit kills (even when blocked).

I just enjoy longer battles along with adrenaline oblivion to add alot more spawns making it a 1 vs a small army battle. also wondering if theres a way to increase spawns more than adrenaline?

thanks in advance :thanks:

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depends on what you want when you say "longer"


look up bullet time if you want everything to go in slow motion while you hack things apart. if you want the lethality of your game to be increased (thus increasing the monster health, damage, and defense) then get an overhaul, like FCOM. I use both

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I meant longer as in health, Frans mod changes too much for me and OOO is VERY hard at level 7 (where im at) I just want enemies to be able to take more hits, like giving them double health or something and nothing else. no added attack power. another possibilty would be resist damage 50% on everyone if thats possible.


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