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In response to post #13055143. #13098298 is also a reply to the same post.

It happens to every game I remember when oblivion and skyrim went through the same deal. A game developer could make one of the best games rpg vs rpg / mmo vs mmo it doesn’t matter ppl will bash it, Its an unrelenting cycle of nonsense. I tend to make my own opinion on playing any game not hearing what someone thinks specially people thats never played it. At the end of the day an opinion is just an opinion just because some dislikes a game doesn’t justify that everyone will dislike it. Edited by Bloodinfested
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I've played a of MMO's and believe me his assessment from the beta's that I played are spot on, although I would liken this game to a GW2.5 game it's virtually a clone of gw2, with some WoW and warhammer thrown in. Pvp is exactly like Gw2 as well, the rolling/dodge system=gw2. There was no innovation in this game what so ever, forget the bugs, that's not even a factor here, the deal is they are duping people into believing and paying for a ES game and they are going to be very disappointed. I give it 8 months f2p or less, I only gave SWTOR 6 months I was a couple off on that one, don't want to make the same mistake twice, SWTOR another game that plays on the Star wars name vs. generic MMO with different WoW skins.

Edited by Thandal
Removed unnecessary vulgarity.
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In response to post #13055143. #13098298, #13108798 are all replies on the same post.

Boomer I couldn't agree more. I have played the beta 5 times, hoping that it would be better each time, and it didn't. I didn't play on the 6th time I was invited. The bugs were fine, its a beta, I didnt care. But just the gameplay... It didn't live up to my expectations.

My expectations aren't "Skyrim Multiplayer" or anything like that, my expectations was a decent Elder Scrolls game. How often do we get a ES title? Not very often. And it made me very sad that work was being put on this game. The game is okay, but it should not even be mentioned with different elder scrolls titles. This game is a money farm, that will die out very fast. The one thing I love about TESV, is that they promise quality for your money. I have not been dissapointed with any purchase I have made from Bethesda, still happily playing skyrim, but for them (Yes I know, Zenimax) to make a game like this, and charge 15 a month WITH the 60 up front is terrible. Should be none up front and 5 a month. The PvE is tedious, especially trying to cooperate with randoms, and it runs out of fun by level 10, and by that time you have PvP, which is indeed pretty good, but it is this games only saving grace, and it won't last people for very long.
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In response to post #12991213. #13034998 is also a reply to the same post.

I could sit here and write a wall of text about how stupid you are but im just gonna point out a few that even a 6yo would know why the system is the way it is.


edit: You don't get to insult other members of this site...ever. Perhaps you should take some time and read the Terms of Service of this site instead. Formal warning issued.~Lisnpuppy

1: "Kill and fetch quests that feel exactly like WoW"

Hate to be the bringer of bad news but these quests have been in every rpg/game that i know of. hell one of the very first quests in skyrim is to go find a Dragonstone map and guess what? BRING IT BACK. need i say more? ( I guess Skyrims just a clone of WoW)

2:" Nothing about this game is even slightly immersive"

Again even a 6yo can do the math on this one... 1000 people 10 chairs hmm i wonder why you have to do /sitchair. i know maby they can add 1000 chairs in a circle around a camp fire that should make you happy.

2: "6-hour day and night cycles"

Do you even know what MMO stands for? Im pretty sure EVERYONE knows why this is but i guess not you... ( Hint! It has to do with everyone dosnt live in the same country) See if you can work it out.

3: "Everything else sucks too"

This made my laugh the most.... so let me get this straight you want to buy a horse then when you get off it it stay right where you left it? I wonder how that would work when u have 1000+ horses all standing in a forest /main city. ( Can you open skyrim and spawn 1000 horses and 1000 NPCs and let me know what happens?)

I could keep going but im off to play Dota sorry.

p.s. I didnt even get to talk about the whole dragging bodies around but ill just copy past this... u get the idea ( Can you open skyrim and spawn 1000 horses and 1000 NPCs and let me know what happens?) Dont forget to kill them all

Edited by Lisnpuppy
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In response to post #13055143. #13098298, #13108798, #13287898 are all replies on the same post.

Well, I was responding to Boomer0901. I don't normally post here (As in I've never posted here.) But I've played both WoW (Not for long, it's hard for me to stay in an MMO) and I've been playing the Beta for this game for awhile as well.

From Beta until now there's been several changes done, and I'm speaking within the last two months of beta testing, not the years worth you've claimed.

I don't use magic, nor do I use arrows, I tend to use blades as I have in every Elder Scrolls I've played, so I can't comment on the infinite arrows. However, I can state that the battle is, in no way, the same as WoW. Wow you have very little control of how you attack, it's an automatic method based of speed, and so on. Yet, you can't block, dodge, roll, attack from the rear, and so on that game.

In this one? Oooooh yes. Very much so. So the whole 'To those who say they've played wow and didn't like it but love ESO are the ones full of s***." They're not, in anyway, full of s#*!, as you so eloquently put it.

There is a severe, and heavy, difference between turned based combat and, as I like to call it, Zelda combat. You've the ability to fight normally, and hey, as money comes in, and time goes on, I'm pretty sure they'll start upgrading the items.

Still, you've a right to your OPINION. However, I'd rather not be told I'm full of s#*! because I can see a difference in a combat system that you can't. Suppose the next time I block on time, then slam a blade into my dazed opponent, before rolling away from a hammer... I'll remember it's the exact same as WoW, eh?

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For all those people who want to believe you get the same freedom in modding TES:O as you do with a single player game like Oblivion or Skyrim, that's a N.O. The only thing you will be able to do is replacers. Armor, weapon, Body, Animation and UI. And don't expect to add stats on the armor or weaons. And don't expect anyone else to see your modded stuff. You can only view it. And it replaces everyone elses. You don't have the same freedom to mod a MMO game like you do with a single player game. Remember that. Coming from a oldschool MMO player. And no I don't play that TES:O garbage. It's the biggest pyramid scam yet. Edited by smellytoes
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