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If you could mod the real world in a smaller way


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How would you mod the real world if you could do so in not too large a way?


for example, a new island

or a new kind of wonderful drink

of a new source of clean electricity for the world



I would like to create a mod that would have the production of cheap, very efficient solar power panels with built in efficient, light rechargeable battery capacity. Could go into roofs of houses, cars etc. Could even be made into beach umbrellas, pool covers, footpaths, etc.


I would like a mod that would create antigraivity generators for transporation, space travel, lifting habitations into the sky, cleaning skyscrapers etc.


I would like a mod that made virtual reality a wonderful fully effective and cost effective reality.

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Hack it so that I can mod it in a larger way... Then do whatever the heck I felt like. Some good, some bad, some simply because I can. So long as everything wasn't stuck to a single time line, and I could go back and undo/change anything after the point where I had obtained such powers, I'd mostly make the world my own little sandbox and do whatever entertained me. Probably why I haven't been promoted to demi-god yet. What good are powers if you don't abuse them, get bored, and then try to make some order from the mess you started? Presumably, it's worked well enough for atleast one deity (don't need to discuss which, just think about it).
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if I could mod it one way,I'd make space travel and planet colonization a reality


Shoot, I also had that idea... umm, I better come up with something new... hmmm...


I'd spice up the world with a bit more magic... along with the space travel.

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try an add better AI
Better yet, make them nicer to me (like giving a billion dollar, or maybe ten ?).


Also set day longer than night, set saturday ten times longer.


If you ould mod the world, why make people GIVE it to you, when you can just make it appear?


I dunno... Add loads of FOODZ to Africa and houses, get rid of the guns in Africa and then... CRAP the constructtion set CRASHED!?!?


Naa, all of the above, oh and make myown sevant/butler.

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