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Spear and Javelin Mod [WIP]


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God damn. The more I see this the more hype I get. Literally the only character I have ever really wanted out of any game is a spear + shield archetype. For some reason it just doesn't happen in video games.


It's a lot to ask, but could you post some sort of road map of what you're working on. I'd like to be able to see the progress of your work and relatively how well it's going. It's always looked like you have working features that are roughly release-ready, which obviously isn't true. I'm curious how much work you have left to do.


I'm also shocked you haven't asked for help with regards to any trivial work. This seems like a big project to undertake by yourself, especially with all the hype surrounding it. No pressure, right? Let us know if you need help with any trivial less skill-intensive work, I'm sure some people with a bit of free time would be glad to pitch in to see this mod come to fruition.

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I play almost exclusively as a melee character, but I've always wanted a javelin mod to take down archers, mages, or to hunt food. Especially though if they have pesky melee friends blocking the way. Ideally, I would like to 1 or 2 shot them (with a good shot) before getting overwhelmed. I have some suggestions that could hopefully give you ideas.


1.) Increase the weight.

Perhaps at least 10 units? Hopefully you won't have to debuff the javelins too much if you can't carry so many to begin with.


2.) Increase the difficult of use

Maybe make the equipping/throwing animation a little longer so one can't spam throw javelins. Javelins historically have a short range so if this mod includes that, it further adds the difficulty and if moreso with a moderate length animation.


High risk/High reward


Good hunting!

Edited by Guest
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lpdude690 watch soolies 2nd teaser. im not sure but looked like the javelins have not that big range. maybe soolie was just using aimbot. i remember a scene where he killed some bandits on a high bridge and the physics of the spear were quite heavy.


well to the thing about difficaulty of usage ...


for casuals (including me) aiming with vanilla bow + arrow is hell, specially if target is in move (flying drakes) and i play 60+ fps


would be cool if javelin would be like the arrow + bow one (ofc different look but same mechanic): the longer you "load" the better the dmg and accuarity

Edited by Koolschrank
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That's awesome! I would suggest taking out any slashing animation, making the movements less extravagant, and making the attacks chain better. Also, if you can, you should try to make an optional file that replaces power attacks with a style switch, using the same command as a power attack, to an overhead style which would increase your base damage and ignore most armour, but in turn, decrease your armour rating and blocking ability.

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Unfortunately I don't have time to ramble on and on about this at the moment, but you should be able to tell what I'm making from the video :tongue:



Please leave any comments you may have, and also let me know if you have any ideas for this :smile:




(no this isn't just a 2 handed weapon with default animations)

(no this does not replace your normal 1 handed weapon animations)

(yes the spears and javelins do have unique animations :D )





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hmm don't know if someone suggested that before


but in another mod there's a spell (talon strike) that has range/damage ration you know the more range the more damage type thing


can this be implemented here with consideration that this is a javelin not a spell of course

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