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PC Graphics are getting better and better.


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to tell you the truth it dosent take much to run crysis or oblivion, or fallout 3, or any game for that matter a max settings, if you have at least a decent pc, you should be able to play anything,
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Game developers focus too much on graphics these days and not enough on gameplay in itself. For example, Deus Ex is an old legendary game that has rather stone age 3D graphics... Yet people still buy it.. Why? Because of the gameplay in itself, Deus Ex was and still is one of the most innotive and original games ever created, not because of its graphics.
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Well, you've got developers that create games and developers that create game engines. They are rarely the same people. To me, the Crysis stuff is all just tech demos of what can be done to get other developers to license the engine. I really like how the Crytech engine renders graphics to keep gameplay fluid and if your PC can keep up, it will deliver better graphics...if it cannot, you get the lower-res versions.


But the combination of today's stuff is not what excites me. The power of the graphics cards getting to the point where you can have games / movies show realtime action with the quality of todays Pixar renderings. One of these days, we will get the quality of "The Matrix" where you are running around in an artificial environment that looks like it was filmed in a real location. That's the day I'm looking forward to...gimmie the blue pill and plug me into the Matrix!!!



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  pwnedbyscope said:
to tell you the truth it dosent take much to run crysis or oblivion, or fallout 3, or any game for that matter a max settings, if you have at least a decent pc, you should be able to play anything,

Uh, fallout 3 and crysis couldn't be at more opposite ends of the spectrum. Fallout 3 and oblivion are piss easy to run on nearly anything. Playing Crysis with a decent frame rate and resoloution takes above standard hardware. High settings shouldn't be a problem for most decent computers but very high is still a beast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally, I like PC games with great graphics, however, I agree that game-makers should focus a little less on graphics and more again on gameplay and things like that. Take vanilla Oblivion for example: It's mainly a great game on the surface, but delve a little further into the game itself and you'll see it's quite flawed. There are ridiculous "super-physics" deaths, enemies stuck behind walls that all of a sudden appear from behind that wall right in front of your face, or sometime lame (IMO) talking gestures or head bobbing, and lots of bugs that cause crashing.


The graphics are great, but if you are very picky with your game, (like I can be) you may be turned off by the issues, regardless of the graphics (Thank god for OB mods). I'm aware that there will always be flaws in games, but I'm seeing more of them in modern games than in older ones running in their normal environments (XP games in XP and DOS games in DOS).


And finally, there's only so far you can go with graphics till it feels like real-life or so, and not so much as a game where you can go and truly forget about the cares of life, even if for only an hour. Graphics are good, but relativelyflawless gameplay is better.

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Oblivion with the graphics of Crysis?

Who says that wasn't possible... I thought everyone had seen this vid by now...

This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by ZeniMax Media Inc.

---edit after taking a look around I saw Zenimax trew their hand in the video running oblivion on the crytec engine..

So It would be unwise of me to include any links to videos of it here. A site called veoh still has it in a low quality.

It doesn't run as smooth as it should be, the one on youtube was stunning. But as I said, I'm not providing any links.


It think Oblivion was good at his day in graphs and ai. But we don't accept these things today (3 years later)... :).

I hope a next one would focus on both sides. I want a stunning ai, but I want also to be unable to run its graphics on max upon its release :).

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