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No, I'm not signed up for enough b.s. on the internet already.


We have to deal with this b.s. all the time, I don't want to become a member of your stupid site just to download a SINGLE FILE


Why is it so important to have to register an account to download anything? WHY do I have to do this? I'll be quite angry if I start receiving a bunch of b.s. emails from this site because I'm now a member, I have enough junk mail to deal with without needing yet another subscription to a website I'm probably never, ever going to revisit. In fact, I barely even know where I am and if the activation link didn't bring me here I would've never found it.


I guess that's all I need to say.

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Your email address will now be inundated with spam mail; normally of the ilk of penis enlargement, breast enlargement and sex drive related products. Have a great day.


But in all seriousness:


  • Security/Ease of denying access to trouble users
  • Bandwidth leeching protection
  • User monitoring
  • Incentive to use the forums/comment/rating system
  • My own ego-stroking personal satisfaction

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  Dark0ne said:
  • My own ego-stroking personal satisfaction




< sarcasm > I wonder if I'm the only one who has ever thought of the brilliant idea of having one email address for serious things and another for junk mail and signing up for things. < /sarcasm >


Seriously though, I'm signed up with my main address here and I don't receive messages. Even if I did I think they'd be account related and not junk.

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Well, this person can rest assured that beyond the verification email, not a single email will show up in his mailbox that he did not explicitly ask for...meaning if he never uses this site again, this site will never send him an email.


The only emails I get are notifications that I have a PM (which can be disabled) and notifications that somebody replied to my topic (which I specifically had to subscribe to AND enable in my profile...both of which can be turned off at any time)


And no, you do not have to be signed up to download a single file...you can actually download hundreds of files without ever logging in....so long as they are under 2MB in size. ;)


And as previously mentioned, people should learn how to NEVER submit their primary email address to anywhere on the Internet. I actually stopped using my ISP-Provided email address and use a GMail account as my primary mailbox. I also have a hotmail account that I use for any place that requires my email address to be handed out. The hotmail account is also configured to not allow any messages through unless they are on my safelist (a pure whitelist-only mailbox). When I expect an email to arrive, I look through the Junk Mail filter to find it and mark it safe if necessary or simply click the activation link in it and continue on my marry way.


So, let me summarize my email accounts for you:


1. My ISP-provided email: NEVER USE

2. My Workplace email: I NEVER hand out to anyone that is not directly related to my business.

3. My GMail account: Primarily used for friends, family and contracting.

4. My Hotmail account: Primarily used for subscriptions and passing out to places that require a valid email.

5. My Yahoo account: A backup mail account in case my GMail account goes away (anything's possible)



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if you are going to the nexus for ONE file, you need help

you could make an entirely new game with all the mods out there

ive downloaded over 2 hundred by now (alot of which didnt work, required si and i didnt notice, or i didnt use much)

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