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Vote for the MOD you want, and I'll build it.


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Hey! Need some help here! So I just just got done fixing all the bugs in my last mod and looking for a new project. What do you think would be most popular? I already have 70% of the scripts done for the following.


Problem - Potion spamming ruins the game -See Here-

Solution - Realistic Potion Making

* Requires a bottle to create a potion. Hardcore would require water as well

* When you drink a potion, you get a bottle back

UPDATE: While everyone was voting... I might of sort of accidentally of built the potion one... It was really buggin me! You can get it here.

Problem - Horse can run.... forever. Ya, thats dumb.

Solution - "Insert some creative horse mod title"

* Horse running = horse stamina drain, Horse Sprinting = real fast stamina drain

* Horse stamina hits 0 = Horse doesn't want to run

* Force a "untrained" horse to do something he doesn't want to do, and he will buck you off

* Force a "trained" horse to do somthing it doesn't want to do, and you might kill em.

* Horse Stamina level depends on how often you ride him. i.e. ride him often and he will be able to take you far, leave him in a field for days, and good luck getting him to run from Riverwood to Whiterun.

Problem - Who lit the fires in the caves and ruins? Why do they never go out?

Solution - Douse that Flame!

* ANY fire now has to be cared for. It will go out if there isn't anyone around.

* Player can extinguish and start any fire in Skyrim. Ever wanted to turn off the lights for a sneak kill? Embershard Mine? By the lever that makes the bridge drop? I HATE that light!

* All fires in caves/ruins that have no owner will be out by default. Player can light them.

* Fire's in bandit camps will eventually die once the bandits are dead.

* Townspeople will extinguish the fires in their homes before leaving for the day.

Edited by Zefire89
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My vote is for Douse That Flame!


What i would really like to see is something to where all the torches were unlit, and you'd have to use the torch you're carrying to ignite them. Ideally you could just walk by them and have your torch make contact with the torch, brazier, etc. for them to light, but an activator would work if need be. This would be awesome in places infested with draugr/skeletons since they sure arent going to maintain a fire, but in inhabited areas it would make since that they were already lit if the living were wandering around.

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Douse that flame = 4 corn = 1


@tx12001 Your right... Think I'm going to take all the perishables out too. :smile:

@Ashengrace - The alpha does what you're describing. You can go up the the flame... on the stand thing....whatever that's called.... and activate it to extinguish it. The flame dies and the lights go out, but the embers still glow for a few more hours after. To relight it, you bash it with a torch or blast it with flames. Once lit, the area lights back up again.

Edited by Zefire89
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