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this game, beyond one of the most awesome games ever. if not the best.

but omfg the crashing. :wallbash:


i could deal with the crashing in vats and the slow slowness due to my processor being a piece of *CENSORED*

but this is ridiculous


recently (yesterday) it began to crash before even loading. i load a savegame and kablam crash. im running the game in 800x600 windowed mode with medium texture qual and low low fading. even though when the game detects my hardware it says i can run high quality.


ive been all over the internet trying to find a fix but short of people telling me to "get a better Processor" i found very little.

windowed mode sorted out alot of my crashing problems and quite frankly i dont mind low qual gaming, im used to n64 and below lol.


some of the crashing issues are to do with my proc' but this with the crashing on loading cant be. it was running fine up until yesterday, i can start new games but it dare'nt crash or ill have to start again. its like, the crash corrupt ALL of my saves. ffs.


and the inevitable is here.


my specs

please dont be like the others and tell me to get a new Proc. people with 2.0 and 3.0 dual cores are having the same problem.


Windows XP Home SP3

AMD SEMPRON 3000+ 1.8ghz

nVidia GEForce 8600 GT . driver is out of date, newest one mucks up PC

Realtek AC97 sound card (i think) Driver is out of date. cant find latest.

1022MB ram +512x2 i believe

80GB+ HDD space.


the game version is




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Well, I think your RAM is probably more likely a culprit than your CPU, but yeah you should probably have a better one than that. Plus, I seem to recall the game doesn't like that sound card. On the plus side, you have a better video card than I do (7600 GT).



really? because it says 1gb ram on the case and i have a bit more than that.

well if im honest thats the most help help ive had on any forum.


im gonna update my videocard again anyways, problem there was that all of my icons had like white pixels behind them and color gradients were all levelled, light, darker, darker still as opposed to smooth.

hence why i uninstalled.

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fallout needs 2gigs of ram or better to run because it has a memory leak


try this


I know I haven't made many posts on here but I do believe I may have found a fix for the possible "memory leak" style problem in fallout 3?!


As you can see from my sig my pc is more than capable of running F3 however after 10-30mins of silky smooth gameplay, bit longer if I turned the eye candy down I would start to get a serious drop in FPS, to the point where it was unplayable.


Up til now I have just been "Alt + Tabbing" out then back into the game and this solved it for another 10mins or so.


Anyway got tired of this so I've been doing loads of reading up on the net and found it could be a problem with certain Audio/Video codecs. So I've uninstalled K-Lite, Codecs for Windows and another one (basically no codec packs installed now), the problem has been completely irradicated, the game is now running super smooth 100% of the time (over 3 Hours), thats at 1920x1200 on ultra settings.


i would try this myself


Turn Off AntiAliasing. It causes slowdowns and crashes. The latest patch doesnt fix it.


also this


I had big drops with AA enabled. Try turning it off and see how that goes


For what its worth, I have recent versions of K-Lite and ffdshow installed, they dont interfere with the game at all


one other thing Look for a new driver for your 3d card this will help no end

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fallout needs 2gigs of ram or better to run because it has a memory leak


try this


Anyway got tired of this so I've been doing loads of reading up on the net and found it could be a problem with certain Audio/Video codecs. So I've uninstalled K-Lite, Codecs for Windows and another one (basically no codec packs installed now), the problem has been completely irradicated, the game is now running super smooth 100% of the time (over 3 Hours), thats at 1920x1200 on ultra settings.


i would try this myself


Turn Off AntiAliasing. It causes slowdowns and crashes. The latest patch doesnt fix it.



AA is off and AF

i kinda use the codecs tbh i watch movies n junk on my pc so i need them but for fallout. its worth a shot.

if anything ill just re-install the codecs..



also why would they put on the box 1GB ram required? thats annoying.




one of my many problems was caused because of a mod and a utility..


i have some mods and the fallout mod manager.

one of the mods disables live. and it just so happens for some reason i have two versions of fallout. :blink:


FOMM launches a FOSE version? no live enabled.

and the normal shortcut launches the standard live enabled version..

so when i try to load a savegame from Standard FO3 with FOSE it crashes. madness i tell you.

and visa versa.


so that sort of fixes that problem it still Fudges up now and again.


now we still have the problem of it crashing. i can deal with this however even though its a pain in the butt.



so i guess im still open to suggestions to fix that.

unfortunately for me i can only save for one expensive thing at a time. so im gonna get my new amplifier before a new computer.



thankyou both.


again anybody else can halep meh plz?

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Jesus you guys have more psychosis about this than I do



and heck I'm bi-polar.




I wouldn't say your hardware is a issue perse, Fallout 3 has been known to not like overclocking or even overclocking ram timing

But that being said I've never had a problem with overclocking an there's not really a reason that your CPU wouldn't be able to keep up

Now would it work better on a core 2 duo or some CPU with 2 actual cores not one core with 2 threads (hyper-threading) Yes it would

In fact it was built to run on multi cores.


Short of hearing popping static noises, nothing you have said makes me thing that this is a CPU issue, even still there are more pressing issues

which would or would not effect what you are talking about, but would for sure effect the big picture of how well it runs



1. Fallout doesn't need 2Gb of ram, at the most it's just going to use about 1Gb, but there are settings and tweeks with just the people

with low memory in mind inside the tweek guide, http://www.tweakguides.com/Fallout3_1.html It is a valid point an arguement though

only in the aspect of how much the operating system requires for memory then fallout taking a big chunk of that, however the amount of

ram windows uses is totally tweekable, in the form of turning off services, to ending process via task master, process priority, or even

shutting down the windows shell completely when a game is launched via software that does so an restores the windows shell afterwards

the modern day run your games in DOS 3.1, WE <3 the 80's...


2. Alt tab an the task manager as a way to enter the desktop post fallout.exe running is a totally bad idea, if it does work

and it will only work for certian users systems, also sounds like yet another chance to promote coruption as well as rendering glitches.

The fact that in the actual read me for fallout 3 it states that alt tab causes issues, I'll never have a reason to.

a reboot of the system will do more than a alt tab would, also entering the fallout3launcher.exe in order to refresh grapics settings

can fix cpu issues, but at the cost of messing up your amount of decals from the fallout.ini (just refresh the .ini)



3.It's not AA or AF, It's that Fallout 3's version of AA an AF is wack, low settings yeild low quality and bad performance, while medium/high settings

yeild somewhat the quality we are after but at a performance cost that will almost certianly bring your game to a screeching halt. This isn't even a issue, turn AA an AF to off (performance) via the fallout3launcher.exe, and then visit your nivida control panel, or whatever ATI calls it

then force AA an AF by the setting "override any application setting" for AA an set AA an AF to whatever you want, for one I can run SLI 32XQ AA an 16X AF without any performance drop this way, chaos from the wastes suggests that a 16XQ AA and 8X AF would have more performance

However just the fact that you can pick a higher setting than you would inside fallout3launcher.exe without getting a performance drop should

be enough to make you try it, despite most grapics cards control panels an drivers having supercharged AA settings like 8XQ, 16XQ, 32XQ

or the SLI 8XQ SLI 16XQ, SLI 32XQ variants, but it only works on fallout 3, like GTA IV doesn't like forced AA at all


Note * (sometimes fallout 3 won't like forced AA the first time you load up fallout 3 with it, seems limited to when you pick max settings)

But oh well just reboot or reload fallout 3 an things go back to normal. SLI 32XQ AA is so sweet, an I only have 8800 GT's



4. Strange things can happen with flashing things, like clutter or the distant LOD, the refreshing the settings via the fallout3launcher.exe

seems to help, by picking the presets, like low med high ultra, I usually pick ultra an anyone with a 8 series card should as well, then back the settings down to 3/4 or halfway, go fix your fallout.ini which got messed up maybe, then enter the game which the flashing is gone now




5.You can have a operating system that needs a reboot, also a bad load up of fallout 3, random problems, it's because it's a huge game.



6. there is also priority mode, which there isn't really a easy way to up the priority for fallout 3, you would need a command line or software

which would do it for you.




7. If your desktop is too big then a crash upon exit of fallout is almost certian, you can check the size of your desktop by going to

documents and settings/ user name/ desktop then check the file size, Anything over 500K is going to start getting toward the

I exit I lock up fallout with a windows warning, which if you ask me is another way to promote coruption


For the matter, I don't have a screensaver, if I want one I just pick it an preview, then don't apply it, I don't have a background

I don't have any real data stored on the desktop (therefore inside the username/desktop folder) On my desktop I have only links

anything as far as raw data gets put on a folder on C:/





8. me making a funny face at GSmanners :P :/ :-| :-\ :o :O :P





9. I believe the vast amount of your problem is in the fix I spam across the forum like no tomarow, see below







Man I just trolled someone with the same problem, how lucky for you an me too



I'll hit 500 posts an level up, since I'm wasting all my time helping other people.





pasted from another post below





The problem you are having is because your save game is corupt for one reason or the other.


Heck Fallout 3 doesn't need a reason to go corupt, it's so huge.


Quick saves an Autosaves actually promote coruption.


Which is why we press Esc an create a new save each time, an never delete any save.


For one, Esc pauses the game, an also creates a full save, vs a partial quick or auto save.



Your game can go corupt an you not know about it until a hour or more later when you crashed,


Also your game can be crashing an you create a save, locking that coruption into a save game.



Crash upon save is a red flagged almost certian that it's gone corupt.




Which this could have been locked into your save game when you started the new game


which can even happen not running any mods as fallout sometimes gets a bad load


or is loaded on a bad boot, ect



Something like 2 out of 3 game starts are "bad starts" meaning you really only get one good game start out of 3 trys



So to speak when you start a new game you want to make sure that there isn't the slightest problem in anyway.



But we don't do that, heck you said the word autosave in your discription, never say that it's bad luck,



That's the spirit...


Now the bad news, that save game, an probably a few before it, there is no way to fix, an they are lost.



At the very worst you'll have to start a new game an this time make sure that you have all the mods you want


also making sure you get a "good start" as in no problems what so ever in your start game, which gives you a clean save game


that will help you to get a diagnosis in the future.




Heck you can start a new game an see if it does the same thing, just to confirm that your save game is toast.




Adding anything in the form of content, mods, or even a mod that you created to a existing save game is a bad idea.








Ums idk first you should have the new patch, the FOSE version for that patch, A correct load order, updated grapics drivers an direct X,

The correct Modders install location for Fallout 3 (clean an tweeked install), Clean installed mods not auto installed or FOMOD installed

Installed clean the hard an aweful manual way, GECK, Update for GECK, FOMM, FO3edit, and there's probably something else I'm forgeting.



Follow the tweek guide http://www.tweakguides.com/Fallout3_1.html you don't have to do all of it, make good decisions an read it.



If you don't know how to install stuff, which you probably don't, we don't know it all, or even part of it.


See the installing mods an DLC's pinned topic or follow the old Ultimate Load Order Mod it's still a good way to learn an fun.


Apart from the normal how to run an fix fallout.





Okay, I feel your pain.




1. compatibility patch like FOIP, or those for BLTC, All of them are worthless, and cause more trouble than they are worth.


2. Just a plain jane Unofficial Fallout Patch is useless, because everything else overwrites most of the stuff in UFP


3. Fallout can be stable, but it requres luck an a Poop ton of work, I mean a real never ending work load






I have a post here named welcome to override, which blogs how I worked on the same thing you kind of have.





I'll go into detail here to help you a bit.





First the load order, or well the crazy load order I have that should never have been used together.








Mart's Mutant Mod.esm


Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm

Sharing and Caring Companions.esm


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esp


FOOK - Tougher Enemies.esp

FOOK - Owned!.esp

FOOK - Strength Requirements for Miniguns, Gatlings, 20mm Flak.esp

FOOK - Free Play After MQ.esp

FOOK - Additional Power Armor Training.esp


FOOK - Fawkes Quickfix.esp







GPs Oasis - Clean Water 1.1.esp





Metal Salvage.esp

Megaton Tweaks 1.28.esp

Potw V0.6.esp



Megaton Closes.esp


Not alone in the Wasteland anymore.esp






NPCs Sleep Tighter.esp




real deputy weld V0.2.esp

NPC Height Randomizer.esp

SCC - Talk to Anyone.esp


SCC Armor.esp






UPP - Pack 1.esp

UPP - Pack 2.esp

Magic Fingers Perk.esp

DotW v1.00.esp

Dree Perks.esp


Cybernetic Implants Xangi.esp



Explosive Entry.esp







Weapon Sound Fixes.esp




Graphical Nuke Mod.esp

dD-More Gore.esp

dD-Less Blood Time.esp






VATS - MCE.esp



Range Finder v1.0.esp



The Groovatron.esp








BLTC No Overdosing.esp










Bottle That Water.esp

Ultra Olney.esp



No Blur Effect.esp

GNR Fix.esp


CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp

Stealthboy Recon Armor - CRAFT.esp


FOOK Weapons - CRAFT.esp

CALIBR Ammo Schematics - CRAFT.esp





Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp

Enhanced Weather - Radioactive Rain and Snow Plugin.esp

Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp

Enhanced Weather - Sneak Bonus during Storms.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Increased Spawns.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - No Geckos.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - No Wanamingos.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - No Floaters.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Zombie Cementery.esp




















Wow it's big, yeah that's what she said, no not really, even though it was big she still said it's little just to take me down a notch.




what a bish huh?






Okay so it's not really that big, there's not much actual content in this load out, but it's a experiment anyway.


I wanted to see if it could be done, an yay it can.



I'm too tired to do it now, but soon I'll make a new load order, trolling nexus for every cool mod that I would run


even if it plain flat out says in bold type that it won't work with other mods, because I can fix it or anything now.





So yeah you probably want to do the same an start small, learn to fix that, then go really big man.




The first fix took 6 failed attempts which took 9 full days work to fail at.



I live on a farm so I can work on something all day if I'm not doing farm stuff.






Okay so those 6 failed attempts were not in vain, the whole time I was learning more an more advanced tricks to fixing stuff.


different methods and what does an does not screw up a mod or load order.





The 7th time was the charm yay!




It also moves faster now, so the next big load out might only take two days to fix even though it's 4 times bigger.




First step



1. delete an remove every compatibility patch you have in the load order, every one of those crappy things.



2. You kind of want to have your load order like mine, with UFP (unofficial fallout patch) right after the .esm's

Then FOOK right after the UFP, the reason being is that there are so many entries you can pretty much

fix 80% of your load order just working in these two mods, because they are both super huge.

The rest of the load order is up to you.



3. uh, FO3edit, download it because you need it to fix this, and other cool stuff.





Okay so it would probably be a good idea to forget about everything you ever learned about load orders.



The basic rules still apply though somewhat.










Other huge mods, I mean really huge


This area is the place where the tiny stuff that just adds or does a few things go


Fellout and Weather








Get something you think it pretty good as far as load order.



Open the whole list with FO3edit, look here an there an see if there is anyway you could make the load order better



Like some mods that you know you want to use over other ones, which the one you want would load after the one you don't


so it will overwrite it, catch my drift yet?




Ah that's okay for a load out, I've seen worse...




Now you perform the merge patch, like all the really great uber players told me to


I'll paste in the post I got that told how to do it.



I didn't do it like they said though, so see my method below.






you hardly seem the same person when posting problems instead of answering them.


load all that into FO3Edit, wait until 'finished', click on left window, ctrl-A to select all, right click, choose 'Create Merged Patch', name it and it will add all the masters it needs and spew out the troublesome conflicts in a handy .esp, open it and have a good look at what's in there, right click and remove anything vestigial or redundant from the original .esp (not the merged patch), close FO3Edit without saving the Merged Patch, rinse and repeat...


you really should install the 1.7 update, if the masterupdate thing is putting you off doing it, just alter the File Header for each mod back to .esp...


when you do have a Merged Patch that you are satisfied with (the first attempt might achieve this), close FO3Edit and Save it, launch FOMM, tick the 'Merged-Patch'.esp and always ensure that it is last in load order.


if you change your load-order, best to delete the patch and make a new one, each and every time (with a clean non-auto non-quick save between).


CTDs should be greatly reduced. *End Quote*




Okay so I kind of took into account what was said, but I knew things so I changed it a bit.


For one I didn't remove any entries, or remove anything for the matter even if it's redundant, or bad.


I fixed everything so it matched, an picked what I wanted as the entry based off the others.




I opened FO3edit, Ctrl A then right click an create merge patch, you can name it whatever, but nameing it mergepatch something


will let you know what it does.



Save it, an idk don't pay attention to the weird errors if it has some in the process of creating the merge patch


the only thing you want to pay attention to is that the whole list of mods was listed in the adding master information or adding master


make sure all the mods are listed, then save it... Close FO3edit which brings up the save check or uncheck.





Now run FOMM an turn Merge patch on or check it, last in the load order, exit FOMM.


Go to FO3edit an launch it (each time you create a new Override you'll have to do this, don't forget)


All it does is makes it so that you don't have to select anything when you launch FO3edit


Okay so load the whole load order again with FO3edit.




Scroll down to the merge patch


open it up, start at the top an work your way down the entries


doing what you have to do in order to get them all green


look in the info tab at the bottom of FO3edit to find out what the pretty colors actually mean (important)


You kind of have to make desisions on which version of the entry you want to use, there's 12 entries for idk


a creature, pick the best one, an either copy paste the data in the entry so that they all match, or you can also


drag an drop, this is left to right as the last entry the furthest to the right is the one Fallout 3 will use.



Takes about a hour or so to fix the merge patch, remember not to remove any entries, you can delete

parts of a entry, like if one small part is causing a conflict, but you can't put it in all the entries

because those don't use that mod as a master like the merge patch does, so you should be able to put

anything in the merge patch, while not everything in the other entries, so say


Ghoulification has something in it, I drag that over to the merge patch entry, yay it worked


now it's a conflict though because the other ones don't and can't have it, I remove the data in the ghoulification entry


in order to fix, it's still in ghoulification, but it's not in the entry for this one item, however it's in merge patch so it's still there.


I don't delete the whole entry just the small part that caused the conflict after I added it to the merge patch. Git it?



blah blah blah, go down an fix the whole merge patch, then save it, or save as you go.



When you get done save it, then load the whole list again, an right click the merge patch an choose


check for errors, if no errors or conflicts are displayed then yay, if there are then fix them


sometimes scripts an other things don't take the first time you enter them into a override or merge patch


so do it again an it usually takes the second time.





Once you get the merge patch 100% fixed, you want to add a folder to your harddrive not your desktop


This is where you open your data folder, and make a copy of all your .esm an .esp files to place in the new file


on the hard drive as a back up, (if you screw up you'll want to start over without having to reinstall anything)






The reason I never remove or delete anything as far as a main entry, an by that I mean you open FO3edit, go to creatures


and open it then click on the red one, there's 12 main entries in there that follow the load order


Fallout3.esm, UFP, FOOK, Nailed to death, MMM



each of those are inside a mod, and yes they are redundant, but say I remove or delete the UFP one


it also removes all references to that entry inside UFP, GECK will warn you when you do this, FO3edit won't


True you can remove an delete stuff an it not effect anything, but every so often you will delete one that will end up


being a land mine and causing mass chaos conflicts across the whole load order (where did that come from)


So yeah, just fix what is there, don't remove the main entry, even though delete an remove is the easy fix, you'll get into trouble.





Now that it's out of the way....





Open FO3edit, load everything up, an always wait for the finished part to show up in the message box.



Waiting Waiting, ZOMG is it ever going to finish.




Lolz it only takes 30 seconds on a huge load order.






You want to start with UFP (unofficial fallout patch)



Open it an find your first conflict an start trying to fix the entries.



Eventually you are going to hit a wall, an something can't be used without adding something as a master to another mod.


This is why when you fix something an it's good or fix a few things you save it often, usually you end up saving like 12-24 .esp at a time.


So you save an load FO3edit many many times, always be working with a known good save.


If you screw up hit the X an don't save anything, even if you have to redo 24 entries or a whole mod.


It would be more easy to re do that than fix your screw up.



You never want to change what the actual mods use as masters.


(adding say UFP as a master to MMM will overwrite MMM's stuff with UFP stuff besides the part you wanted to fix)


(Also adding masters to actual mods will cause weird problems, sometimes causing more conflicts, an more to fix, a nightmare)


(So it's safe to say, never add another mod to a actual mod as a master)



You add masters to a mod in the file header in the block list to the left, they are listed, all you do is right click the top entry for master file.


But you only need to know how to do this in order to add masters to the Overrides you'll create.




Okay so You got to a entry in UFP you can't fix from doing normal stuff like copy paste or drag and drop


It's probably something that is contained inside a mod, which is all the really cool stuff



Awe man that cool thing hasn't been used the whole time I've been playing, ZoMg



What you do is



inside the window to the right in FO3edit where the multiple entries are displayed



Each entry has a very top which is the name of the mod, you right click the name of the mod


and select, copy as override into, then scroll down an pick "new file"



Name the file what it is that you are working on so you can keep up with it an also keep them seperate


(too many masters in a OverRide plug in will cause problems, so idk maybe 10-12 per Override, or hey just 3 masters to a override it's up to you)



The more split up into seperate plug in's the better it will work is what I'm saying



Okay so you copied as override into a new override file you created an named good



OverrideV1Creatures.esp this is your generic creature Override, and will probably have to use



the creature mods as masters, like FOOK, Nailed to death, ultra onley, MMM, UFP



What you do is get a piece of paper, and write down the names of the mods in the whole conflicting entry in UFP or whatever


then one by one enter them in, inside the file header in the block list of your OverrideV1Creatures.esp at the bottom of the list


in FO3edit, However it's hard to type them out an you can get it wrong which will cause it to error when you load the load order in FO3edit



You can either scroll up an look at the name, or if it's difficult minimize FO3edit, then open the data file


go to that mod, and open up the name like you were going to rename it, only copy that to clipboard don't change it


, since when you rename it selects all highlights the whole name by default it's easy.




Go back to FO3edit, then paste that in as a master to your Override, but don't ever forget to add the .esp or .esm at the end of the name



the name has to be exactly right, and if you ask me we name stuff retarded sometimes, Geez, FOOK_I"m_A_DOOb_*space*X1V3test.esp




After you have all the masters added to the Override, save it, and then make it load automaticly via FOMM an launch FO3edit again



If you screw up FO3edit will tell you an just delete the .esp an start over.





Now, Remember how I said never remove/delete a Main entry inside FO3edit's Mulitiple entry list




Well you can delete an remove entries you make into the Override.esp you make



In fact you can use anything to create a Override an then delete everything inside the Override just so that you can create a new .esp


to make a Override out of. Like say you knew you were going to make one, just click a entry, it doesn't even have to conflict with anything


create the override, then go to the override in the block list a delete the container or creatures in the block list, edit the header as you like


and save it, then start overriding.






Pretty much you create the override then go back to the mod you were fixing like UFP and view that conflict list entry



the OverrideV1Creatures is now at the end of the list an it also can use everything and anything from any of the mods in the conflict list


or multiple entry list, it's also very last in the load order so represents what fallout 3 will use, so at this point it's only a matter of making the


decisions for what you want that entry to look like.




An example of this is takeing whiskey, which like 20 mods change the whiskey.



Using Overrides you can make the last entry look like the mod with the best whiskey stats


while also the really cool part is you can make a whiskey that has distruction data from FOOK,


Get's you drunk from inebriation-Fose (the screen gets blury an you can't walk), Give you a empty bottle for metal salvage,


Quinches thirst for primary needs, And jesus even has the Overdose capablity of BLTC or more.





Lolz MMM Glowing one ghouls with the UFP fix for glowing one's script in it





RI primary needs addictions, and BLTC addictions combined in the doctor script to remove addicitons




Ghoulifications join the ghoul faction an have them as followers added to MMM's great textures an fighting types




FOOK toughter enemys added to nailed to death, added to ultra onley, added to ghoulification, added to MMM




Geez, STALKER added to 20th century weapons, FOOK, WMK, FWE, XFO



Pretty much you can make any mod work with anything and everything.



You'll see,




UFP (unofficial fallout patch) takes a hour or few hours to fix, but fixes maybe 1/4 of the load order


FOOK probably fixes half the load order




So after you get past the huge mods at the start, it all goes downhill


you actually get tired of not seeing any conflicts, but it gets hard to find them


I still have some I got tired of looking for


I guess you could right click an check for errors as a guide


I think I'll try that.



You also wana take notes



for one



I wrote a note to add all the 7 other food mods I have to the primary needs Override so they will make the player not hungry


or that the doctor addictions script was located in the RI_base3.esp incase I messed it up adding all those things from other mods.






After you get it finished or 98% finished, you probably want to start a new game



sometimes old games get messed up, but then sometimes new games get messed up



I had to restart like 3-4 times just to get a clean start I knew wasn't going weird


that's not our fault the game engine just does that because of the vast amount of data


heck you can just have a bad load up of Fallout 3 an it causes a crash


reboot an try again to fix it, heh doesn't that suck




but after you get a good new game start then you just avoided most of the problems in the future.





Shoot I even master updated my Override load order, an I have 1.7






I had these glitchy static popping sounds, I did many settings changes an found out that it was just the settings in the launcher for fallout


I set them to ultra an then moved them back down where they were an it fixed it.



The first thing you want to do is make the new game start, and then test an make sure that it's a good one


without any problems, this is your clean save for the future references in order to get a diagnosis for a problem.



It's a huge huge game, so the start is the most important as far as avoiding crashes.

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you type to much and my eyes hurt..............


Typing/talking too much is NOT a reason to repord a post. Looks to me like a guy trying to be helpful and you can't be bothered to read what he's written.



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Well, it is kind of spam to be copy pasta with the same TL;DR in every post, but yeah. Reported seems a bit over the top.


On topic, I would love to see some serious technical solutions to these types of problems. That said, I'll probably have to take the plunge and figure it out myself. :geek:

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