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The Little Fairy's Flower Garden


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Hurculine, let us please speak of fairies true to the stories of old.


Beautiful and delicate yet but they could also be precarious and willful, being driven by their own exotic agendas not of our own .


Yep... that's me!

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I see how crude being an untrained poet is.


Deleted because my work is obviously so raw and rocky it makes me feel I need to go to a school where they teach adults to be children again.


Poetry is like the ballet of literature.

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I think this is a case of two people with distinctly different ways of posting simply misunderstanding each other. (It's happened before...)


Pagafyr, I did see your post before you deleted it but I've simply been extremely busy and haven't had time to truly enjoy my garden.


species5478, as your friend, may I say that your sense of humor is sometimes misunderstood by others, like in the Order of the Dragon thread, for example, and perhaps you could insert one of those smiley emoticons now and then to let us know when you're joking?

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I think this is a case of two people with distinctly different ways of posting simply misunderstanding each other. (It's happened before...)


Pagafyr, I did see your post before you deleted it but I've simply been extremely busy and haven't had time to truly enjoy my garden.


species5478, as your friend, may I say that your sense of humor is sometimes misunderstood by others, like in the Order of the Dragon thread, for example, and perhaps you could insert one of those smiley emoticons now and then to let us know when you're joking?


No no no...

there's no animosity between Pagafyr and I. I love all levels of his work, not just the stuff posted here. He and I riddle ourselves with the mirrored side of life, reflecting on what others have taken at face value, that's all. I think he would agree that we're both misunderstood at times, because our forms of expression can sometimes be classified in the "other", section of literature. I gave him a compliment in my earlier post, and he understood the meaning, and gave me a nod. I'm not here to endanger your thread dear friend. This is your place of sunshine, and if my phrases cast a shadow over the vibrant petals of poetry growing within your garden, then it was of course, completely unintentional.

Bear hugs?


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If you one visits the garden of another,


then please do so with good grace, good manners,


lest you leave disturbance,


lest you cause harm,


lest you damage the garden beyond repair.



A true story!


A man visited a Japanese Zen Buddhist Monostory that had beautiful pebble gardens


ancient gardens


he couldn't bother going all the way to the toilets so he peed on the garden


then he said to an monk that being Buddhists they should not care


he was gently but firmly forced to leave at once

RESPECT others and one self by respecting others

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With money you can...


...buy a house, but not a home.


...buy a clock, but not time.


...buy a bed, but not peaceful sleep.


...buy a book, but not knowledge.


...pay a doctor, but not buy good health.


...buy a position, but not respect.


...buy blood, but not life.


...hire followers, but not buy friendship.


...buy sex, but not love.

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