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The Little Fairy's Flower Garden


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beautiful written, Herculine, fairy princess divine


The Elves they danced in the silvery moonlight


both beautiful and yet fay


both elegant and yet sharp


perhaps to watch them safely hidden is wise to do


but take care not to step too far into the sacred grove


The Trickster!

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Very nice! I used to write a poem a day and short stories...it was my passion really. I haven't for about three years now but I guess I was pretty good from the reactions i got. The idea of sharing poems in the virtual world is very new and daunting to me lol
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Abstract? I thought my meaning was quite clear...


Yes, your poem was very concise. In terms of "abstract thinking", I was actually throwing that reference out there to acknowledge the conversation that we had a few days back. I enjoyed every minute of your philosophy.


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Herculine it is good to see that your thought is flowing a bit more freely. All of us who use our keyboard kind and bound to type confused meaning occasionally still do linger here. Nice to know that you are getting in the know to let your mind flow and ignore the might for fear it might damn your free flow of thoughtful insight about which you have thought and for it you grow a thicker skin from our chagrin.


Please remember we are all innocent minds here, trying to find a way that is clear, and gain from each other some insight to merge with our questionable mights. We each are just a part of a sentence some greater form of we are gave birth to and we hope we do find that which completes us someday.


So, if you feel a strong pose in your thought that you wish to add to prose do so without pause. Let us then do as we can with it to see if it is for us to decipher.

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With money you can...


...buy a house, but not a home.


...buy a clock, but not time.


...buy a bed, but not peaceful sleep.


...buy a book, but not knowledge.


...pay a doctor, but not buy good health.


...buy a position, but not respect.


...buy blood, but not life.


...hire followers, but not buy friendship.


...buy sex, but not love.

and so the reality of life,it's ideals and dreams does unfold.

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A bumpity poem


bump in the night!!!


tis the bumpity beast!!!


that does bump this topic!!!


in hope to see more wondrous poetry!!!

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