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Its lame to be Evil.....


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There's no way of knowing what code was left out, because I obviously don't have access to any of that code. :teehee:


I get the feeling that the dev team knew what they were doing, and were armed with a strategy that was improperly evaluated by management. To my mind, that simply denotes a lack of respect from those supervisors. There wasn't necessarily any lack of inspiration or enthusiasm from the dev team. I have no way of knowing, but if I had to guess (based on what I'm seeing) that would be my guess.


In my experience, you see a lot higher turn-over in management than you do in the technical areas, so that may be making me biased.

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Like in Oblivion, they really needed to think on the motivation for an evil character more.


I thought about making Blaze evil, but she's turning out more of a chaotic neutral so far. This may change as she becomes more jaded.

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i was dissapointed that my character did not have the option of hating his father or killing him.




my LW blamed his Dad for the fact that he would never see Amata again, and sank into a depression. he stayed drunk and high prettymuch 24/7, and was only searching for his dad so he could blow him away.




but then, when i finally DID catch up with dad, i wasnt allowed to kill him :( it would have been much better if it worked like Morrowind, where you can kill anyone and if it breaks the main quest you get a message to that effect.




my guy was forced to decide that he would help with the project (after all, since hes trapped in a radioactive hellhole thanks to this old male without a father, he might as well help make the water drinkable before killing him), but then after my dad died, i wasnt allowed to abandon Li and her party, and my guy didnt give 2 shits about them, he was only there so he could kill his dad as soon as he didnt need him anymore to work on the purifier.




so my guy had no choice but to keep them around "in case i need her to get out of these tunnels" (which it turned out i did, but my guy had no way to know that), but i shouldnt have had to go to the tunnels at all, *i* could have fought my way out through the front door...

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I've never gotten to play any kind of evil character yet. Why? Because I want to complete the game with a good character first. Why? You'll miss out a lot if you go for the "chaotic/pure evil" road by killing people that you come across and so on, that way you will miss a lot of quests and important stuff too.


I want to play KIND OF evil character, though. By that I mean that the character WILL steal from others, always ask for more money in quests (I try that on good chars too though), but NOT kill important people that you get quests from and are merchants or doctors. Just because I don't want to lose any benefit just because "LOLOLOL I KILL EVERYONE LMFAO!!!1!". And yeah that kind of evil character gets boring fast. I doubt I'll even blow up Megaton on my evil character, at least not right away (maby later when I have nothing to do in Megaton anymore).


So yeah it all depends on what kind of evil character you play. It's not all black and white choise, you know (and let's not forget the HARD choise, neutral).

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It's a moot point. Unless you are evil you have no idea how to be evil. As most people are good they only have notions of what evil is. Sure they can name off some "evil" deeds. But does the act make one evil or is it more. A truely evil person more than likely does not perceive their actions as evil, Moreover they would probably perceive other "good" people to be evil, From their perceptions they are right. Good/Evil is a judgement placed on others. Whose definition of good/evil are you using? Personally I do not believe in the concepts of good or evil.
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I agree with the idea that evil is really in the eye of the beholder. I feel that the main problem with the game is that it makes it blatantly obvious whether you've done something evil or good (e.g. "You've gained karma!"). If instead your karma level were hidden and you have no idea whether you just did something good or evil, I think it would definitely emphasize the idea that good/evil is relative. Some people will praise you for what you've done, another group won't care and others will want your head and this will be the only indicator of whether your character is doing what he/she wants for him/herself. If you think that being evil in this game is lame, you probably don't have the right mindset when you are doing evil things and you're just doing whatever makes the "You've lost karma!" message appear. Although I do not deny the fact that some actions don't seem to have the consequences it should, it would be a coding nightmare trying to get every little consequence right and bug free.
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That's why I liked The Pitt; either helping the slaves who seem to have no qualms of using a babywith apparently no holds barred to get a cure. Or to help the guys who oppress the slaves and are working on a cure, but only if the baby is not harmed in any way -so it may take an eternity before a cure is distilled and can be produced en masse to help cure the slaves. So how many will die because of this? So am I morally restrained that I cannot let a defenseless infant be abused, or am I willing to sacrifice one person for the greater good of a community?

For some reason Ashur and his cronies seem more reasonable -or more sane- than Wernher and his flock. So my charatcer has very little reservation of joining with Ashur, but when I defend myself from the attacking slaves, whenever I kill one I lose karma.


Usually I start out as a good character -not the holier than thou kind of twit that seems to be a little over enthusiastic when receiving a poem as a birthday gift- but once outside, the ugly sides of mankind quickly wear me down -and wear away the tthin coat of veneer of civilized behaviour. And soon it all boils down to survival. By the time I get to Arefu I want to see some caps in my hand if Evan King wants to enlist my help. But no, he expects me to do his dirty work for free. And when I ask him what has gotten him so spooked -and I fail the speech challenge- he just blows me off. If he's unwilling to share -be it information or caps- then it's Adios Amigo! And not just Evan King. I offer Tenpenny a chance to keep on breathing if he forks over more caps than just the double amount of what Crowley is paying me. He almost literally says he'd rather die than give me the money. Alrighty then, time to die Tenpenny. If both Lucas Simms and Mr. Burke refuse to pay me more than what they intend to give me if I comply with either disarming the bomb or rigging it to explode, then they can find another idiot to help them out. Why does everone in the Wasteland come knocking on my door to clean up their cr*p and then try to pay me with peanuts? It's their laziness and selfrighteousness and their inbred avarice that make me choose to only look out for Numero Uno: me.

And if the BoS cannot be bothered to further research Vault 87 and the backdoor that leads through little lamplight, why should I even bother geting into Little Lamplight when MacReady is making such a fuss about letting me in or not. If those snotnose brats cannot be told the importance of letting me through -namely fresh clean water for everyone- than why the hell should I bother trying to gain access. I can fight to survive, I can claim purified water from those that are unable to defend their stash. If the majority of Wasteland population is only trying to scr*w me over, then I'm not about to risk my life a million times over just so they can all have clean fresh water. Bethesda should've offered an alternative ending where you can decide not to bother with the purifier. No decision about whether using FEV or not, but simply refusing to make the purifier operational. Or simply let the BoS and the Enclave fight over it all and me just watching from the sidelines. F*ck if I care.

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Agreed; It seems that the only way to remain self-rightous is to ignore the main storyline. At the end of Broken Steel you have to make a karma choice. Why do I have to work with the BOS against the Enclave? I know they're not the nicest of guys, but I just don't care what they do.
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