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Performance in PC Games slowly dropping.


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I've been having some issues recently with my FPS in games steadily dropping. It wasn't long ago that I was able to play Far Cry 2 with a steady 60-70 FPS on the highest settings. All other games (except oblivion... >.>) Behaved the same way. But I'm starting to see some major drops in performance... I get around 50 FPS now which has dropped down to 28 FPS and Oblivion is barely playable at all. On top of that my temperatures have really started to soar through the roof with my cpu getting temperatures of over 70C occasionaly even at idle! This makes playing even games like FEAR a bit worrying as I'm worried about damaging my system.


If anyone else has some advice about what could be causing my loss in gaming performance (and how to fix it) that would be great, and I'm sure it might help some other who browse through here too. Any hints on my temps would be appreciated too.

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I've been having some issues recently with my FPS in games steadily dropping. It wasn't long ago that I was able to play Far Cry 2 with a steady 60-70 FPS on the highest settings. All other games (except oblivion... >.>) Behaved the same way. But I'm starting to see some major drops in performance... I get around 50 FPS now which has dropped down to 28 FPS and Oblivion is barely playable at all. On top of that my temperatures have really started to soar through the roof with my cpu getting temperatures of over 70C occasionaly even at idle! This makes playing even games like FEAR a bit worrying as I'm worried about damaging my system.


If anyone else has some advice about what could be causing my loss in gaming performance (and how to fix it) that would be great, and I'm sure it might help some other who browse through here too. Any hints on my temps would be appreciated too.

Well, seems you already identified the cause, play special attention to the CPU and GPU fan coolers, replacing them if needed. Do a better cable placing so to minimize the air flow obstruction and if you are from a 'hot' country this time of year you may want a general room cooling (it will do well for the computer as for you too).

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oh sheesh man...is your CPU fan dying? 72C is supposedly the fry temperature of AMD CPUs...it's crazy on Intel CPUs...somewhere around 95C or something lol...
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My INTEL based laptop wen't to 101ºC once... I could almost fry eggs on top of it :D


Probably the cooling is the issue. Try to clean the fans, and If that doesn't work you really should buy some new ones :S One thing that does the trick too is to use thermal compound( or thermic paste? Dunno which one is right...) You'll find plenty of videos around the interwebs on how to put those on your processor

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Give your entire PC a general clean-up in fact. The entire thing can become completely clogged with dust and fluff (especially the fans), and that can really affect cooling. Its particularly bad if you have your PC on carpet rather than a wooden floor or desk.


The other thing to do is to clean out your hard disk. The best thing to do is to completely reformat and reinstall Windows, but if thats not possible, regularly running a program like CCleaner (google it) is essential. You'd be amazed at how much crap builds up that needs getting rid of, both in temp files and registry entries.

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Thanks for all the response guys. :)


Well, seems you already identified the cause, play special attention to the CPU and GPU fan coolers, replacing them if needed. Do a better cable placing so to minimize the air flow obstruction and if you are from a 'hot' country this time of year you may want a general room cooling (it will do well for the computer as for you too).


I'd say I'm from a hot country. Middle of Queensland, Australia. It gets pretty hot. :P I try to have the air conditioning on if I'm playing games now, but it's a bit expensive to use it at the moment because, apart from my computer, the rest of my household is coping fine with the heat so we're not turning it on just for me. :(


I've also been pretty careful with my cable placement, I don' think that is contributing to the problem.


Give your entire PC a general clean-up in fact. The entire thing can become completely clogged with dust and fluff (especially the fans), and that can really affect cooling. Its particularly bad if you have your PC on carpet rather than a wooden floor or desk.


The other thing to do is to clean out your hard disk. The best thing to do is to completely reformat and reinstall Windows, but if thats not possible, regularly running a program like CCleaner (google it) is essential. You'd be amazed at how much crap builds up that needs getting rid of, both in temp files and registry entries. Give your entire PC a general clean-up in fact. The entire thing can become completely clogged with dust and fluff (especially the fans), and that can really affect cooling. Its particularly bad if you have your PC on carpet rather than a wooden floor or desk.


The other thing to do is to clean out your hard disk. The best thing to do is to completely reformat and reinstall Windows, but if thats not possible, regularly running a program like CCleaner (google it) is essential. You'd be amazed at how much crap builds up that needs getting rid of, both in temp files and registry entries. Give your entire PC a general clean-up in fact. The entire thing can become completely clogged with dust and fluff (especially the fans), and that can really affect cooling. Its particularly bad if you have your PC on carpet rather than a wooden floor or desk.


The other thing to do is to clean out your hard disk. The best thing to do is to completely reformat and reinstall Windows, but if thats not possible, regularly running a program like CCleaner (google it) is essential. You'd be amazed at how much crap builds up that needs getting rid of, both in temp files and registry entries.


I use Tune Up-Utilities religiously, so hopefully that is taking reasonable care of my registries and things.


I guess I really need to replace the cooling for the CPU (that would come with that thermal paste stuff 'm hoping). I've heard that stock cooling for the i7 is pretty bad anyway, so it was already on my list. I'm using a Thermaltake V9 gaming case at the moment which apparently isnt able to hold the Thermalright Ultra 120 Extreme which is the CPU cooler that I'd been looking at quite a bit. :/ That was really dissapointing, but, I've had some problems in the past with fans breaking anyway and I'm unable to control the speed of any of the fans in the case except for the CPU and GPU fans, so I thought maybe I should just bite the bullet, by a new case that will fit a proper cpu cooler in it and will hopefully have better airflow.


I'm not sure if I'm being a bit drastic here, but I'd really rather fork out the cash for a new case then a new CPU (i7's are pretty expensive and I'd like to overclock at some point anyway)


Also, the case is on my wooden desk, and I clean my room and case like a madman to make sure there is no dust, although it did get really dusty at some point and I'm not sure I was able to get all the dust out fully. So unless the tiny amount of dust that's left inside is causing the problems I don't think there's much I can do there. :(


If any of you have advice on smaller CPU Cooling for my i7 or on a better case that should be able to hold the TRUE, have good airflow in general and isn't too hard on the pocket. That being said, I would rather pay more for a better performing and looking case. Looks are quite important to me as I am quite proud of my computer and like to show it off a bit. :P Vain, I know.


Thanks again guys for your advice.

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I format my PC and do a clean windows install once every 6 months. It really helps. I find that after a few months of gaming on my PC it get's slower and slower. Most people would recommend a format every few months, but some people report no difference after doing so. Personally, my pc runs a lot faster after every format. Just make sure you have your drivers for your soundcard and motherboard handy.
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You reformat every 6 months? Sounds like fun >.>


I, too, don't like to run my A/C. I use a liquid cooling system for my CPU, GPU's and Harddrives.


The 600 it costs for the cooling is worth it (depends on what you get that will make the cost rise or fall)

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If you keep running that cpu at 70+ degrees you will be replacing your system sooner than you would like. Usually when a cpu fries, it takes out the mother board also. Any overclocking will increase the temp by quite a bit. If anything I would suggest underclocking a little to save the cpu. Try taking the side panel off and blowing air directly on the motherboard with a large fan to keep it cooler.
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