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What's the Best Show on TV?


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The Life and Times of Tim...


With your tag I'm surprised that Star Trek Voyager isn't listed. :whistling:


Capt. Janeway is my fave of the trek captains


My rundown goes like this::tongue:

The original was before my time but good...:unsure:

The Next Generation was outstanding...:thumbsup:

Deep Space Nine sucked...:down:

Voyager was awesome...:woot:

and Enterprise was terrible...except for Tu'Pal.:dry:

Voyager is my favorite show. :thumbsup: Captains...I don't know. :wacko: Either Kirk, or Janeway.

The worst Captains were Archer :sick:, and then Sisko. :mad:

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OK this is my view of the command capacities of the trek captains:


Picard = Rear Admiral

Cisco = Vice Admiral

Kirk = Captain

Janeway= Commander

Archer = Lt Commander



Enterprise was awful. it had such a great vehicle...the Birth of the Federation and it devolved into a bug hunt. That show killed the series, what more need be said about it?

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Never been much of a trekkie, so I'll have to go with Doctor Who. :)


Series 5 just released (in England - be in the US in a few weeks).

Which do you prefer the original or the new? I always thought that Red Dwarf was the most amusing of the British versions of the Sci Fi genre.

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Which do you prefer the original or the new? I always thought that Red Dwarf was the most amusing of the British versions of the Sci Fi genre.


Well, I have only watched the "new" episodes (2000+), so I can't really comment on the true history of the show.

I preferred Doctor Nine to Doctor Ten though. I'll have to reserve my commentary on Doctor Eleven until a few more episodes have broadcast. To me he seemed a bit awkward in the role, but given the recent rebirth perhaps that was partially intentional.


As to Red Dwarf, I'm sorry, I've never watched it. :(

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From Species5478


My rundown goes like this::tongue:

The original was before my time but good...:unsure:

The Next Generation was outstanding...:thumbsup:

Deep Space Nine sucked...:down:

Voyager was awesome...:woot:

and Enterprise was terrible...except for Tu'Pal.:dry:

Voyager is my favorite show. :thumbsup: Captains...I don't know. :wacko: Either Kirk, or Janeway.

The worst Captains were Archer :sick:, and then Sisko. :mad:


Against the flow, I loved ENTERPRISE but only because I did not see it as Star Trekky but decided to view it as another show altogether. That way I was not always comparing it to the other Star Trek series.


I loved Next Generation when it came out. I watched it from the first episode on and have many of them on DVD.


I had mixed views on Deep Space Nine and Voyager, enjoying some episodes far more than others.


As for Red Dwarf, another I saw from the first episode, it went down hill after a few seasons. Perhaps it should have finished when it was ahead.


I love Fringe as I did X-Files.


I have yet to make up my mind about Sanctuary.


I like Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis very much but wished both had been actually based on a future Earth.


I loved Firefly and wished it had gone longer.


Liked Babylon Five and its offshoot Crusade (before it was cut off early)


Liked early version of Battlestar Galactica and have mixed feelings about the new version.


Loved old version Doctor Who and like new version but can't quite fit them together in the same universe.


Does anybody remember or seen Invaders with the shapeshifting alien invaders with the crooked finger that gave them away.

Edited by Maharg67
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