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FO3Nexus Icon


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Is this a browser caching issue as the icons next to the FO3 Mods/Files under the Today's Updates page shows the Oblivion icon.


Also searching for this issue on the feedback forums didn't get me any matches for this issue.


When I go logon to TESNEXUS page then it shows both the icons for Oblivion and Morrowind.


I have tried logging off FO3Nexus and back on just in case but this hasn't resolved the matter.


It's not a huge deal but I could have sworn that the FO3 icon used to be there next to the mods/files.


Using Firefox v3.5.3


I will also check out the adBlock Plus Plugin just in case...

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The page is pointing to this location to display the icon to the left of each file on the "Today" and Recent files page:






Dark0ne is the only one that can resolve this issue. The graphic image needs to be replaced with a fallout image with the same name or modify the code to point to a different file.


I tried searching for a f.png, fo.png, f3.png and fallout.png to see if it was just a typo but could not guess the original name of the graphic (if it was named differently to start with).


PM sent to Dark0ne to look at this topic.



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I think it's always been like that, just people have never pointed it out or noticed it! I've noticed it a few times and thought to sort it but I always forget :D

I suppose you need one made then. If I get a round tuit, I'll post it here for you to use.


Supposing the PNG image needs to be no larger than 12x12 and utilize transparency.


EDIT: Dang, 12x12 does not leave much room for nothing! I'll do some samples for 12x12 and 20x20 and see what you think.


EDIT #2: Here are some quickies:


Radioactive 256x256



Radioactive 20x20



Radioactive 12x12



Face 256x256



Face 20x20



Face 12x12



Bobblehead 20x20



Bobblehead 12x12




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If there are any actual artists out there that would like to contribute, please do so.


I'd hate to think that something I did would end up being forced on everyone each day...LOL.


EDIT #1: Although the face was a total rip from the web...the radioactive icon was all me.


EDIT #2: Regarding the graphic size, the current Oblivion icon fits inside a 12x12 pixel size. So I'd guess that would be the target. I also gave 20x20 a shot just in case that might be acceptable too since the iconic image for Oblivion is much more basic than FO3 and easier to make at very low resolutions. You can't exactly have a recognizable power armor helmet at 12x12. ;)



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Heh, I could throw something together just so it'll seem like you at least had some competition!


Edit: Threw theses together I'll pump out a few more after so sleep.






Oh, is there a size that matters?

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