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Me I'd love to leave this planet.Set up a world of total women( ok a few hunks) :biggrin:

Thanks for thinking about a few of us... :whistling:


Well, I saw the film's preview, effects are amazingly made for the theme of an eventually apocalypse, I suppose that a pair of human would survive at the end of the film for giving some future hope in the story and so on... :unsure: But it's only a story.


In facts, things are worrying today:


1. Wars and conflicts are becoming uncontrollable, and diplomatic attempts are mostly vain...

2. Melting in North and South poles and the consequences for our environment... Some animal species are today simply condamned!

3. Climatic variations and buildup of natural catastrophes affects us, see what happened in Malaysia, Philippin, India, etc... just for examples.

4. Pollution, pandemic and bio-hazard, I even spoked about nuclear shots and wastes that doomed our life-expectancy. In Europa our hospitals are full of childrens having lung cancer, skin cancer, leukaemia, etc... :verymad:


I will stop here the list as all of those ugly things drive me mad and highly strung!

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I just watched the preview. Looks ok, it'll be a eye-baller movie (you know one that just dazzles the audience with TONS of animation stuff)


As for story, its LOOKS ok. I say that because I really have no idea.


As for this whole doomsday thing.

Look heres the bottom line, no matter when you do, what anyone does, each and every one of us will one day, die. We will all one day cease to excist. Ill die, you'll die, we'll all die. Theres a bazillion different ways a person can go. Hell I could go to bed tonight and a tree could fall on my house, crush me and kill me.

All I can say is this,

wether or not there will be a "doomsday" or not, no one should really care. Sooner or later everyone is going to meet ol Grim.

I live by the words "Carpe Diem" or "Sieze the Day"


And I can honestly say if I didnt wake up tomorrow, I wouldnt have any regrets because its been a fun ride haha.

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1. Wars and conflicts are becoming uncontrollable, and diplomatic attempts are mostly vain...

2. Melting in North and South poles and the consequences for our environment... Some animal species are today simply condamned!

3. Climatic variations and buildup of natural catastrophes affects us, see what happened in Malaysia, Philippin, India, etc... just for examples.

4. Pollution, pandemic and bio-hazard, I even spoked about nuclear shots and wastes that doomed our life-expectancy. In Europa our hospitals are full of childrens having lung cancer, skin cancer, leukaemia, etc... verymad.gif

Yes, that's quite the sign of the start end of the world. All combined created a perfect disaster, that could lead the end of the world. Especially the climatic things issues.


But maybe not on 2012, maybe on 2020, 2050, 2070, 2100, or maybe faster than we thought.

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All combined created a perfect disaster, that could lead the end of the world. Especially the climatic things issues.
Being a little dramatic here aren't we? It won't be the end of the world, but it may well be the end of us. Species come and go all the time even before humans came into being to screw everything up.


It makes me laugh when people get so caught up in trying to figure out the end of the world (us) because it will most-likely happen completely out of our control. There are cosmic rays in the universe that if they hit our planet, can incinerate every single living thing into ash in a blink of a second. If an PK asteroid does have a collision course with Earth, there will be nothing that puny humans can do except die. I say live life like its a gift rather than a possession.



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It makes me laugh when people get so caught up in trying to figure out the end of the world (us) because it will most-likely happen completely out of our control. There are cosmic rays in the universe that if they hit our planet, can incinerate every single living thing into ash in a blink of a second. If an PK asteroid does have a collision course with Earth, there will be nothing that puny humans can do except die. I say live life like its a gift rather than a possession


and a precious gift at that!

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All combined created a perfect disaster, that could lead the end of the world. Especially the climatic things issues.
Being a little dramatic here aren't we? It won't be the end of the world, but it may well be the end of us. Species come and go all the time even before humans came into being to screw everything up.


It makes me laugh when people get so caught up in trying to figure out the end of the world (us) because it will most-likely happen completely out of our control. There are cosmic rays in the universe that if they hit our planet, can incinerate every single living thing into ash in a blink of a second. If an PK asteroid does have a collision course with Earth, there will be nothing that puny humans can do except die. I say live life like its a gift rather than a possession.




Oh come on now, we can totally defend ourselves against any asteroids that would dare try to destroy our planet! I mean come on all we gotta do is send two space shuttles with a team of ragtag oil riggers and a 9 foot nuclear warhead to drill to the center of it and blow it into two halves.


Haha come on if Bruce Willis and Ben Aflak (spelling?) can do it then so can the rest of us haha :D

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Species come and go all the time even before humans came into being to screw everything up.

But today the difference here is human hand's fault, not the results of an evolution by a natural way.


It makes me laugh when people get so caught up in trying to figure out the end of the world (us) because it will most-likely happen completely out of our control. There are cosmic rays in the universe that if they hit our planet, can incinerate every single living thing into ash in a blink of a second. If an PK asteroid does have a collision course with Earth, there will be nothing that puny humans can do except die. I say live life like its a gift rather than a possession.



And this is so true! Life is a gift, a so precious one. This is true for all creatures living on earth, human species include, of course.


But what are we making today? A gift well-cared-for our children and the next generations? What sort of legacy are we passing down for those chidren? We have to meditate upon today's facts.


If global warming is allowed to continue, then the following things will happen:

1. Melting in North and South poles: endangered species, white bear, polar seal, whales...

2. Rise in the water level: engulfing 40 little lands, causing massive imigrations with alarming consequences...

3. Climate change and anomaly: animals/live storage in danger, lands productions too, buildup of natural catastrophes...


According to scientists: we have till year 2020 before it arrives with an 1.5°C temp augmentation. The G20 had determined an objective of 2.0°C for gently giving time to readapt our economy. Politicians are persuaded that scientists and specialists will find responses behind the complexity of the energetics question . It's a silent genocide.


Bees are threatened of disappearance in short-run, now they actively contribute to 80% of vegetable kingdom cross-pollination.

Today, if we completely stop polluting our atmosphere, 30 to 50 years are necessary for just the beginning of a reversal tendancy.


Environmental pollution, abnormal climatic phenomenon, human being illness, impoverishment of wherewithal, surpopulation, starvation, unendurable poverty line... Ecology problems were already layed since the 1970's years, yet it's getting worse for tomorrow...


Just for the fun, have you seen the excellent film made in year 1973, Soylent Green?


All what I cherishly hope is that all chidren from next generations could even see a beautiful land in reality, and not just a record behind a video screen!

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