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lol currently playing DEATHSPANK rpg, its a psn downloadable content, lol same voice actor as Captian Qwark.


from the ratchet and clank series, main char.

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I'm actually playing Neverwinter Nights 2. :happy: Amazing game. :)



Hi: That was one of my favorite games. I'm sure I'll be playing again one day. I played it a couple of times. There are just so many others that I want to try that I have not had time to get back to it. I'm surprisingly between games at the moment. I'm either going to start Oblivian or Fallout 3 next. Believe it or not I've never played either of them. From what I've heard I think I'll enjoy them both; but Oblivian sounds like it will be my favorite.


Enjoy NWN2. I sure did.

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Sometimes I get all female feeling and play Tomb Raider (I have original Lara and even a movie snipet of the original British model who was going to play Lara Croft {if anyone's interested - pm me for it} but wasn't up to the antics that Anjolina could pull off so effortlessly - didn't you love her balancing the shrine log? - - as well as the dark-haired Jolie inspired game heroine).


I also sometimes still play Catwoman and guess I'll never tire of NOLF = No One Lives Forever , I stll have to purchase or DL the sequel of Nolf tho.


But I just deleted all of my other games except Lineage, which I've payed for this month & Guild Wars, which I always play from my w2k side of my harddrive to make enough room for Oblivion and modding for it. I moved the 3-part Morrowind over to the 98 part of my hard drive ... so I've really streamlined for Oblivion.


And now I am sitting here at the forums so much because I am awaiting my computer upgrades in the mail that are going to allow me to play Oblivion without lag. But, I am getting to watch my hubby play ... so my whistle is indeed whetted! :ohmy:

guild wars?

dude, add me

calliton surewater

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Duh i had to completely uninstall Oblivion, do to some messed up lighting, for some reason there was a 2 second lag delay before the lights kicked in?????


Outdoor and indoor, i couldn't figure it out. Even uninstalled all mods and it still accured. ----------------------------------------------------------------


Currently Playing DeathSpank, Woot its Awesome, not to mention funny :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:





Next I'm getting the LA Noire Beta, yes that's right the beta. From a err well lets just say a friend.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Playing The Witcher over :) I just played it for 12 1/2 hours, haven't played a game for that long in ages...finally decided to quit for tonight :P Eyes hurt, neck hurts, back hurts :P Great game though :D
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Europa Universallis 3



Global Agenda

City of Heroes/Villains



Due to friends leaving/being broke I stopped playing WoW and EQ2 recently.


Just finished playing through Doom and Doom 2. I'm on the Necropolis levels in Hexen so almost done with that one.

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