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The Official Currently Listening To Thread


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Wow, metal, metal everywhere! My friend would totally love this thread if he was on the forums.


Anyway I usually play music when I go to sleep (Last.fm) and this little piece was one of the best. Youtube quality doesn't sound as good as I heard it though. :(




Strange, most of my favourite bands are from Sweden. Is post-rock/ambient really that common there?

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wow very nice Omeletter I'll have to look them up

what you account I'll have to see what other music they/you have have of them


Thanks! You can add me as a friend on Last.fm if you want. Infact, anyone from the Nexus forums can add me.


My account - http://www.last.fm/user/Omeletter

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Vomitory has rapidly become one of my favorite bands, I had to get their debut album via E-Bay from Russia to complete my collection.


Paganwannbe, I can't speak for everyone of course, but my view is: as long as you don't bash my music, I won't bash yours. Despite my extreme metal background I like/tolerate lots of things. I often play the local alternative radio station 102.1 partly for the only morning radio show I've ever heard that doesn't make me ill to listen too (Kramp & Adler) and also for the fact they play a generally more interesting group of music than the mainstream stations here. I've found that it's a pretty diverse group of people here on the forums, so lovers of all kinds of music will peruse this section.


I was pleasantly surprised to see other extreme metal-heads like Iliad and Evandar here as we are quite a niche market. I was seen as really out there in high school (I graduated in 1988) when I listened to Slayer, Celtic Frost, Possessed, Kreator, and Death. I've been listening to the harsher and heavier forms of metal since before the term 'death metal' was even in general use! I can still scare co-workers away from any QC lab I work in just by hooking up my Ipod and letting some of my collection of death/black/thrash metal play. ;)


Back to the links!


Belphegor time:



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Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll



USA [ Alternative Rock ] - Album Bigger, Better, Faster, More! 1992; Cover Art [ Studio ]


http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Uh-huh, the Brotherhood of Man...

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Now, this sounds perfect. Reminds me of last month when I was sitting in a train coming home from London, the sunset was great, and that what it reminds me of.




Second time in a row my post in a thread makes a new page.

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