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Most and least favorite NPCs.


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i always kill Butch at the start for hitting me 9 years earlier. my LW is an turkey like that. i always wait until his mom has been killed by radroaches before i shoot him so i get to hear him go "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SHES DEAD!" and then *BAM*




Most Favorite: none really jump out at me. maybe Jericho, because he has saved my LW's life so many times. or Timebomb, because i killed him before he woke up, so i can imagine his dialogue as whatever i want. the dialogue wasnt that great for most NPC's imo. on second thought, my favorite is definitely Allistair Tenpenny.


he was supposed to be evil, but i thought he was friggin awesome! crazy old billionaire guy who took advantage of the apocalypse to have his own kingdom, and spends his time shooting stuff with a sniper rifle from his balcony. awesome. and he even lets the zombies live in his house if you bother him enough. his generosity got him killed :( friggin ghouls. thats why i had to put them in the concentration camp.




Least Favorite: Three-Dog (obnoxious self-important douchebag with a silly hat), Dad (stupid male without a father who is responsible for my LW never seeing the woman he loved ever again and being trapped in a hellscape full of monsters. which would have been ok, but it pisses me off that i cant say anything like that in the game), and the entire Brotherhood of Steel (because they SUCK. took them 20 years to do 3 days worth of work. they claim most of their recruits are people they saved, but thats BS, they never save anyone except maybe Three-Dog)

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Ooohh...I can't believe I forgot about 3-dog. That loud mouth makes me want to tear my teeth out, especially that line about "What sometimes gives you the blues and rhymes with, blah, blah, blah...". When you speak to him about your dumbass Dad he acts all high and mighty talking about being the "good guy" and then black-mails you into doing his dirty work for him while he sits there all comfy in his fortified radio station surrounded by power armored bodyguards. I also hate the fact that even if you are a very good character with max positive karma and you do one thing evil, he talks about you like you're the scum of the earth. Build your karma up and then go take out Roy Phillips and his bunch, then listen to what Mr. Doggy has to say. When I get home I'm gonna go put a bullet in his head.




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So far in my second playthrough, I dislike Moriarty (greedy male without a father), Mr. Burke (you want me to do WHAT?!), and Evan King (I'm a little girl, I just fought off FIRE BREATHING ANTS in Greyditch, and you, a grown man, can't deal with a few punks even with the other Arefu residents to back you up? Take a hike!).


Speaking of Greyditch, Brian Wilks, according to Blaze, is also a wuss: Here I am fresh out of the vault, not much older and maybe actually younger than Brian here, my only combat training being the trial by fire I went through on the way out, and I'm taking care of these ants easily. Sure, I'm armed -- but you have an assault rifle in your house. Even if you can't handle it well, you could probably still manage to at least hit a few, and maybe even, *gasp*, learn to use it. You're a boy. Boys are supposed to be stronger, you can do it! If not, hell, here's one of my guns. Now go get 'em! Or run to Megaton. Now quit your whining. Which one of us is the little girl, again?


I like Lucas Simms (gave me a house for a few minutes of work! Sweet!), think Moira's a little weird but means well (well, so far...), and Agatha. Unlike, say, Evan King, Agatha's requests are actually reasonable. She's an old lady off by herself. While she may have the firepower (read: Blackhawk) to take on creatures of the wastes singly or in very small numbers, she's a) old and b) using a gun not exactly ideal for rapid fire situations. She's one of the few NPCs who quite believably can't do for herself the things she asks of you.



Now, overall, I'm surprised no one has mentioned the exceedingly stupid woman who betrays everyone (including YOU) and is pretty much directly responsible for your capture at Vault 87: Anna Holt. Even goody two-shoes Talia/Kuroe4 put a hole in her head. Blaze's response will, in all likelihood, be a bit more fiery.


If you argue that since she was kidnapped and interrogated, I suggest you go through her dialogue again: it's clear she gave up the information willingly and has no remorse for what happened to you as a result. Damned turncoat.


So I'd say Anna Holt is my most hated NPC, and my favorite, I donno. Bigsley's great. I sat there and listened to him for quite a while the first time I encountered him.


As for Sonora Cruz giving only 5 caps to the finger: probably for balance reasons. Any more than that and you'd be swimming in caps super quick. A better alternative would've been to raise the bounty, and have far fewer NPCs drop fingers, perhaps even limiting finger drops to named NPCs.

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I can't believe I forgot the traitorous b*tch myself! Thanks for pointing that out Evil. Every time I play through Raven Rock I am still amazed at her lack of remorse at having betrayed her long time friends and coworkers. As soon as that amazement wears off, I unload a combat shotgun into her guts. Last time I actually took the effort to separate every limb and her head from her body using a combat knife. Thus perish all traitors!
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Desmund - what a legend..he can't help but say f*ck every other word =D




the woman at the begining of the game...the one who gives you a poem... she blatently wanted to have knooky knooky with james.


Butch - seriously? so far in the closet he is having adventures in narnia.


Amata .. i always hoped the lone wanderer and amata would just have sex already.


that adult in little lamp light..omg.. just want to stick a nuke up his ass :P

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Desmund - what a legend..he can't help but say f*ck every other word =D




the woman at the begining of the game...the one who gives you a poem... she blatently wanted to have knooky knooky with james.


Butch - seriously? so far in the closet he is having adventures in narnia.


Amata .. i always hoped the lone wanderer and amata would just have sex already.


that adult in little lamp light..omg.. just want to stick a nuke up his ass :P


The guy who turned sixteen and I had to help baby sit all the way to big town while he made up those Aweful Stories?! I would have stuffed a grenade in his mouth, but I sensed his brain wasn't any older then the little one's he was getting his going away party from when, I arrived. Was his name, "Sticky?"

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what ever his name is..the guy with the party hat whop is not a child who wants you to take him to the other town. annoying as hell he is lol


Wow! You write just like I used to. Some people call it Hermit speak. Raw confused and some one like me can understand it enough to know the Star Wars fans call it, "Yoda" language.


Yes! That was the guy who wants us to take him to Big Town. I walked with all the way to big town. Instead of killing him I gave him the best armor I had on me to make sure the 16 year old child had a chance to learn how I have lived since I was very young amongst Vault Dwellers who knew I really wasn't from the Vault all the time I was growing up there. And they did not let the secret out. Leaving the Vault is really scary for the first few days.

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