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Most and least favorite NPCs.


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LOL....Glad you agree.


I've thought of another NPC to hate. The tribal Jackson. He's such a deluded moron. I mean who honestly believes that you can advance your mystical understanding by cracking open your skull and scooping out a chunk of your brain? What's worse, and I don't know if one should hate them more, all the other members of the tribe for being retarded enough to go along with the dumbass.

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- Moira Brown - I liked her quest the most, and she has the biggest inventory of all the traders.

- Liberty Prime - "Communism is a LIE!"

- Three Dog - The best thing about him are his quest comments on the radio.




- Eulogy Jones - I actually didn't see any of his dialogue, I just went in guns blazing.

- Tenpenny - He just found the damn tower, it ain't his. (It was supposed to be mine :P)

- Dr.Li - I think its pretty obvious.


It took me a long time to think of those I like. (I'm trigger happy)

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It took me a long time to think of those I like. (I'm trigger happy)


Hehe, it certainly looks so... But then again, it actually IS hard sometimes to like people in Fallout 3. The game always conveys the feeling that everyone who treats you nicely (or is at least not a complete moron) does this only because he/she wants you to do something.



About Wernher... yeah, that hypocritical rat deserves a place in my "hate" list as well. All that free the slaves crap and suddenly he want you to steal a child? And then he wants to keep the system running, but only for the higher goal, or course. I am sure this scumbag read his "Dictatorship for Dummies" very carefully...

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Now that I've met Three Dog (again), Blaze believes he's part of the problem with the Wasteland Wusses. Sure, he's right: most of the people she's met up til now--aside from the Brotherhood--have been pussies incapable of fighting. From her viewpoint as a pre-teen from a vault, the Wastelanders just aren't even trying, and Three Dog's just continuing to discourage them from doing so.


You do realize that Anna Holt is a victim?


Maybe she was intended to be, but she certainly doesn't come off that way.


Damned remorseless backstabber. Blaze will likely put a fiery end to her.

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Favorites, in no particular order:


Liberty Prime - Oh, man. On my first playthrough, I had no idea what to expect. When he godzillas his way through the Enclave, spouting his anti-Communist lines, first my jaw dropped, then I couldn't quit laughing. That sequence is both funny not just for the giant robot destroying everything in its path factor, but also for the not-even-trying-to-be-subtle political commentary. I actually reloaded a couple of times.


Mister Burke - I'm not impressed with him as a standalone character, but if you recruit him as a follower, some of his responses to combat are comedy gold. He goes from cold killer to, literally, crying and screaming for help-- even as he mows down his opponents.


Gob - I just felt so badly for him, starting with the "stupid joke of a body" line. I'm glad he's being modded into a full companion, so he can finally hit back.


Desmond - Yeah, he's a total jerkoff, but he's just so disgusted with everyone, he's kind of hard to resist. Plus, I don't feel guilty if he gets taken out by friendly fire; I figure it's good for his ego.


Reilly - Even though she doesn't get a lot of "screen time," I sympathized with her self-blame over her teammates' situation. That whole side quest is a great mood-lifter, given the general apathy / hostility of the Wasteland in general. Brick's fun, too.


Agatha - She has her own music channel!


Moira - Dr. Lesko, without the bad Jerry Lewis impersonation. Plus, she sympathizes with the molerats (who I think are kind of cute). But mostly because she's a disaster looking for a place to happen.


I'm having a hard time thinking of favorite female combat characters. Hmmm. I don't think Fallout has a a Mazoga (from Oblivion) equivalent, has it? I haven't tried Star Cross, yet....

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My Favourite= Charon

My least favourite= Talon company mercs

Charon is my favourite because he looks pretty cool and when he fights for me at level 30 he is basically invincible, better than fawkes because you can dress he up in stuff and I don't really like supermutants, friendly or hostile.

I hat talon company mercs because whenever you come out of a subway or a house or go anywhere, these goddamn mercs shout out "TALON COMPANY!!!" and take away so much health. I would have said Overllords but they don't appear as much as talon mercs.

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Well I recently decided to test out the Groovatron, and basically was cycling through all the poses/animations on my male character. Now some of them are obviously meant for females only and when I was busy doing some less-than-masculine poses, Jericho strolls into the room and goes: "What's going on here kid? I thought you were some sort of badass."


Gotta love him for his impeccable timing :biggrin:

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