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Beth in Trouble 2


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My solution? Get rid of 9 out of 10 lawyers and close the law schools for 10 years (I'm sure super mutants can accommodate that :D ). We have too darn many of them. Maybe then this whole sue-happy culture will go away.


Congratulations, you just made the single dumbest statement I've heard all day. I'd say all week, but some of the all caps ranting in the Part 1 of this was a bit crazed, even by my relaxed standards of mental stability.


Heh ... someone must be a lawyer. What part of humor don't you get? But then, maybe ad hominems are your cup of tea.


Vis a vis the legal issue: Preponderance of what evidence -- rants and pre-trial legal chest-thumping? It hasn't been tried civilly, let alone criminally. Until such time, they are allegations. As smart as you are, one would think you'd look the word up in an online dictionary. Or perhaps reading isn't your forte, to wit:


Interplay’s counter-suit alleges that Bethesda interfered...
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Heh ... someone must be a lawyer. What part of humor don't you get? But then, maybe ad hominems are your cup of tea.


Not yet, but I can tell you I'm completely sick of that idiotic crap. Its not all laywers that are the problem, just the slip and fall jerks who work in Torts, along with the easily abused laws and insurance companies who will settle at the drop of a hat.


Vis a vis the legal issue: Preponderance of what evidence -- rants and pre-trial legal chest-thumping? It hasn't been tried civilly, let alone criminally. Until such time, they are allegations. As smart as you are, one would think you'd look the word up in an online dictionary. Or perhaps reading isn't your forte, to wit:


No, its just that I am not the judge of the case nor am I on a jury, thus I have the privilege of taking things at face value, and from what I've seen Beth has been jerking Interplay around royally.

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Not yet, but I can tell you I'm completely sick of that idiotic crap. Its not all laywers that are the problem, just the slip and fall jerks who work in Torts, along with the easily abused laws and insurance companies who will settle at the drop of a hat.


Me too, hence my post.


No, its just that I am not the judge of the case nor am I on a jury, thus I have the privilege of taking things at face value, and from what I've seen Beth has been jerking Interplay around royally.


One can jerk legally :D Or not. I think Interplay is far from lily-white in all this as well. Insofar as Bethesda goes ... thank God for a great modding community: they saved Oblivion and they're saving Fallout3.

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Me too, hence my post.


Heh. I'm just poo of hearing "NO MOAR LAWYERS!" Its completely simplistic and in no way helps the problem, and in fact would make it worse.


One can jerk legally :D Or not. I think Interplay is far from lily-white in all this as well. Insofar as Bethesda goes ... thank God for a great modding community: they saved Oblivion and they're saving Fallout3.


Oh, I think Herve needs to be skinned alive and rolled in salt for canceling Van Buran in favor of PoS.


My feelings on Todd on the other hand are not fit to publish publicly.


Honestly, I think that Bethesda's quality level is utter garbage these days.

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Honestly, I think that Bethesda's quality level is utter garbage these days.


Bethesda has Quality Control? :ermm: Now, see ... that would be NEWS!

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Contract dispute. Nothing messier than that. Even lawyers have a really tough time sorting it out, so maybe in another 5 to 10 years (after a jury decides who said what to who), the courts will render a decision. Till then, it's just posturing and bluffing in order to try and negotiate a better settlement. (That all said, it's just my non-lawyerly opinion.)
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