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Water... I need pure water...


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I'm new to this game at all, and I need some advice. In Megaton theres a shop where lady gives you quests, like go to Super-Mart, get radiation to 200, etc. So, I got medicine and food from the Super-Mart, and then she gave me food purifier, it seems to have NO effect on water, only on foods and drinks. So, I'm looking where to get fresh water, purified one and I only have dirty water! Can anyone please give some advice where to find it on newbies level. I'm also not good with combat at all, and I'm using Vanilla, so if there will be a good companion mod which is lore friendly, a link will be very appreciated too.
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Okay, for purified water I know that your robo butler can give you five bottles of purified water a week once you get the Megaton house. Not sure if there are other repeatable sources.


However, I know that Tenpennys room in his tower has a special bathrrom where both the sink and toilet has purified water in it. You can drink from them without getting rads. There is also a mod or two called Bottle That Water which lets you get empty bottles after drinking stuff like nuka cola or alchohol. You can then fill the empy bottles up from any water source (tenpennys sink gives you purified water, pretty much everything else gives you dirty water).



As for companion mods, I am a big fan of the RobCo Certified mod that lets you repair broken robots to fight for you. If the kill something you get the XP from it, you can just repaitr them back to full strength if they die, and with the RobCo storage mod you can store equipment in them.


To repair a robot you need to take the RobCO Certified perk and use a scrap metal and fission battery. There is a battery charger mod that lets you convert energy cells into fission batteries, and a recycling mod that turns tin cans into scrap metal.

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You'll also find bottles of purified water just lying around, but most often in first aid kits. As for combat, you're still a low level, so your shots can go wild even if your actual aim is decent. Hunting Rifle + VATS are your friends.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
At the very beginning you can get 3. At the door, after talking to Amata, 2 guys rush in to beat you up. After they are taken out, go through that door, go right, there is another room. On the shelves there are 3 bottles of purified water, also, on the table is 6 bobby pins. But, hurry, or some guys with guns show up.
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  • 2 weeks later...
But it's probably the most cap efficient way of boosting your karma until you get your barter skill up. Then you can sell it for more than you'd get for trading in scrap, so just give scrap to the guy (I think the karma gain is equivalent, anyway, can anyone confirm?) Stealing like a kleptomaniac while using scrap/purified for karma will EASILY keep you at very good while making you a ton of caps too.
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