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What possessed all of you to come to post here?


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Can't remember.


Oh, it was TO DO with mods. I wanted to find a specific armour mod, so I came and posted here. If you search good for katshy (or maybe katashy, since I got my name changed), you can find my first ever post. It was quite a nooby post, I didnt really know what to do.


Okay, type "katshy" and you can find it. Oh god... I even put the title in capitals...

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At first it was to get mods. Then it was to get help with making a mod (it never got finished). Now it's still for the mods, and to help other people make mods.
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Mods, mods, mods modz... zzz... zzzzz... Also I wanted more talking to people so I decided to join forums. I didn't used forums a lot before, so I thought that this would be a great idea, and it is!
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What possessed all of you to come here in the first place?
Lookin for mods, used Google and wha-la! Here I is.


EDIT: Although, it was probably a year after I had been on the Nexus before I clicked "The Lounge (Off Topic Forum)" link. I did that out of boredom.

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Mods..after playing the game vanilla, it was time for a change :)


just started posting on here regularly and now kinda regretting it...don't know why I even bother talking half the time...

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And here we are. Memory serves me that I was happy getting mods for free. ;) Until one day a driving force to dig an underground tunnel occurred to me. :wacko: I could sense I wanted it to start out at the back of my shelter, down twenty stories and then out to the river where I could put a secret door. :unsure: It did not seem like as good an idea as helping others solve their game problems. :( The GECK for Fallout 3 came out. :banana:


I built a mod with the vault 74 guideline from the WIKI and then...My computer crashed wiping out all my work before I could save it. >:( :bomb_ie:


Doah! I felt like a dumb :bunny:. Now I am hearing a voice from heaven saying, "Isn't there something else you should be doing right now?!"


And my reply is, "What?! I finished all my chore's. Okay?!"

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I can say at first i thought it was the mods.... but after i explored the site a bit i thought why the hell not? so i started.

This was my first forum to visit, and i also joined my first Roleplay here too. hell i met some of my bestist freinds here <and i think that any of you who say you can't make real freinds on the internet is pretty much an idiot.... sorry for that, but that is my opinion.>


True i hav'nt been on here for...... quite some time to say the leist, but hey.

after this and a few forums later i joined up in making my own with two buddies of mine.


and thats my story, albeit short :P

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