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The Ghost

The Mantis

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i can tell this is 1 of this sites first stories and would like to warn everybody that if they cheat then this is what happens. back on the main site if you cheated you were banned. but this sites new so i understand if there is not yet enforcement of the rules. but let this be a lesson to alll cheaters.




The End

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thats right. we need rules, so when someone starts a story they can specify what applies, i.e only things from mw, or from all RPGs, etc. also, you CANNOT say what another character does. you cant say "oh and then i killed ____" the only person who can say waht their character does is the creator of the char. go look at Raven's rules and regs before you join a story and add illogical events.

THE END (sorry Thomas i wanted to add something :))

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hehe... dont worry about it erionia... i know how u feel ^_^ roleplayin is tricky and if u do something wrong a lot of ppl get p*ssed, dont ask me why lol im still tryin 2 pluck up the courage 2 make a char and join one of these things :P
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why did we get mad? WHY DID WE GET MAD! What the hell kind of question is that. Your character is a werewolf/dragon/woman/ who can teeport whenever she wants wherever she wants/she kills everything in 1 hit. You HO! You ruined my story! Seriously who the hell is a werewolf who can turn into a dragon whenever they want! GOD DAMMIT! You have the mind of a 5 year old! No my character cant die because she has super duper bulletproof armor! And she can fly!, and turn into a big scary dragon! With a fire shield that lasts forever! And she can kill all you poopyheads in one hit because your stupid. And she can return to oblivion at will! Really I was new at story's once and I messed up and they bit my head off. BUT for christs sake she turns into a dragon! You were obviuosly off your medication last night.
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