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Dragon Age - Uninstalling a mod


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This is probably right up there on the 'dumbest questions ever asked' list, but how does one uninstall a mod that isn't wanted any more? :rolleyes:


I tried removing the dazip files that I wanted to remove from the data folder, but the stuff is still back in my guy's inventory at the start of every gaming session. As the inventory is shared by the whole party, it soon fills up with all this stuff and earning money is no longer an issue for him as he has loads from selling the stuff.


It's the last time I use something that adds stuff directly to the inventory, that's for sure! :D

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Maybe we need some kind of marker to identify which game a forum post is referring to. I use the 'View New Posts' to check all posts since my last visit, and they are mixed. I have figured out most of them by some small differences in the names, but I still get caught starting to reply to a wrong forum occasionally.


Possibly a new field on the page, or a prefix to each forum DA for Dragon Age, FO for FO3, OB for Oblivion and MW for Morrowind.



Changed thread title to make it clear which game was being talked about


- Vagrant0


Edited by Vagrant0
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It's OK, I figured it out! The mods leave some elements in 'My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override' - I disabled them and cleared out those folders left behind and they're gone now.
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It's OK, I figured it out! The mods leave some elements in 'My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override' - I disabled them and cleared out those folders left behind and they're gone now.



Thanks, Slof. I was wondering the same thing. One of the crazy things about DA:O is that mods can be put in two different places and still work. And, if I may ask, which mod were you trying to uninstall.




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It's OK, I figured it out! The mods leave some elements in 'My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override' - I disabled them and cleared out those folders left behind and they're gone now.





I found these additional files while uninstalling a mod:


C:\Documents and Settings\Tim\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override

C:\Documents and Settings\Tim\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\data

C:\Documents and Settings\Tim\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns\mod_add\module\mod_add.cif

C:\Documents and Settings\Tim\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns\mod_add\core\data\mod_add_modcore.erf

C:\Documents and Settings\Tim\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns\mod_add\module\data\mod_add_module.erf


Here is my install log for Mysterious Bag mod by Pheelon


11/27/2009 7:21 PM - C:\Program Files\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daupdater.exe,

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Found Dragon Age version 1.0

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Localization file ..\data\DAUpdater.xml loaded.

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Language set to: en

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Received Manifest Ready Message from DAUpdaterSvc

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - Processing manifest for: C:\Program Files\Dragon Age\bin_ship\mod_add.dazip

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - Successfully processed manifest.

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - Extracting: C:\Program Files\Dragon Age\bin_ship\mod_add.dazip

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - Location: C:\Documents and Settings\Tim\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\temp\mod_add\

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - Extracted file: Manifest.xml

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - Extracted file: Contents/addins/mod_add/core/data/mod_add_modcore.erf

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - Extracted file: Contents/addins/mod_add/module/data/mod_add_module.erf

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - Extracted file: Contents/addins/mod_add/module/mod_add.cif

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - Extracted file: Contents/packages/core/data/mod_add_package.erf

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - Extraction successful.

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - Install mutex not found.????????

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - Installing mod_add folder: C:\Documents and Settings\Tim\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\temp\mod_add\Contents\packages to: C:\Documents and Settings\Tim\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - Installing mod_add folder: C:\Documents and Settings\Tim\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\temp\mod_add\Contents\addins to: C:\Documents and Settings\Tim\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns\

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - Updating AddIns.xml

11/27/2009 7:21 PM - Information - Install successful.


I have to admit I am :unsure: just how much to delete. You don't want to delete the addins or packages folders as they were part of the install.


Reinstalling the Mysterious Bag Mod after uninstalling it no long gives you the items. The bag opens empty! There is something that is still in

your files that is preventing the reinstall from working. I would think it is probably in your characters file but I could be wrong and missed

deleting a file.


I don't think I deleted the Core and Overirde folders that are in the addins or packages folders because they were empty. That may be the problem

but the correct files were in the folders. I will check it out this very early morning and see if it makes a difference.




... Kel ...

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I have to admit I am :unsure: just how much to delete. You don't want to delete the addins or packages folders as they were part of the install.


Reinstalling the Mysterious Bag Mod after uninstalling it no long gives you the items. The bag opens empty! There is something that is still in

your files that is preventing the reinstall from working. I would think it is probably in your characters file but I could be wrong and missed

deleting a file.


I don't think I deleted the Core and Overirde folders that are in the addins or packages folders because they were empty. That may be the problem

but the correct files were in the folders. I will check it out this very early morning and see if it makes a difference.


... Kel ...


hmm, the Mod stores the IDs allready used in a Module-Var - that means its saved with your save-game.


if you want to re-add something you just have to use a different ID in the M2DA.

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