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What Was The Very First Morrowind Mod U Ever Used?

Darkh Templar

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Think hard little Dunmer...think back to the day you first clicked Data Files in Morrowind's launcher and checked that box that ran your first mod. Can you remember what it was, little Dunmer...


My first mod, IIRC, came right from mwsource.com

IIRC, it was Tel Uvirith 3.0. Or was it Tel Uvirith 3.2.

Can't remember...its been so long :(

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I think the first Morrowind mod I used was the Secret Masters Fix by Shakti. I couldn't found a medium armor trainer that could go up to 100. I did some web searching and discovered that Bethesda had left the master trainers for medium armor and armorer out of the game. The Shakti mod fixed that. I've used it ever since. I don't even know if the missing master trainers were ever fixed by an official patch or by an expansion.
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