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Please wait 3 hours after downloading.


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I don't know about everyone else, but it really doesn't take me 3 hours to download and try something out, especially when it's something that doesn't require a ton of testing. Having to wait 3 hours (if I'm even around that long) is just a hassle. I (and likely many) usually just end up forgetting.


I understand the desire to make it so people won't just give endorsements from the screenshots without testing, but honestly I'd rather have that than punishing everyone for it.


Anyways, there's my suggestion. :P

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I am of your opinion XunAmarox,

that should be changed to one hour maximum

then the people don't forget it "maybe" !

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FYI - You eventually get a pop-up "reminder" showing which files you have downloaded that have not been rated. So forgetting should not be a problem. ;)


If you can see the "View your download history" link in the Member Area, this will also show you the mods you've downloaded and whether or not you've voted on them.



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Well, that's useful... assuming anyone ever finds it. I definitely didn't know that feature existed.


I'm still of the opinion that it should be 30m-1h max... ideally removed completely. It just... isn't very friendly.


And is there any way to view more than my last 10 posts? Cause... normally that's how I see if something I posted has gotten replied to, but I can't view all my posts anywhere that I can find.

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And is there any way to view more than my last 10 posts? Cause... normally that's how I see if something I posted has gotten replied to, but I can't view all my posts anywhere that I can find.

Click on your name next to one of your posts (above your avatar) for a drop-down list including a query for all posts by you.

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Well, that's useful... assuming anyone ever finds it. I definitely didn't know that feature existed.

It's called Download/Rating History :)..


Although maybe it could be noted at the message when it isn't ready to vote yet? That you can find it there..Maybe with a link to it? That could be a solution...As recently it'll also show how long it'll take until you can vote..:)


I'm still of the opinion that it should be 30m-1h max... ideally removed completely. It just... isn't very friendly.

I couldn't agree. Without it the value of the voting would dramatically decrease. What use is there to immediate voting? That means you can vote before you could have tested the mod in the first place. The 3 hours in place so that you'll have a sufficient time to check out the mod, or to think about your vote in general. It's the best of worst. Although some mods have their results shown in a minute..Other require some time before you know they are good or are missing something. :)..

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I've got to agree with Pronam. The three hour rule has frustrated me before, but I still see it as necessary to allow enough time to adequately test the mod. On the other side of the coin, that rule can also prevent someone from prematurely giving a mod a poor rating when they need more time to test it, learn how to use it, ask for help, get clarification, et. al. It's one of those necessary evils, lol Sometimes a pain, but ultimately can be a good thing and/or prevent a bad rating from being given.


If you look at your page any time you are browsing mod files you'll see this first column on the right hand side of the page:



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(in green and underlined here, although they are gold on the page itself-) At entry #19 if you count down the list of topics above, you'll see "Tracking centre." Clicking on that will take you to a page that allows you to "manage favourite files," ones you've marked you'd like to keep an eye on, or manage mod authors or members you've marked as favorites. You can remove items from the list you no longer want to track or keep an eye on.


Under that you see "Download/rating history." This is where you'll find all the files you have downloaded for the month and whether or not you've rated them. To my knowledge (which is spotty, lol) you can't remove files from here. But this does let you know how long you have before you can rate something you've recently downloaded. If you are a premium member you'll see your entire file download/rating history.


Checking out/clicking on any of the selections in those two columns on the right side of your mod browsing pages will help you explore the site more and find things you may not know you have access to. Plus you can see recent site updates and find links to the latest news about the site and other interesting things. If I've explained anything incorrectly, some of the more senior members feel free to clarify :)

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If you look at your page any time you are browsing mod files you'll see this first column on the right hand side of the page:



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(in green and underlined here, although they are gold on the page itself-) At entry #19 if you count down the list of topics above, you'll see "Tracking centre." Clicking on that will take you to a page that allows you to "manage favourite files," ones you've marked you'd like to keep an eye on, or manage mod authors or members you've marked as favorites. You can remove items from the list you no longer want to track or keep an eye on.


Under that you see "Download/rating history." This is where you'll find all the files you have downloaded for the month and whether or not you've rated them. To my knowledge (which is spotty, lol) you can't remove files from here. But this does let you know how long you have before you can rate something you've recently downloaded. If you are a premium member you'll see your entire file download/rating history.


Checking out/clicking on any of the selections in those two columns on the right side of your mod browsing pages will help you explore the site more and find things you may not know you have access to. Plus you can see recent site updates and find links to the latest news about the site and other interesting things. If I've explained anything incorrectly, some of the more senior members feel free to clarify :)


You know if you expand that alittle and work on it you could make a article out of it and put it into this category maybe more pepole will notice it then =)


just an idea :thumbsup:

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