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CTD when Saving.


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your cpu not being exactly super super 'may' have a hand in things, expecially when running a few mods.

I suggest removing all mods, going vanilla install, make a new 'clean' save then start adding mods in increments and see what happens.

Have you run a HD scan to see if your drive is physically ok?


Things like music overhauls could be busting your game...

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your cpu not being exactly super super 'may' have a hand in things, expecially when running a few mods.

I suggest removing all mods, going vanilla install, make a new 'clean' save then start adding mods in increments and see what happens.

Have you run a HD scan to see if your drive is physically ok?


Things like music overhauls could be busting your game...

Now that i think about it, i used to run more mods before without issues, but never music overhauls as i am currently doing, will try to play some time without them and see what happens.

And yes, i ran it around a week ago, long after the crashes started, nothing seems wrong with it.

Edited by Highwayman300
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Hi, have you tried dumping/selling most of the inventory that you are carrying with you (including inventory help by followers/horses), then going into a small indoor location and trying to save? Sometimes having a bunch of stuff can cause crashes at saves.

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I had this issue for a good while, and I never figured out what caused it. I don't get it any more though, and I have this sneaking suspicion that my use of the Speed and Stability Guide for ENB was a rather large factor in that. Having followed all steps in that thing, and done some considerable tweaking, I now only CTD whenever my GPU overheats.

If you're running ENB, definitely go for that. I remember how frustrating that issue was. I'd advise abandoning your current save file, really taking the time to stabilise your game, and then trying again.

A note, though...I heard somewhere that ENB can have problems with AMD. I have absolutely no idea how accurate that was, but if all else fails, maybe investigate. I have nvidia myself, so can't help there.

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