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This should make you laugh


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Well here it is




A site comprising mostly of zealots and fanatacists to their cause of their Disc/flat earth theory. My favourite statement being "Gravity does not exist it is simply the upward movement of the Disc at 33.3 f/s caused by a dark matter, causing objects to appear to be falling" or something along those lines.


Site is a good read though if you didn't know about it now you do.


I'm a very open minded individual and Don't bash peoples ideas, rather I support radical thinking when it is implied in a clear evidential way, but when it is defended with such arrogance it makes me wonder about their stability..... Psychologically.


Thought I'd share it as after spending a few minutes reading posts I'm left feeling amused yet somewhat disgusted.


// Oh and it's not a joke, they truly believe in the theory.

Edited by velve666
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*sigh* I'd be curious to see what some of these people look like in the real world. I'm sad to say the imagine in my head is of a lot of old men, with the occasional young man thrown in who's lead such a sheltered life that they believe whatever spam they're fed.


Proving the Earth is round is extremely simple in modern life. First option? a jet airplane. Commercial jets can and do reach immense altitudes, and one glance out the windows should remove all doubt. If you can't afford a plane ticket, find a car racing circuit. Race tracks all feature a long, straight section of road for racing on. These sections are, for safety's sake, as flat as humanly possible. Because of their length and flatness the curvature of the Earth should be clearly visible.


A third option is to find either a salt lake or a frozen one, grab a pair of binoculars and lie down. Once again, the distance and flatness will ensure the curvature of the earth is clearly visible.


EDIT: took a look. So much stupidity that I literally had to rush off and read something intelligence.



Edited by Vindekarr
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It is painfully ludicrous.


Don't let them catch you with those statements you made, oh no..... "apparently" No matter how far you travel along a straight line be it miles and miles the object/person when viewed through be it, a telescope will still remain "perfectly at eye level".


I have to draw a conclusion and say that these folks that believe this have not been subjected to the outside world or be it human interaction in a long long time.


This is not to mention the great "Wall of Ice" that surrounds the earth disk and stretches miles into the sky, in a game of thrones-esque tradition.

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Interesting site, but not as interesting as the expanding earth creationists - they have videos.

Gotta look into that one.


These folks have a few videos but they're painful to watch, No actual footage though because apparently Every photo/video recorded by NASA or individual corporations have been Photoshopped.

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Interesting site, but not as interesting as the expanding earth creationists - they have videos.

Gotta look into that one.


These folks have a few videos but they're painful to watch, No actual footage though because apparently Every photo/video recorded by NASA or individual corporations have been Photoshopped.



Tried, but failed, to find the expanding earth web site, but if you do a youtube search for Neal Adams and expanding earth the videos are easily found. The most amazing part of the videos is the production value of them.

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Had a look at the linked forums. Most interesting and entertaining but more for what it shows of human ways of thinking than what it shows of the true nature of the world.

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If you haven't figured it out, the flat earth society is a joke, and part of the joke is that to be a member you must act and speak as if you absolutely believe it. To ever admit that you really don't believe is grounds for automatic expulsion from the society. :tongue:


BTW, The ancient Greeks KNEW the earth was round. And even calculated it's diameter fairly accurately. Educated people even during the dark ages knew this also. - Columbus knew the earth was round but thought the calculations by the Greeks were wrong and the earth was actually smaller - and if he hadn't run into Hispaniola when he did his math error would have killed him. His ships didn't carry enough food to get to India where he expected to go. Then, as he had never actually been to India, and had no clue what the people there were like, He 'assumed' the native people he found were Indians. And so that's what he called them. http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f351/charonn0/ohgeez-1.gif

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That is one dedicated group of jokers then.


Some of those folks have racked up over 40,000 post in defense of their prank. Hell I couldn't imagine spending/wasting so much time on something so stupid.


But the debates in there are so authentic, I mean people get really riled up when someone disapproves their theory.

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I happen to know that the only 'real flat earth' is Terry Prachett's diskworld; you got to believe it! The proof is in the really giant elephants!

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