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EVE: Dominion


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Frankly I don't get why people are giving atlas s#*! for Y8R... last time I looked at the sbu it belonged to solar fleet. Really it's their loss and their failed invasion attempt.


Couple reasons. They 'shot moons' then 'shot sov' for ~good fights~ but really they just wanted ~good ganks~. That's why they camped to maintain system control at times so NC would have to jump into them to save the station as the defender and get slaughtered with current sever mechanics (which Tri was clearly showcasing for the week prior).


Atlas/Tri whomever attacks can also spin the 'omg you so stupid haven't you learned dominion servers, why did you jump in.' ummm, cuz there's like a station to try and save and since the NC is being hammered by TRI/WN/C02/CH/ROL + ATLAS/COW/GC/PETS they are all over the place trying to save several assets on a multi front war, and can't simply camp one system to be there first.


In this scenario If ATLAS rapes or NC doesn't show to save station, they can toot horn and smack. If NC rapes or ATLAS runs, they can claim ~came for good fights~ only and justify not jumping in.


The BULLSHIT about 'NC blob' is just that, bull. N.C. = Northern Coalition. I bolded the key item. You shoot one, you shoot the bunch, everyone knows this, and it's why ATLAS brought their friends. To say otherwise or make other 'blob comments' for either side is just commical.


Lol at COW/GC btw:


Think that sums it up pretty well.


I've also noticed the fleet lag. If I join fleet in a system 20 jumps away then I'll get some serious lag in every single system. I wouldn't be surprised either if it was the fleet finder. People are also saying that the sov information for the system is in real-time which might be a similar cause.


I know what you mean about the fleet comms as well. My GOD are there some *special* people in the NC. I'm normally only around 6pm onwards and I swear it's the Americans. People jumping on to TS, not even checking alliance or fleet chat and speaking during combat comms the usual "Hey guys, I've just logged in, where is the fleet and what ships do you want?", "Guys, I've just jumped in and my grid isn't loading" every time a primary is called and then my personal favourite "Guys, I'm dead, this is the FC's fault! We should have done....".


It actually makes me rage. Thank god atleast my corp is mature and competent.

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And lag strikes again... this time in Y-2.


NC sent a fleet of around 250 down to Fountain to help goons/PL defend the Y-2 station system where IT are onlining a TCU.


We set off from the north around 23.30, met up with MM in Fountain and regrouped on a titan bridge 1 jump out of Y-2. Got the order to bridge through, activated bridge... and waited.


And waited.


About 30 minutes later a lot of us filed stuck petitions, which got the usual helpful response.


Meanwhile reports from the very few people who had loaded grid in Y-2, or scouts already in system, came in of -A- bombers decimating those who had jumped in.


After about an hour, the bridge finally activated for me... and started the next batch of waiting. Grid in Y-2 didn't load.


After about another 40 minutes, reports came in of ships in limbo being gangwarped to hostile POSs, so we were told to log off if we had not loaded grid.


And then reports came in that the PL titan fleet was getting massacred without having loaded grid, and that despite logging out the titans were remaining in space.


PL lost 4 titans last night, the first one being doomsdayed by a multitude of IT titans.






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  • 4 weeks later...

So what are you and your corp up to now, Dark0ne?



Doominion struck again a couple of nights ago - through a combination of the autopay mechanics' poorly designed implementation and goons being goons, sov dropped in 80% of delve and querious :lolgoons:


IT immediately took advantage of the situation and piled into NOL, while -A- and friends assaulted Querious. Apparently the hastily onlined goon TCU in NOL was destroyed 10 minutes before downtime...


xxxDeathxxx and several other alliances also lost sov through failed sov payments at the same time, but not to such a spectacularly catastrophic effect.


I'm just wondering whether all these incidents are really due to bugs/poor sov mechanics design... I'm starting to suspect that it's actually CCP's new events department trying to spice things up a bit... 'hmm... sov warfare is a bit dull, so what shall it be today... random sov drop... station vulnerability... node crash... I know, let's keep logged out/crashed ships in space so they can be probed down and shot!' CCP Nozh confusing EVE with Populous? ^^


Now, if only this random events department occasionally did something funny like link the Perimeter gate in Jita in HED-GP ;D

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  • 3 weeks later...

i stopped eve after a few years while with tri was having lolkia campaign in delve and so far dont plan on comign back because im just tired of eve

and its mechanics



last thing i heard is goonies are gone and now they are harrassing the sto people :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

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Oops, completely missed your post, sorry Theta!


I've had a cooldown period away from Eve since moving out of Geminate. I really can't be arsed with a game that is so utterly broken; it's not fun, and I play games for fun, not as a Second Life . That and having to wait 4 hours for the NC to get 2x the numbers necessary to fight.


I logged back in the other day to sell all the plex loot I've aquired over the past 6 months; made about 10b off a few pith a-type boosters and crystal implants. Just logging in for skill training now. Just about able to get in to a fully T2 Amarr BS, I say just about, Amarr BS is only at 4.


Seriously contemplating dropping corp whenever I decide to come back, atleast for a while, and joining up with some low-sec corps or something. The shackles of sov warfare are tiring, and this is coming from someone who really never helped with the POS stuff!

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Well, my corp has just left RZR - so now looking for a new home.



Had to take down something in the region of 45 towers - moon miners, reaction chains, jump bridge towers... now my POS tracker looks so empty :(

I haven't had a chance to shoot at anything in weeks *twitch*


Now everything's in storage while we're waiting for alliance diplos to log in so we can convince them of our charms ^^

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What was the reason for the move? Bored? Looking for something different?


Heh, the answer to that would turn into a 3-page rant which I'll spare you (for now). :glare:



Something you might find amusing though... have you been following the latest PL drama? Looks like your favourite eve pilot, xxangel, got kicked from OSHIT after failing to retake the CEO post.

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VS seems like an absolute cock-jock. Then again most people who post on Eve forums look like utter cock-jocks (the irony isn't wasted on me...). Can't tell whether that's Angel out of PL or just Angel out of OSHIT.


I demand copy-pasta, Theta! Are you looking for a new big alliance or to do something different? I bet you run off to Atlas :P

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There certainly would be potential for inches of propaganda material if we were to join Atlas... ;D




Looks like xxangel joined another PL corp. And yeah, agree with your assessment of VS



We really should rename this thread to EVE politics and gossip ^^


Btw, did you see the news of the next planned expansion?

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