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The Perfect World, the Future, etc.

Beaten by an Ugly Stick

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The perfect world would never exist with Humans...

Well ideally this is true, but since we do exist I'd prefer that we have natural predators to keep our population in check, but since there's not than i guess we just have to wait until we can no longer support the population and survival of the fittest will take its course.

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The perfect world would never exist with Humans...

Well ideally this is true, but since we do exist I'd prefer that we have natural predators to keep our population in check, but since there's not than i guess we just have to wait until we can no longer support the population and survival of the fittest will take its course.

either that or by then we'll be able to ship off to other planets? :P lets hope so. im so weak the nearest granny could probably eat me alive :blink:

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Well a perfect world could be made with humans. Humans arn't that bad, when raised properly. As a baby you got what you wanted (Only extreme cases excluded). Had you're parents not given you you're bottle the secound you started to cry everytime you'd grow up to be more patient. And if a parent followed their child around every where giving advise the child would be riased into a genuenly perfectly mannared person.


So the only way to get to a perfect world is to first make a sudden, thourough, and dirastic change of everything about our society.


As for humans natrually be predisposed to war and such: If raised to belive set rules and stuff, war would become as stupid as disco to hard-core goths.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The perfect world, my friends, is attaianable if you seek it . If you need ponder it, you will not think it , what it is I dare not say, but in time it shall not sway. Only if you truly decide what you want and do not hide, have will without fear and a place for your mind to reside, can you find your home away from home. :) was that any good? :(





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Umm....I don't think there will ever be a perfect world because everybody has different ideas of what perfection is.


Everyone has their own version of Utopia.


Exactly. We all have our own idea of perfection/utopia.


In my Utopia no one has to waorry about survial (ie food, water, etc) and humanity stives to make it self better (or the individuals within it strive to make themselves better).


While perfection remains in many ways an unacheviable goal, if we aim for perfection we will acheive something better. If we aim for something better we will acheive something mediocre

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HeLLL: Love your sig! :D


On topic: Utopia and dystopia are nothing but abstract concepts IMO, you can't apply them to reality, since they aren't realistical. I mean really - even if we weren't savage inperfect beings we still couldn't achieve it simply because it doesn't actually exist.


It's like total chaos or order... total perfection or lack thereof are only abstract concepts. You can't achieve it since the concepts exist only in human perspective, for the universe itself there is no such thing.


IMO we should think about getting at least an "allright" world before aiming at perfect. :P

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