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Yeah, it's been long enough that I'm not hanging on it anymore. He was checking the forums almost daily for a little while there, it stands to reason he checked this thread at least once and for whatever reason, he decided not to let us know what's going on. That's fine, it's his business. I'm sure he has his reasons. If I see NVB III uploaded while I'm perusing the Nexus in the future, I'll obviously be very happy, but I'm done waiting with bated breath.


Think about it though, even if NVB II was the series' swansong, it was a damn good one. I'm completely happy with what we got in any case.

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I wish I could say the same. Believe me, NVBII is my favorite piece of someguy's work, but there are still questions unanswered, friends un-allied, raiders un-killed, and of course, Randall and Marko. I'm still checking the forum semi-frequently, even if it's for the cancellation of the mod. But, that hasn't been proven and I'd like to have faith in someguy. However, when Fallout 4 is released and there is still no news of NVBIII, I think that's when I'll also draw the line.

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Someguys work if my favorite mods, every single one of them he released. Bounties 2 and Russel are my top 2 favorites of all the mods I have installed. Don't get me wrong I am greatfull to Someguy for what he has given us for free with all the time he put into his work. But having come so close with a teaser trailer, voice casting, beta testing all that it was truly happening. Then with the all of a sudden silence and after checking the thread almost daily myself and no news just kinda makes me sad. It was like we were so close you could almost taste it you know? Really hope the project really truly isn't dead with all the work put into a almost complete product, but it is so hard to stay optimistic. It would just be a shame that's all.
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someguy didnt write in here for over 6 months

face the truth this mod will never be released,

and its a shame that it stays on top if other topics neeed more help


if he would still working on it he would give us a brief post to tell us

we need to find his testers, get beta-version from them and finish it ourselves

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Questions, suggestions and feedback are always welcome, but don't get upset if I take my sweet-ass time responding. Nothing personal, I'm just crazy.

I think he's just f*#@ing with us. Playing nbv3 all by himself, reading this topic in silence and laughing his ass off



Edited by anduril100500
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I think if someguy had completely given up on new vegas bounties 3 he would have just told us like he did with firebase zulu. He knows we will understand if it is canned.

Hence why I think he plans to try and finish it at some point.

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Well someguy is active on Nexus and he keeps accepting friend requests. At least we know he's alive

Errr, the way the Nexus is setup friend request accepts are automatic by default. I would bet real money that he's not even corresponded with at least half the people that have claimed him as a friend.

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Well someguy is active on Nexus and he keeps accepting friend requests. At least we know he's alive

Errr, the way the Nexus is setup friend request accepts are automatic by default. I would bet real money that he's not even corresponded with at least half the people that have claimed him as a friend.


Well f*#@ my life, now i can only pray to Jesus-Zimmer

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