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Guest deleted2159825

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Hello someguy2000, I finished the latest version of the mod just recently and I've spent the past day or so just thinking about it, which I guess is a sign of just how masterful a job you did. I'm having trouble just saying: "I liked it" or "it was great", because this was one of those experiences that really made me think about my actions (even though it was in a game). While there were some things I wish had gone differently, overall, I'm really glad I played it. Thank you very much for your effort and time.


I did have a couple of things I wanted to bring up, maybe for a future update and I also had some questions. *Spoilers ahead!*


1. Most of the caves don't have a black planes, instead just rock where the doorway should be.

2. There is a floating cave piece on the right side when heading toward the Graveyard, which is more visible when walking back towards the exit.

3. After the ending slideshow, I was stuck in-game, unable to progress. I could switch out weapons, but I couldn't use the pip-boy or move - camera was locked out too. Skipping the slideshow prevented it from happening so it might be something there (or it could just be my game).

4. I was wondering why there was no way to help the girl who had been forced into prostitution and addicted to Jet, especially since the player could help out the mother NPC later.

5. Porter - judging by the end-slide, there was another way to deal with him other than killing him - what was that way?

6. The random cannibal guy that attacks the player - shouldn't that be a bounty?

7. Was there a purpose to the military base? It kind of feels that you were planning on doing something there but it doesn't appear to be the case. There's a general feeling that the Utah worldspace is a bit bare, which makes exploring a bit boring.

8. While I have a preferred weapon that I use during my playthrough, I always enjoyed collecting the unique weapons on the named NPC's you had in Bounties 1 & 2 - perhaps you might add some later, especially something special for Marko?

9. After finishing the mod, I decided to check on the Jameson's and I found... well... you know. Is there anything I can do to track down the perpetrator and kids? Are there other such post-mod things to find, and would it be possible to get a list?

10. Is a certain NCR agent necessary to the plot for the next mod, or can he be dealt with without consequences other than taking a hit from the NCR's reputation?

11. I know this seems a bit odd, but did anyone else wish that the player could force Marko to submit to the Courier? I think that would have been the best revenge - NCR gets a powerful sheriff who would fight against the very raiders Marko supported, and the Courier gets his revenge by having Marko become the one thing he hates most - a follower.


Once again someguy2000, thanks very much for the mod. I'm really looking forward to the next one and the stuff you come up with for Fallout 4. Thanks for reading, darkus37.

Edited by darkus37
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For 5, if when talking to him, you say you're a bad person or something like that instead of telling him there's a bounty on his head, he'll tell you Marco forces him to do what he does, that he was enslaved. You can let him go then. For 8, Marco does have a unique pistol, Old Scratch. It should be looted from him.

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Guest deleted2159825


Many thanks for the support and kind words. I appreciate it!



Does anyone know why the spurs on the mountain drifter outfit keep changing colors? Is the texture messed up? Or did I dick up installation? I tried archive invalidation, but nothing happens.

Don't know, I'll look into it later. I probably f*#@ed something up in Nifskope.

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Guest deleted2159825

Hello someguy2000, I finished the latest version of the mod just recently and I've spent the past day or so just thinking about it, which I guess is a sign of just how masterful a job you did. I'm having trouble just saying: "I liked it" or "it was great", because this was one of those experiences that really made me think about my actions (even though it was in a game). While there were some things I wish had gone differently, overall, I'm really glad I played it. Thank you very much for your effort and time.


I did have a couple of things I wanted to bring up, maybe for a future update and I also had some questions. *Spoilers ahead!*


1. Most of the caves don't have a black planes, instead just rock where the doorway should be.

2. There is a floating cave piece on the right side when heading toward the Graveyard, which is more visible when walking back towards the exit.

3. After the ending slideshow, I was stuck in-game, unable to progress. I could switch out weapons, but I couldn't use the pip-boy or move - camera was locked out too. Skipping the slideshow prevented it from happening so it might be something there (or it could just be my game).

4. I was wondering why there was no way to help the girl who had been forced into prostitution and addicted to Jet, especially since the player could help out the mother NPC later.

5. Porter - judging by the end-slide, there was another way to deal with him other than killing him - what was that way?

6. The random cannibal guy that attacks the player - shouldn't that be a bounty?

7. Was there a purpose to the military base? It kind of feels that you were planning on doing something there but it doesn't appear to be the case. There's a general feeling that the Utah worldspace is a bit bare, which makes exploring a bit boring.

8. While I have a preferred weapon that I use during my playthrough, I always enjoyed collecting the unique weapons on the named NPC's you had in Bounties 1 & 2 - perhaps you might add some later, especially something special for Marko?

9. After finishing the mod, I decided to check on the Jameson's and I found... well... you know. Is there anything I can do to track down the perpetrator and kids? Are there other such post-mod things to find, and would it be possible to get a list?

10. Is a certain NCR agent necessary to the plot for the next mod, or can he be dealt with without consequences other than taking a hit from the NCR's reputation?

11. I know this seems a bit odd, but did anyone else wish that the player could force Marko to submit to the Courier? I think that would have been the best revenge - NCR gets a powerful sheriff who would fight against the very raiders Marko supported, and the Courier gets his revenge by having Marko become the one thing he hates most - a follower.


Once again someguy2000, thanks very much for the mod. I'm really looking forward to the next one and the stuff you come up with for Fallout 4. Thanks for reading, darkus37.

3. This has happened to a few players, but it's not an issue I can duplicate. Almost certainly a conflict.

4. The VO fell through, so I cut her dialogue.

5. Get his hp down and Porter will force-greet you. You can attempt a speech check at that point.

6. No, he's considered a myth. It's a silly random encounter.

7. A lot of content was cut due to burnout and time constraints. It was going to be a full-fledged base with notes, backstory, etc., but I lost interest after the initial phase of production.

8. Uh, Marko has something special. It's probably my second favorite pistol now.

9. Post-ending content is completely randomized. You may be waiting a while, but it will show up.

10. Kill him if you like.

11. Never happening, but it's an intriguing idea.


Thanks for the kind words and feedback. I appreciate it!

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Guest deleted2159825

Okay, I need to get off my ass and make a separate thread for The Better Angels, but in the meantime, here are some images:








More details to follow. The mod is about 75% complete, and I estimate it will provide about 1-2 hours of content, depending on how much the player in exploring every dialogue tree.

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Okay, I need to get off my ass and make a separate thread for The Better Angels, but in the meantime, here are some images:








More details to follow. The mod is about 75% complete, and I estimate it will provide about 1-2 hours of content, depending on how much the player in exploring every dialogue tree.

This made my week! Keep up the good work Someguy!

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