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Guest deleted2159825

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if any of this interests anybody please message me here https://www.facebook.com/ReeceFratelli

thought of this mod after playing new vegas bounties and russell so the inspiration comes from someguy2000 so would love it if he helps make this mod and i personally think its something he would make anyway but could be wrong

a quick n the dead style mod, about a new western style town with a sheriffs office, saloon barber, doc, old west gun store and general store, and a conpetition to see who is the quickest hand in the west, u could have doc friday and maybe angel lee if u let him live( i think he would look badass in the desperado mod outfit and gun since i think it looks designed for lee van cleef) maybe vanilla npcs could join like raul or jules from north new veges, get the sheriff of the town involved so the winner becomes sheriff make it so u can choose with some who to kill and who to spare, maybe make it so u can buy n run the saloon i want a mod to do that, maybe get doc friday to run it, maybe have angel lee as ur deputy if he survives, have another npc as ur second deputy and have the competition as the main quest with buying n running the saloon as a side and have the gun and general store, docs n barber shop n other nps having side quests too, since doc is a companion from nvb 2 maybe make angel and or somebody else a companion too, and give them both companion quests, maybe a keep what u kill rule, so some of the important gunslingers have cool unique clothes or revolvers, i think angle should have something like the desperado gun from the mod and docs huckleberry should have a unique look. and have a few othes with old west guns that are pretty unique, u could create characters that are like old west legends like john wesley hardin, billy the kid, jesse n frank, or other actors like clint eastwood dean martin franco nero or more recent like jamie fox, would be cool to have farms n ranches too that provide the town with crops n meat thats are run by some named npcs with side quests ur misc quests too maybe a player owned ranch/farm where u can hire help to tend to it to earn u more cash along with the sheriff job n discounts evverywhere in town if u suply them cheaply, would be cool if a lot of the towns folk where named with cool dialog so in each business a few named npcs and farms n ranches some named ones too obiously a lot of unnamed residents to fill the town up,

maybe a apache/blackfoot/ comanche style tribe with quests too and a fued with the town that u can either resolve by killing them all, convincing them to leave to new land or making peace

i dont have a clue about building any of this but if anybody wants to give it a go you can upload and take the credit for making the mod i would just like credit for the idea n maybe make me a character in the mod since i would love to be an old west gunslinger

even tho i probably wont be able to create of the content i will help as much as i can

i also request you let me have involvement so we both would need to agree on the content in the mod and i get hear out all ideas and add more myself as they come to me, im not a fan of unvoiced characters so would like all to be voiced so if anyone can make mods to that level that would be great

maybe add bounties too to hunt whole gangs not just 1 person like u get 1000 caps for the leader and 200 caps for each of his 5 or so gang members, they would have a custom can hide out with some cool n unique suplies some ud have to return as part of bounty ie shop suplies and caps but everything else including the unique stuff u get to keep some of the gang leaders and important members are in the contest so u may have to bring them alive unless there already out and managed to survive inwhich case u have the option of killing them. when u arrest them u have the option of taking any unique stuff they have maybe same if u beat but not kill them in the contest depending on the bounty and weather or not ur supose to hunt the bounty to get the stuf after

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Not really the place to be advertising your own projects.


Someguy, if you still have the script left over from Firebase Zulu, I hope you might consider releasing it for people to read. I'm just a big fan of your dialogue and characters and I'd get a kick out of knowing how the story went, especially now that it's sort of 'canon' thanks to Better Angels.

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Guest deleted2159825

Okay, I'll release it one time, and it will only be here:



Notes for The Siege of Firebase Zulu

Tagline: "Quaeritur belli exitus, non causa"


- As the NCR braces for the looming conflict at Hoover Dam, its leaders must also deal with an imminent Legion assault on a remote outpost, Firebase Zulu. Having long since proven himself/herself as a capable contractor, the courier is hired to buttress the defenses of the undermanned and undersupplied post. The player will be tasked with restoring morale, augmenting defenses, and once the battle begins in earnest, defending the outpost against overwhelming odds, all while cut off from adequate resources. Furthermore, the player's decisions will influence the outcome of the battle, as well as the individual fortunes of numerous combatants.

Stats ()-


- Tribune Marcellus*: Born into the legion (by a centurion father and servile mother), Marcellus had all the makings of Caesar's model commander: a military prodigy with an abundance of physical courage and intellect, he suffered the misfortune of just failing to capture Firebase Zulu two years prior (which would've been a springboard to Bullhead City). Scourged, blinded in one eye, and disgraced, the former Legate only survived by delivering an oath to undo his failure on the battlefield (and Caesar calculated his strategic merits necessitated survival). Ergo, the tribune has raised a mighty force to rival Lanius' own army. If Caesar is dead, Marcellus plans to take FB Zulu, then capitalize on his momentum to challenge Lanius for control of the Legion itself. He harbors grave doubts about the Legion's long-term viability in its present form, and wishes to remake it in the mold of the Roman Republic, not the Empire. While he doubts the Legion's feasibility at times, he believes a patriarchal, militaristic aristocracy will fare better than the NCR's hopelessly idealistic and egalitarian democracy, which he dismisses as, "Rule by the slave, the woman, and the idiot." During negotiations between battles, he will discuss his beliefs with the courier at length. If Caesar is dead, he can be persuaded to divulge his seething hatred for Lanius.

- Pertinax*: Marcellus' second-in-command, Pertinax is a weathered centurion who has secretly grown tired of fighting the NCR, though he's fanatically loyal to Marcellus. He was deeply embittered by the abandonment of his friend, Aetius (now Ranger Watson, unbeknownst to Pertinax).

- Barbatus*: Formally a member of the Hangdogs, and now the heavily bearded houndmaster of Marcellus' forces, Barbatus enjoys feeding his hounds live NCR captives and unruly slaves. He also works as a frumentarius for Caesar/Lanius, reporting any behavior on Marcellus' part that may be interpreted as disloyal.

- Grattius*: A Legion scout dispatched to ascertain the player's allegiance.

- Fred*: Leader of the petty raider clan, "The Ghosts".

- Maestro*: Chef for the cannibalistic "Ghosts".

- Dallas: A member of the "Ghosts" held captive for seducing the chieftain's woman. He has a checkered past (and indulges in cannibalism), but it's hardly black/white (as he joined the raiders to survive). The player can ultimately convince Dallas to follow a number of different paths, provided he survives FBZ.

- Mr. Clark*: A shadowy member of an unnamed NCR intelligence agency, Clark is the player's first point of contact, and provides payment after the mission is complete.

- Colonel Elijah Thomas*: A fanatically religious, yet deeply pragmatic man with questionable regard for human life, he is the commanding officer of FB Zulu. He is convinced god will deliver the NCR against the Legion and believes in showing little quarter to the "heathens and idolaters". He is ever suspicious of the courier's loyalty to the NCR (unless the courier avows himself/herself to be equally fanatical), but grants a grudging respect once the battle is concluded. He is an ardent abolitionist, chess player, and baseball fan (though his grasp of the sport is skewed by limited sources of knowledge).

- Major Hooker*: The sole doctor and surgeon at FB Zulu, Hooker maintains a macabre sense of humor and disregard for military customs and convention, though he's a thoroughly capable physician. Although trained by the Followers of the Apocalypse, Hooker joined the NCR out of wanderlust, a decision he increasingly bemoans.

- Captain Roberto Sanchez*: The cerebral, introverted camp XO, Capt. Sanchez tends to hide in his paperwork and books. He is troubled by his duties as the camp's "Officer of the Dead", as he must process KIA troopers and their effects, and carries the responsibility of scribing letters to the loved ones of deceased servicemembers. He is troubled by the course of the war, having recently lost a brother in action.

- Captain Spears: INCOMPLETE

- Chaplain Charlie: The compassionate, beloved camp chaplain. He is fighting an uphill battle against PTSD and internal divisions within the camp. To complicate matters, he has been engaged in an illicit affair with Pvt. Daniels.

- Lieutenant Guzman*: A former slave and the camp's current intelligence officer, Guzman's hatred for the Legion exceeds even Thomas' religiously-motivated enmity. He relishes the opportunity to interrogate captured Legion soldiers, unleashing sadistic tendencies in his official duties. He is paranoid and unstable, though Col. Thomas refuses to recommend Guzman for a section 8 until the player uncovers evidence of his psychological problems/PTSD (Guzman maintains a grisly collection of Legion "trophies" and secretly practices cannibalism). In spite of it all, Guzman is overly effective at analyzing and processing intelligence data (saving lives), so the player's decision shouldn't be nonchalant.

- Lieutenant Stendhal*: A former enlisted man (scout/sniper at Bitter Springs, the player may discover), Stendhal is indifferent to the broad struggle between the NCR and Legion, but works assiduously to keep his troops alive. He is constantly laboring to implement ridiculous proposals by Colonel Thomas (attempts to ban pornography, etc.), all the while anxious about the looming contest (which he believes the NCR will lose). If too many of his men die, he will "snap", though the player's dialogue has an enormous influence. He hates any and all tribals; as a result, he dislikes Cpl. Winchester.

- Ranger Josey*: One of two NCR rangers at FB Zulu, he is a grizzled, licentious, hard-drinking sharpshooter who ruthlessly harasses female players in an effort to solicit sexual favors. A cousin to Joaquin of NVBII, he also offers unique and unfiltered assessments of famous personalities in the Mojave Wasteland. He keeps an extensive stash of liquor, drugs, and pornography in his quarters, along with his favorite collectible: hula girls. He will share anecdotes in exchange for whiskey.

- Ranger Watson*: A taciturn ghoul ranger, Watson rarely speaks with fellow soldiers, and is reluctant to discuss his past. As it turns out, he is a former centurion (known as Aetius) who was cast off by the Legion after exposure to radiation (and subsequent ghoulification) during a scouting mission in the Great Divide (post-destruction). Watson will eventually divulge select anecdotes in exchange for cigarettes (his sole vice).

- Milo*: The head cook at FB Zulu, he delivers derision and poor cooking ad nauseum. He is secretly working as a typhoid-bearing frumentarius.

- Quartermaster Foster*: A dour jobsworth, Foster delights in erecting red tape that heightens his self-importance but obstructs the proper flow of materiel.

- First Sergeant Lancaster*: An utterly professional "soldier's soldier", 1st Sgt. Lancaster strives to maintain discipline while serving as a conduit for the eccentric leadership of Colonel Thomas. The player can discover Lancaster was lined up to become a Sergeant Major until he was prosecuted for adultery with an officer's wife. Despite his outward harshness, Lancaster is deeply concerned for the welfare of all his troops, though he despises most officers and contractors.

- Staff Sergeant Hall*: The aloof signals NCO of FB Zulu, Hall is largely preoccupied with collecting magazines and comic books. He will ask the player to collect "Tragic the Garnering" cards for him.

- Sergeant Melekhov*: A brave, foul-mouthed, compulsive gambler, Melekhov struggles as a leader, but performs brilliantly in combat. He is constantly summoning odds and arbitrary statistics related to the battle and the Legion's numerical superiority. He is rumored to have acquired his rank by way of a poker game. Melekhov secretly pines for a girl (Debra) back in New Vegas (he spent one night with her), though she considers the relationship a casual affair. Melekhov was responsible for fragging Lt. Brudenell; he did so due to his close friendship with Corporal Steiner and a belief that it would save lives in the long run.

- Sergeant Hank Shepard*: Colonel Thomas' bombastic nephew, Shepard is present if the player elects to save him in "Unfortunate Son". He ends up becoming a bane for the player and the enlisted personnel, as he is a stilted asshole.

- Sergeant Ford*: A quiet, but effective NCO who claims he grew up on a small, idyllic farmstead. However, he is masking his past - he was born into a family of ruthless slavers that traded in human chattel across the wastes. He is troubled by a particularly brutal raid that he partook in at age 18; afterwards he turned his back on his "family" and committed himself to atoning for past crimes by serving in the NCR's army. He is particularly adept with melee weapons, though he tries to downplay this expertise.

- Corporal Winchester*: The chief armorer, Winchester is obsessed with firearms, and maintains a fervent fear and hatred of all ghouls. She is particularly worried about the presence of Pvt. Simon and ghoul personnel. Winchester also entertains tribal superstitions from her childhood, and will attribute military reversals and various mishaps to vexed spirits. On a related note, she maintains a hefty stash of hallucinogens.

- Corporal Duff: A large man who's an expert with heavy weapons, Corporal Duff hopes to start his own brewery one day. He is gregarious and popular with the other troops, despite harboring a secret - he once killed a fellow trooper by accident. Though all charges were dismissed, he was eventually shuttled to Zulu.

- Jordan*: A supercilious contractor/mercenary who works as a demolitions expert and engineer. He is contemptuous of the soldiers around him and resents the NCR. It turns out he was an escapee from the NCRCF, serving a sentence for fraud and embezzlement (he also made a stress-induced mistake as a civil engineer that resulted in a deadly bridge accident). Due to manpower shortages, he is on a special "Work-release" program. He develops a rapport with the player if he/she demonstrates adequate intelligence and/or knowledge of explosives/science. If the player chooses not to blow up the bridge in "A Bridge too Far", Jordan will share the recipe for his explosive device.

- Corporal Himmel*: A model soldier on the surface, Corporal Himmel metes out unconventional punishment and oversees extensive hazing which the player can stop or assist. Himmel is also addicted to psycho, hence her sleeplessness, aggression, and obsession with cleanliness. She is also the "favorite" of Colonel Thomas, though 1st Sgt. Lancaster resents her malign methods and professional facade. The player can discover her obsession with discipline through various dialogue checks.

- Private Lee*: A former prize fighter drafted into the NCR, the player can assist him by acquiring a proper power fist (and convincing his superiors to let Lee fight with it instead of a rifle). Lee hates the army (as being drafted sidelined his promising career), and the player can influence him to re-enlist or pursue his boxing career anew when discharged. Despite his capacity for violence, Lee is fair and compassionate in all his dealings. Lee will exhort the player to free his friend, Pvt. O'Reilly.

- Private Jim O'Reilly*: A former NCO, Pvt. O'Reilly is currently stewing in the camp's brig on charges of striking an officer (Brudenell, just before his fragging). O'Reilly is congenial to his peers (and revered by most of the enlisted personnel), but is loathed by the officer class (as he returns the sentiment) due to his disregard (if not outright hatred) for authority. However, he is arguably the most gifted marksman in the camp (a distinction contested by Ranger Josey), and the player can work to have him freed prior to battle. O'Reilly is best friends with Pvt. Lee.

- Private Lawrence*: A perennial f*#@up, the unit "Fatass" is the subject of constant torment by Cpl. Himmel and her peers. The player can assist or sabotage Lawrence (driving him to suicide) through a variety of methods/checks. Lawrence is clumsy but intelligent, and may eventually become an officer.

- Private Crane*: A timid recruit, the player can assist Crane with his anxiety and fear (or conversely, send him over the edge with drugs or hazing). Crane can be prosecuted for cowardice if the player presses the issue.

- Private Kristol: A jingoistic, gung-ho service member fresh out of basic training. Kistrol is convinced that the NCR's mission and methods are beyond reproach, and that democracy must be spread by force. He is the son of a powerful senator, though he enlisted after a falling out with his father.

- Private Booth*: A chronic malingerer and drunkard, Pvt. Booth spends his days dawdling in the medical bay. His record reveals he was previously a model soldier, but battlefield experiences have left him disillusioned, bitter, and eagerly counting down the days to the end of his enlistment (he volunteered, ironically).

- Private Harvey Simon: A ghoul enlisted man who has spent half his tenure in the brig for rabble-rousing and disrespect. After years of challenging human authority and the mistreatment of ghouls in the NCR's armed forces, he has finally been shuttled to Zulu, as it is considered the "End of the line." He is constantly bemoaning the ghoul troops' forced segregation (they are huddled in a shitty shack) and assignment to dangerous and/or unwanted tasks.

Private Daniels: An ingénue with aspirations of opening a kennel, as she oversees the canines of Firebase Zulu.

- Nurse Kurowsky: A fellow civilian, Kurowsky is a former slave educated by the Followers of the Apocalypse. Though warm and gentle with ailing troops, she is still haunted by the trauma inflicted by the Legion in her youth. As such, she is loathe to accept the player's affection, excepting for a passing moment in the height of the siege. [if male player screws her, is she pregnant in slideshow?]

- Brutus: A captured Legion mongrel who is fed and cared for by Ranger Watson. Brutus is a potential companion. Late at night, Watson will speak in Latin to Brutus.

- Bull*: The new chieftain of the Short Knives, successor to his father, Thorn. He is uncertain about the tribe's future if it continues depending on raiding. He can be persuaded to "civilize" his tribe (with various consequences).

- Peckinpah*: The gun-toting, ultra-violent "mayor" of San Salvador (he was a species of tyrant, really), Peckinpah is uncertain whether to rebuild the town or assimilate into the NCR, as he started San Salvador after years of prejudice against ghouls. Dialogue with Watson can help influence Peckinpah's decision. Peckinpah is a former member of the BoS, given his predilection for power armor.


Primary Quests/Flow:

- "Personal History"*: The player is tasked with meeting Mr. Clark in Novac, who will offer a contract dependant on the player's reputation (must be neutral or better with NCR). The player can adjust their reputation through a speech check, bribe ("fine"), or a quick mission (execute a known traitor/frumentarius - Bill Joyce). Clark will discuss your various actions in the Mojave, and will recommend the player delay if he/she is below level 30 (though it is only a recommendation, not a requirement). Satisfied with the player's commitment and abilities, Clark will issue the signing bonus and pertinent intelligence. The player will accompany a supply caravan headed by Garth, a surly merchant. A menu issuing a "Point of no return" warning will appear, after which the player will depart, and the slideshow ensues.


- " Failure to Report "*: In a narrow pass the courier is knocked unconscious by a gas trap prepared by Garth.

- The courier wakes up in a metal cage, taunted by Garth, who is in league with the sadistic "Ghosts" (who are practicing cannibals). The player has multiple means to escape (bobby pin, waiting for guard to unlock the door). Ultimately he/she can also free Dallas (an imprisoned raider) before acquiring a means to escape the cave (Fred's key/Fred's terminal - Dallas can provide access). Fred's terminal will contain information detailing their collusion with the Legion (who have an "inside man" in the NCR supplying intel on convoys). The player cannot exit the cave system until accessing their gear. Eventually the system opens into "Ghost Narrows", a winding canyon replete with deathclaws and fire ants.

- The courier will eventually enter Valette Tunnel (filled with feral ghouls), which will take him/her to Rorke's Pass.

- An unnamed, spooked NCR trooper will open fire (harmlessly) near the player, then promptly initiate speech.

- The trooper eventually asks the player to deliver a report to the CO, Colonel Thomas.

- The player is prompted to check in with Colonel Thomas, the CO. He explains the player can find plenty of work around camp by speaking with officers and NCO's (prompting the sidequest with Lancaster), but specifically he/she should speak with Ranger Josey to assist with a troublesome Legion sniper.

Note: Prior to the "main engagement", the player can request to leave Zulu at any point. However, he/she will void the contract and doom the base to conquest by the Legion. Once the player speaks with Ranger Josey, the follow-up quest will begin.


- "Snuff the Rooster"*: A lethal group of Legion snipers are terrorizing the firebase. Josey suspects the explorers (led by Gallus) are hiding in the hills opposite FB Zulu.

- Josey informs the player that Gallus has already killed an NCR sniper, Parker.

- The player must antagonize the Legion scouts by desecrating their standard. Afterwards a lone sniper will assault the player. When the sniper is killed, the player is prompted to investigate. At this point, the sniper duel with Gallus begins.


- "Unfortunate Son"*: Colonel Thomas asks you to conduct a "Rescue" mission into Madero Canyon (future site of the Legion encampment), where a reconnaissance team (which includes his nephew, Sgt. Shepard) went missing after reporting contact with the Legion. Private Crane frantically greets the player, explaining that the Legion retrieved their radio codes (critical to base security) from the dead radio operator. When pressed Crane reveals he hid and cowered during the ambush, saving himself. Immediately after dialogue, Crane will return to FB Zulu (like firing a companion).

- (Optional) Track down and terminate the fleeing scouts (who are carrying supplies and the base's radio codes)

- (Optional)Take time to treat Sgt. Shepard (doing so will give the scouts time to escape)

- Put Shepard out of his misery and kill the Legionaries.

- The player returns to Col. Thomas, who will be critical no matter what your decision, but prefers if you saved his nephew.


- "Inquiries"*: Colonel Thomas informs you with news of a captured Legion explorer (nabbed by a patrol). The player is advised to speak with Lt. Guzman, who is overseeing the interrogation of the captured explorer. After a quick introduction with Lt. Guzman, the player has several options:

- Personally question the explorer (speech: 50+), who is wounded and traumatized.

- With a medical check (>=70) the player can heal the explorer

- *Pass a series of speech checks to uncover information about the attack

- Offer the explorer a quick death through an unarmed check (100)

- *Start breaking limbs (unarmed >= 80)

- *If Caesar is dead, it opens up possibilities

- Physically torture the explorer, who becomes delirious, spouting in Latin

- An intelligence check can uncover limited info in this situation

- Success Conditions:

- Discover the attacking force's strength and methods

- It is almost an entire Legion (10 cohorts - ~4,800 men)

- They have mortars, heavy weapons, and flamethrowers


- Bonus (requires high speech check or other success)

- Marcellus wants to take the base with minimal casualties

- If Caesar is dead, he plans to challenge Lanius

- Marcellus wants a republic (oligarchy, really), not an empire

- Regardless of the player's actions, Guzman will execute the explorer if he isn't already dead, explaining that it would be a waste to dispense valuable resources on a POW. If the player presses him, Guzman will retort, "He was attempting escape. Are you going to question an officer?" He then tells the player to report their "success" to Col. Thomas.


- "UNTITLED": Colonel Thomas tasks the player with investigating the Legion's presence in Madero Canyon, and determine if the local community, UNTITLED, has been sheltering Legion troops.

- Thomas gives explicit instructions: any civilians providing succor to the Legion must be dealt with harshly - he dictates that their property and crops must be destroyed if the player finds proof of their collusion with Legion scouts.

- After several interactions with the civilians, the player learns that the Legion coerced them into providing shelter and supplies, risking enslavement and death if they refused. The player finds a wounded Legion scout in the basement of a house, in a pitiful state; there is also an abundance of foodstuffs, supplies, and armament being accumulated by the scouts.

- The residents of UNTITLED beg the player to hide their agreement with the Legion. The player may:

- Follow Thomas' orders to the letter, and begin destroying the town. This prompts a violent reaction from some of the residents, who must be killed. The remainder become hapless refugees.

- Cover up UNTITLED's sheltering of Legion scouts. This leads to a stronger, better-supplied Legion force (with better hp for many men).


- "Nulla Salus Belli": A frantic refugee arrives at the base and describes the Legion's attack on the "Short Knives" a ferocious, nomadic raider tribe. Colonel Thomas (and many of the NCR personnel) despise the Short Knives, and wish to see them extinguished. However, Thomas believes the NCR should shelter the non-combatants. He explains that he has no men to spare from Zulu or FOP Omega (as they are on a long-range patrol).

- Enter Madero Canyon again and attempt to rescue the remaining refugees (who include women and children, along with wanted criminals).

- If the player rescues the Short Knives, Colonel Thomas will order a summary execution for the fighting-age males (the women and children will be released).

- The player can ask to negotiate:

- The player can intercede on their behalf, providing the Short Knives take an oath of loyalty and remain to defend the base.

- If Bull is dead, the player can speech-check the Colonel into believing the SK's are now broken, and should be left alone.

- The player must pass a speech check with the SK leader, "Bull" to acquire the oath.

- The player can convince "Bull" to surrender peacefully, promising a trial (and thus avoiding summary execution). Col. Thomas will accept this option with a speech check.

- The player can secretly advise Bull to pack up and get the hell out of there (and they go on to raid the NCR relentlessly - explained in ending slideshow)


- "A Bridge too Far": A patrol from FOP Omega has sighted Marcellus' forces advancing closer to Madero Canyon. Having just received word of Marcellus' position, Col. Thomas orders the player to hastily gather explosives from Jordan, then move to Ripley's Ravine, a narrow, precipitous canyon with only one bridge connecting both sides. Destroying the bridge would add several days to Marcellus' trek. The player has the following choices:

- Refuse the mission (as it is dangerous)

- Travel to the bridge, plant the explosives, then blow it (with assistance from FOP Omega)

- If the player manages to plant the explosives, the Legion will start releasing slaves (women and children) onto the bridge as a means of deterring detonation. There will be a "Lord Humongous" moment with Giganteus of Ash Fork.

- If the slaves try to escape or the player gets too close, unseen Legion troops will detonate the slave collars.

- The player will have an option to relinquish the detonator and leave the ravine, the only possible means to save the slaves.


- "The Hot Zone": Major Hooker requests the courier's help in identifying and combating an unknown (at least to Hooker) pathogen that is spreading through the ranks (the player can explain away their resistance through endurance or luck checks). Through intel/medical/science checks the player discovers an outbreak of Typhoid Fever.

If the player cannot pass checks to identify the disease, he/she must travel to Mallon Cave (overrun by ferals from San Salvator and a lone maniac, Perkins), where OSI East had dispatched an ill-fated scientific team, led by Dr. Willis. The player must find a copy of The Oxford Textbook of Medicine, which should shed light on the disease. Major Hooker will briefly pour over the text before having an "Ah-ha!" moment.

Major Hooker has only read about the disease in passing, but knows it is treatable with antibiotics. However, the camp's medical supplies are dwindling, and the Major urges the player to replenish the stores.

- Provide fifty stimpacks from your inventory

- Travel to Forward Operating Base Omega, where Doc Heston was keeping a stash of antibiotics. The player finds an advance element of Marcellus' troops have overrun the base; the defenders have been mutilated and/or crucified. The attack was spearheaded by Giganteus of Ash Fork, a powerful Centurion.

- The player will discover a note indicating Doc Heston fled with most of the supplies to "Omega Cave" a dungeon overrun with ferals. In a nod to The Omega Man, Heston is absolutely berserk, killing everyone and everything around him. The player can discover a Dunwich Building-esque series of notes detailing the doctor's descent into Lovecraftian madness. Regardless, the antiobiotics are there [Why the f*#@ would a batshit old man carry antibiotics?]

- Tell Major Hooker that the outbreak isn't your problem. He will chastise the player (and garrison morale will take a hit), but the option is open. [Quest Failed]

- Once the situation is "resolved", the Major will urge the player to seek out the source of the outbreak (an unmarked quest) in camp. The player will report back to Col. Thomas [who gives the quest "Chief Surgeon Who?"].


- "UNTITLED": Certain that the Legion attack is imminent, Col. Thomas dispatches the Courier to a Silver Mine southwest of FB Zulu, "La Hacienda". It is an extensive operation run by El Guapo, a ruthless, Spanish ghoul who exploits a local tribe, forcing them to extract silver under hazardous conditions. Outside the scope of both the NCR and Legion, El Guapo sells his silver at exorbitant rates, and as such has amassed considerable wealth, and even maintains a private army to ensure his de facto dictatorship.

- Col. Thomas sends the player with a proposal - the NCR will continue buying El Guapo's silver, even offering to ignore the brutalization of UNNAMED TRIBE, in exchange for a cadre of manpower and armed support against the Legion (El Guapo's mercs use energy weapons bought from the Van Graffs).

- El Guapo offers full support for the NCR garrison, but only if the Courier assists him in a campaign of terror against the tribal peasants.

- The player can either assist the peasants in an uprising (in which most are slaughtered), or carry out the campaign of torture and brutality against select tribals.

- The "Third Way" is to convince El Guapo to relax his brutal methods, accomplished through an array of charisma and speech checks. However, this still leaves the tribals under his thumb, and El Guapo doesn't deliver as much support.


- "Guns for San Salvador": Col. Thomas has gotten word that the Legion is sacking a remote ghoul village, San Salvador, which is run by Peckinpah [Discovered through a broken radio message / holotape]. This assault was unexpected, as the town is isolated and insular. Thomas suspects it is a distraction to draw manpower away from the firebase while Marcellus' primary force closes in. Colonel Thomas also gives the player explosive charges to seal the pass from San Salvador (to prevent the Legion staging a two-pronged attack, though it will destroy the town.

The player can refuse the mission (fail), or make his/her way to the town, which he finds under attack (and largely burned to the ground), with Peckinpah leading a group of holdouts. Peckinpah will greet the player, and compel him/her to assist.

- The player has to help the ghouls turn back against the Legion onslaught.

- After the first attack fades, Peckinpah talks with the player, and the subject of sealing off the town comes up, Peckinpah will lead the survivors away, but the player stays behind to deal with the charges:

- The player can speech-check Peckinpah into accepting it [speech: 60]

- The player can rationalize it with the old "Just following orders" crap

- The player can say "Tough s#*!" which will deeply embitter Peckinpah.

- The player can consent to not set the charges, provided Peckinpah & co. help defend the base.

- Pisses off the Colonel and leads to more attacks on the base.

- Upon turning in the quest (or failing it), the player has a dialogue option to tell Col. Thomas that he/she thinks the base is ready for Marcellus. A DLC-style menu will appear, informing the player that they are crossing the threshold into battle, should they so choose.


UPDATE: Marcellus' force arrives

- "Alea Iacta Est": Marcellus' army has arrived in force and established a fort in Madero Canyon. He has requested a parley with a representative from the base to discuss terms. Thomas refuses to engage Marcellus, and therefore he dispatches the Courier to negotiate in his stead. He/she will meet the tribune in a neutral tent near the tribune's camp (the player's combat controls will be disabled inside). Barbatus will greet the player, his dialogue overflowing with contempt. Marcellus will interrupt and then introduce himself, commenting on the player's reputation and actions (particularly if he/she killed Caesar, and/or augmented the camp's defenses).

[POINT OF DIVERGENCE: The player can declare for the Legion and help attack Zulu.]

The player can be ingratiating, neutral, or provocative, but Marcellus will present the same offer regardless: if Col. Thomas surrenders the firebase, the entire garrison may leave, fully armed and unmolested, provided they march straight for Bullhead City. The player has the following options:

- Refuse the offer outright in a variety of statements, then inform Thomas (who is pleased)

- Give the offer to Thomas, who can be persuaded to accept with a speech check of 100 and charisma of 10.

- This will end the battle and the mod; a slide show will describe the fate of the disgraced defenders

- Give the offer to Thomas and accept his natural refusal

- Assuming the battle is on, Col. Thomas will order the player to guard the front entrance against the imminent attack.

- The Legion will launch a series of feints and probing attacks that will alert perimeter sentries (and hopefully distract the player).

- The initial assault begins in earnest with a mortar and grenade attack on the front gate that should maim/kill numerous defenders (hopefully just unnamed NPC's), followed by an all-out, human wave attack by legion troops.

- The first attack consists of three waves, with the last two initiated after 75% of the prior wave is killed. After the last wave is terminated, the player will be prompted to report to Col. Thomas.

- Col. Thomas will smugly boast that the Legion is overreached and beyond its means, all while touting god's divine blessings, etc. Col. Thomas advises the player to get some rest. When the player goes to sleep, the quest will conclude.

- "Baptism by Fire" [second attack]: The player is woken up by sirens, and is forced to defend the perimeter again. Legion sappers have successfully penetrated the easternmost wire, and have burned the guard towers to dust. The attacking force is replete with incinerator-armed veterans and mongrels, all supported by sharpshooters. Once the attack is repulsed, the player is prompted to speak with Col. Thomas again. The CO is increasingly jittery, and presses the player to assist the garrison. A number of untitled quests become available during this reprieve (healing the wounded, gathering supplies, repairing the perimeter/towers, improving morale, etc.). The player can report back to Thomas when he/she is ready to proceed. Thomas informs the player that Marcellus has summoned the courier for another parley, during which Marcellus will extend the same terms of surrender (with one caveat - when he takes the firebase, all officers will be crucified, but enlisted men can go free). The player has the following options:

- Return to Thomas with the offer and urge him to accept (speech check: 95+, charisma: 8)

- Same result as before: end of mod, credits roll with lackluster results for defenders

- Urge Thomas to reject the offer

- Reject the offer yourself

- The player can reply, "Molon labe!" when Marcellus asks the garrison to surrender arms

- Marcellus will reply, "Graecum est; non intelligitur".

- Insult Marcellus

- "By Doom of Battle" - [Middle Engagement]: When the player returns to Thomas, the battle enters the "middle" stage wherein all attacks are more or less arbitrary: the origin, composition of the attackers, and timing are random within reasonable limits. Any attempt to sleep by the player will be interrupted by an attack. The player cannot leave the perimeter during this phase of battle. The quest will progress once a certain number of attackers or defenders are killed. There are random events that may occur:

- "Escaped Slave": An escaped slave stumbles into the camp, reporting she escaped, with little memory of the event. It turns out the Legion placed an explosive charge inside her, which will detonate after a period of time.

- "Operation Grief": A group of NCR soldiers appear, claiming to be remnants of an ambushed relief column. They are actually Legion troops disguised in NCR attire.


- "Into the Breach" [Last Stand]: If defender casualties exceed a certain threshold, the player will be recalled to confer with Col. Thomas, who is hysterical and anxious about legionnaires tunneling beneath the base (a legitimate fear). Their conversation is interrupted by explosions and gunfire indicating the base has been overrun, and all personnel are retreating to the command post for a last stand (depending on player choices, Col. Thomas may commit suicide at this point). The last stand will be resolved in the following ways:

- After a sufficient number of attackers are killed, the assault ends, and the player is transported to Thomas' office (if he's dead, the player will be speaking to a radio). Depending on NCR casualties, the player has the option to launch a counter-attack on Marcellus' fort. [begins "Counter-Attack" quest]

- If the player's health drops below 5%, he/she will be "knocked unconscious" and captured. [begins "Captured" quest]

- "Storm of Steel" [Counter-Attack]: The player will mount a counter-attack under varied circumstances:

- If defender casualties are below a certain threshold, the player may launch a full attack with infantry and artillery support. The number of NCR troops will hinge on the garrison's casualty rates.

- If the defender casualties are too high, Col. Thomas or [unnamed NCR leader] (via radio) will urge the player to remain behind and simply allow Marcellus' forces to retreat. The player can request (or just tell them) that he/she is going in solo (or with Dallas), though it will be a *very* difficult fight. If the player consents to stay behind, the slideshow will roll for a "Pyrrhic Victory" which is largely positive for the courier and the defenders.

- If the player successfully counter-attacks the Legion fort, he/she will ultimately fight their way to Marcellus' stronghold, where he awaits the courier. The player has several options:

- Convince Marcellus to fight you solo.

- Use the [Taunt] option and get something surpassing the Red Bear fight from NVBII

- Fight Marcellus and his minions in straightforward fashion.

- Convince Marcellus to surrender (not available if the player attacks the fort alone):

- He can commit suicide (speech 90+, charisma 8)

- He can defect (Caesar is dead, speech 100, charisma 10)

- If Marcellus elects to defect, he will disappear from the battlefield and resurface in the Mojave weeks later.

- Once Marcellus is dead/departed, the quest, "The Spoils" commences.


- "Vae Victis" [Player captured]: The player wakes up, crucified along I-40 with the other survivors of FB Zulu (primarily noncombatants - Major Hooker, Jordan, etc.). He/she is taunted by a drunk centurion (as much of Marcellus' force is in the midst of a celebration) [Note: is drunken revelry lore-friendly for the Legion?]. If Pertinax and/or Barbatus are alive, they will taunt the player as well. After a time lapse into nighttime, the player will be stirred by a female slave (Claudia), who offers to free the player in exchange for safe passage into NCR territory (Not a choice for the player, really).

- The player must retrieve his/her gear before leaving.

- The player has the option to slaughter the entire camp (their combat abilities will be dampened)

- Attacking and killing Marcellus in his stronghold will trigger a modified version of "The Spoils"

- "The Spoils": The player has the option to search Marcellus' tent for spoils (the skill books and a sizeable amount of gold are within) and scour the camp for loot. When the player is finished, he/she will report to Col. Thomas or the unidentified radio contact. If any defenders are left alive, this will prompt the final quest, "Lacrimae Rerum"; otherwise the ending slideshow will begin.

- "Lacrimae Rerum": The player will attend a ceremony to honor the fallen defenders of FB Zulu. Afterwards he/she can roam the camp for any last-minute conversations or to retrieve gear. The player can get the quest "The Things He Carried" from Capt. Sanchez (assuming he's alive), along with various goodies from the survivors. Once the player is ready to leave, he/she can speak to Col. Thomas or the unnamed radio contact. [Ending slideshow begins]


Side Quests:

- "The Best Defense*" [unmarked]: Speak with Jordan, the contractor who works as the camp's engineer. He'll task you with patching and upgrading the command post and perimeter defenses. The player has several tasks:

- Admonish, persuade, bribe, or cajole two "volunteers" into working on defensive upgrades.

- *Crane: Speech, Black Widow or sneak check

- *Lawrence: Speech, Black Widow or strength check

- *Lee: Speech, Black Widow or medical check (suggest he's going soft)

- *Kristol: Speech, Black Widow or agility

- *Recruiting the volunteers will lead to the addition of several sandbag bunkers

- *Repair a Mr. Handy robot in the engineering bay (repair, science, or luck check).

-* Repair the base's water pump (repair >= 50 or wrench and spare parts)

- *Install concrete bunkers (requires 10 scrap metal per bunker)

- *Repair the Mark III turrets (requires science >= 80, or repair >= 90)

- Convince Jordan (who is not terribly enthusiastic anyway) that the defenses are adequate as-is.


- "Frag Out*": Lancaster asks the player to investigate the recent "fragging" of Lt. Brudenell, who was unpopular with the enlisted personnel.

- NPC's offer an intro followed by checks

- Documentation provides the "filtered" series of events"

- Lt. Brudenell was a young, rash officer obsessed with earning decorations

- Corporal Steiner was killed due to Brudenell's poor leadership

- O'Reilly violently assaulted Brudenell when they returned to camp

- Later that night, Brudenell was "fragged" while smoking outside the mess hall

- O'Reilly would've been the obvious culprit, but he was locked up

- The player can do the following to uncover the culprit:

- Blackmail Sgt. Ford into identifying Melekhov as the "Fragger"

- Can be done by uncovering Sgt. Ford's past

- Use a series of science and/or intelligence checks at the scene of the attack to identify the powder residue

- Can be found on an item in Melekhov's locker

- With perception of 10 and speech of 100 the player can discover Melekhov's crime through dialogue with him

- With a speech check, Himmel will attest that Melekhov is, "Too attached to the troops."

- A speech check with Pvt. Kristol reveals that the enlisted personnel - especially Sgt. Melekhov - were close to Cpl. Steiner (whose death was widely attributed to Brudenell's incompetence).

- The player can read Brudenell's log, which also points to Melekhov's friendship with Steiner, and sheds light on Brudenell's often callous disregard for his men's welfare

- Capt. Sanchez can reveal his doubts about Brudenell's efficacy as a leader

- SSgt. Hall can describe the explosion - it wasn't like a normal grenade

- Lt. Stendhal will explain that he tried to warn Brudenell not to push the troops, but the young officer was too obdurate to heed the advice. He is rather indifferent to the murder, as he's seen a fragging before.

- Ultimately, the player can elect to report Melekhov or cover up his crime.


- "All Along the Watchtower": Corporal Himmel wants the player to assist her with inspecting the base sentries and ensuring they are vigilant.

- Initiated through generic dialogue with Cpl. Himmel

- She asks the player to inspect sentries at various watchtowers, checking if they're vigilant, sleeping, and/or have knowledge of General Orders of a Sentry.

- The player can report that the sentries are good to go (a lie)

- The player can report that the sentries are slacking, and then...

- Can recommend training the sentries in the following ways:

- Smoke sessions for slackers (Endurance)

- Train each sentry in General Orders (Speech)

- Train each sentry in observation (Perception)

- The player can beat sentries who are caught sleeping or slacking off?

- The player can find a means to better distribute the workload of pulling watch

- Player can get other personnel to "volunteer"

- Possible conditions for completion

- Train sentries

- Discipline sentries

- Find extra volunteers for watch (and find out who's skipping out)


- Random Outcomes:

- Speech Check Himmel into decreasing the duty workload:

- Small increase in morale for junior enlisted personnel.

- Collective punishment:

1. (50%) Troops learn lesson, all personnel get +1 perception. However, one of the troops cracks and commits suicide, leading to a morale hit for all junior enlisted personnel.

2. (25%) Troops resent the punishment, leading to a substantial drop in morale for junior enlisted.

3. (25%) Enlisted personnel begin policing themselves in order to ensure the punishment is not repeated. +2 perception for all junior enlisted personnel.

- Collective Counseling:

1. (50%) Troops respond to the counseling with a newfound appreciation for sentry duty, leading to +1 perception for all junior enlisted personnel.

2. (50%) Troops ignore the counseling sessions, leading to -1 perception for all junior enlisted personnel.


- "Conduct Unbecoming": Sanchez charges you with investigating rumors of sexual impropriety and fraternization.

- Means for discovery:

- Various NPC's will comment on the rumors, but few are substantive, save Nurse Kurowsky, who will divulge that an affair is indeed transpiring between a female soldier and a male officer. However, she refuses to say any more. (She just learned the girl is pregnant)

- The player can discover the chaplain's diary

- The player can discover Daniels' diary

- The player can follow Daniels, who will meet Chaplain Charlie at night

- Once evidence is found, the player has the following options

- Speak with Chaplain Charlie and convince him to break off the relationship; in exchange you'll keep quiet. [-5 discipline, +5 morale]

- Do the same for Daniels. [-5 discipline, +5 morale]

- Inform Sanchez about the Chaplain's indiscretion, leading to his immediate dismissal (he is removed from the base - his disgrace is revealed in slideshow). [+5 discipline, -5 morale]


- "Missing in Action*": Investigate the disappearance of an engineering unit sent to scout De Castries Cavern for a possible water source. The player discovers the cave is filled with harmless rats (initially), but as he/she delves deeper, the troopers' corpses can be found, along with a horde of carnivorous rodents [This sounds idiotic].


- "Stiffen the Sinews*" [unmarked]: 1st Sgt. Lancaster tasks the player with improving morale, discipline, and combat readiness around the base (no easy feat).

- Setup: After "Inquiries"

- Train the enlisted personnel in various forms of combat

- marksmanship (+20 to guns)

- explosives (+20 to explosives)

- melee (+20 to melee)

- H2H (+20 to H2H)

- Combined (+5 to all above)

- The player can oversee the PT program

- Strength emphasis (+2 strength)

- Cardio emphasis (+2 endurance)

- Agility emphasis (+2 agility)

- Combined program (+1 to strength, endurance, and agility)


- "Saving Private O'Reilly" : Take steps to have Pvt. O'Reilly released from the brig.

- Offered by Private Lee or Private O'Reilly, the player can take several steps to have O'Reilly released:

- Speak with Lancaster, then Col. Thomas (80+)

- or... discreetly kill Pvt. Simon for Guzman

- or... Black Widow perk on Guzman

- or... Use a "Someguy" check if you've finished NVBII

- or... arrange to have O'Reilly executed [speech-check Thomas - 75+]

- If Melekhov was turned in, Thomas will agree to release O'Reilly



- Freeing him: + 4 morale, -2 discipline

- Killing Simon: -2 morale

- Executing O'Reilly: - 8 morale, +4 discipline, and Lee hates you,


- "Sins of the Past": A bounty hunter asks the courier to help him capture a member of the garrison.

- After "Snuff the Rooster", the player can find a letter in the temporary housing shack.

- The letter is from a man named Mortimer, a self-proclaimed bounty hunter who wants to meet the player and discuss a business proposition.

- The player can persuade Mortimer to abandon the bounty (speech >= 80)

- The player can accept, refuse, or provoke Mortimer

- If he/she accepts, they must seek out Sgt. Ford and do the following:

- Inform him of Mortimer's presence

- Lie and convince him to accompany you on a "Scouting Mission"

- Bring Ford to Mortimer's camp

- There is a confrontation between Ford and Mortimer

- At the conclusion, Mortimer will greet the player

- The player has one final opportunity to speech-check Mortimer to leave

- Otherwise, the player must choose to assist Mortimer or Ford (in dialogue)


- "Internal Divisions": The player can try to defuse the tension between human and ghoul enlisted personnel. He/she can convince (or coerce) the ghoul ringleader, Pvt. Simon, to integrate or desert. The player can also eliminate Pvt. Simon. [Given by: Guzman]


-"UNTITLED": Uncover the source of illicit chems in the firebase.


- "UNTITLED": Major Hooker has tasked you with finding a pre-war stash of medical supplies. If successful, numerous NPC's will be issued stimpaks.



- "Tales of the Ranger*" [unmarked]: Listening to all of Josey's stories (and thus supplying him with an abundance of whiskey) will lead to the addition of [unnamed Perk], which boosts DT when consuming whiskey (perhaps other effects as well).

- "Burden of Leadership*"[unmarked]: Speak with Col. Thomas about his "convictions" (through which the player can ingratiate himself/herself with the CO). These conversations will directly impact Thomas' mental stability down the stretch.

- "Cultured Man's Burden*" [unmarked]: If the Short Knives stay to defend FB Zulu, the player can influence their leader on whether or not to become more "civilized".

- "Gather the Garnering*" [unmarked]: Collect "Tragic the Garnering" cards for SSgt. Hall.

- "Section 8*" [unmarked]: Deal with Lt. Guzman's psychological problems.

- "Career Choice*" [unmarked]: Convince Major Hooker to remain in the NCR's armed forces or return to the Followers of the Apocalypse.

- "A Rumor of Regret*" [unmarked]: Help Lt. Stendhal resolve his internalized trauma relating to Bitter Springs and the death of his men. He *hates* the Khans, and dealing with the Short Knives is difficult for him. He also dislikes Cpl. Winchester (who maintains many tribal beliefs and mannerisms).

- "Requiem for a Power Fist*" [unmarked]: Help Pvt. Lee acquire a power fist and maximize his hand-to-hand skills

- "Gathering Intel*" [unmarked]: Retrieve and share intelligence from Legion scouts prior to the battle. Giving the documents to Guzman, Lancaster, and/or Thomas will boost the garrison's morale and combat effectiveness.

- "Typhoid Milo*" [unmarked]: Uncover Milo's status as the disease-bearing frumentarius. Note: Milo will not be attacked by Legion troops, or vice versa.

- "The Malingerer" [unmarked]: Resolve Private Booth's malingering.



- "The Things He Carried " [Post-Mod]: Capt. Sanchez asks the courier to deliver personal effects to a relative of a KIA soldier from the Mojave (most are from California, so this is exceptional).



- "Whedon Ranch": An abandoned ranch in Madero Canyon littered with the eerie vestiges of its long-dead inhabitants. With "Wild Wasteland", the player can trigger extra encounters by toying with trophies in the basement, a nod to The Cabin in the Woods.

- "Shifting Alliances": During "A Bridge Too Far", a Legion scouting team is triggered near the entrance of Madero Canyon. They are led by Grattius, who confronts the player and inquires into his/her allegiance.

[Grattius can offer the player Legion-friendly quests?]

- "Watson's Revenge": Betraying Ranger Watson's identity as a former centurion to Col. Thomas or Lt. Guzman will result in Watson's hasty escape from the camp. One month later (in-game), he will track down the player and attack him/her in a brutal ambush.

- "Watson's Gift": If the player assisted Watson, he/she will receive a letter (from a living Watson or as a postmortem feature of his will). The letter will include a key to his stash of armor [Custom NCR Ranger?] and some ammo.

- "Aid the Defector": The player receives word that Tribune Marcellus (now a defector to the NCR) has settled in the Mojave (in one of the myriad unoccupied houses), with a new identity and income. However, the player must "extract" Marcellus' son from a heavily-guarded bunker near Cottonwood Cove. The player will discover that Marcellus' family were to be scourged and burned alive by Lanius himself.

- "Fratricide": Marcellus' brother, Paulus (an accomplished frumentarius), tracks down the player under the following circumstances:

- If Marcellus defected, Paulus intends to kill the courier, then his brother (an "Honor killing")

- If the player killed Marcellus, Paulus seeks personal revenge


- "Short Knive's Vengeance": If the player decided to execute the Short Knives, a cadre of surviving warriors will ambush him/her later.

- "Peckinpah's Payback": Destroying San Salvador without the ghouls' consent will spur Peckinpah into conducting an ambush on the courier months later.

- "Garth": After returning from Zulu, the player can find Garth living it up in the Atomic Wrangler. The player can attack Garth on the spot (no penalty), demand money (which Garth freely offers), or tell Garth to leave the Mojave and never return.

- If Garth is left alive...

- He will return one month later with a squad of "Ghosts" seeking payback.



- Marcellus' camp will be inaccessible until the final battle; the player will only discover a number of infinitely respawning legionaries if he/she chooses to attack the gate (which requires a key).

- Marcellus' offers of surrender hinge on Caesar's status; since Marcellus rightly fears Caesar, he will only offer the garrison enslavement if Caesar is alive. All non-NCR personnel can leave to tell the tale (as the courier will). However, if Caesar is deceased, Marcellus is more pragmatic, with an eye to save his men for the fight with Lanius, and to increase leverage in any future negotiations with the NCR.

- Corporal Himmel will flee and cower once combat begins, depending on dialogue beforehand.

- The use of the [Taunt] option during the parleys will dramatically increase the number of attackers, as well as their individual DT and DPS.

- Defeating Marcellus in single combat (there is no other option - the player is alone in the stronghold), will grant the player a perk, "Spolia Opima" which grants increased damage against Legion troops, and a boost to [undetermined - likely melee damage or DT]. Inside his tent the player can find copies of The Aeneid (which grants +2 melee) and De Oratore (+2 Speech)

- The flow and staging of the battle will depend on casualty rates on each side. The NCR can avoid a "Last Stand" at the command post will a very high kill ratio, whereas excessive casualties will prompt the CO's suicide and a final stand. Once the Legion suffers sufficient deaths, the player can mount the decisive counter-attack on Marcellus' camp.

- Maintain pre-arranged patrol packages on each side of the base so that the player can assign NPC's to guard/patrol the point of his/her choosing.



Voice Acting:








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I do wish there an option for a high intelligence Courier to throw some of those literary references back in Marko's face. I get that being an insufferable monster makes him quite prone to run his mouth, but I wish there were more options like, "This ghost of Christmas Past bulls*** is getting old," I loved that line particularly. My Courier just did not care about Marko's rantings of being on the same level as he was. Because hey guess what? I don't torture villages and wipe out communities, I collect bounties on criminals.


I think you may have made your own Ulysses there Someguy, for good and bad. :tongue:

Edited by manwiththemachinegun
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