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Guest deleted2159825

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Thanks for the kind words. S&S is Spartacus, The Dirty Dozen, and Glory blended together in a bizarre cocktail of profanity and ultra-violence. NVBIII also owes a lot to a certain film.

That sounds like a very thrilling and someguy-esque experience. Who doesn't like a bit of the old ultraviolence?

The parallels between NVBIII and The Great Silence are there without a doubt. Especially if one considers your "Lake of Fire" draft.

Edited by FabianBogart
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Guest deleted2159825

Have you seen Red Sun (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Sun)? And if so, just on the topic of SS and all that, would we be seeing a kind of crossover based on it?

I haven't seen it, but color me intrigued. S&S is more of "Recruit the f*#@ups, train the f*#@ups, enter hostile territory, assist rebelling slaves, complications and character development ensue."

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Sounds intrigueing.

I especially enjoy the phrasing of Recruit train and lead a bunch of f*#@ ups. Oh the death count must be high.

As for Red Sun, yeah as out there as the plot sounds its actaully pretty good. These two strikingly different actors from very different films mesh really well together. Give it a look

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Guest deleted2159825

With my annual Skyrim bullshittery behind me, I'm now going to quote Alan Shepard: "Let's light this candle!"


Work on NVBIII has now resumed in earnest. The majority of voicework is complete (including just about all of the the "major" roles), but I have instituted a deadline of February 1st for all outstanding VO's. I'm going to hold myself to the same standard, which means cranking out dialogue for a particular character, and possibly something else for another (speculate away!).


I'm also in touch with the project's lead artist in regards to visual assets, which I hope to implement soon.


The planned release is May, but after looking through my spreadsheets and playing the mod, it's becoming more apparent just how close this mod is to being finished. In short, there will be no more tomdickery, sideshows, or other crap until this bastard is done. At the very least, I want this monkey off my back so I can move on to other endeavors.

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With all the side quests done and adventuring finished, will the adventures of Redbeard in the kingdom of witches come back, or the youtube side is still a thing for future, after NVBIII is done?

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Guest deleted2159825

With all the side quests done and adventuring finished, will the adventures of Redbeard in the kingdom of witches come back, or the youtube side is still a thing for future, after NVBIII is done?

Maybe, though my priority will always be modding, whether for Fallout or TES.

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Sup Someguy! I've been meaning to post one fo these for a while, but I've been so hyped over NVBIII that I've been doing fan art of Marko to put a face to the bastard, after quite a few iterations, this speedpaingintg is the look I imagine for the SoaB, hope it cheers you up and motivates you to go ahead with this even more. Keep up the good work buddy! :D




Can't wait to shoot the s*** out of him, just can't.

Edited by Fjalar
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