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Guest deleted2159825

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Hey someguy and someguy fans! I just wanted to first off thank you for the incredible quality of work you put in your mods, they will forever be considered fallout canon to me they are just stupidly amazing, your efforts make the modding community for all games in general look good and i will forever love you for that.


I have been lurking this post for a while now and im very very very excited to see the thrilling conclusion of the bounties series. I actually just finished up all your mods recently excluding new vegas killer, and king of the ring but i plan to start the latter soon. However i notice everyone seems to be very deadset on killing Marko and we know that he was an outlaw and has killed a lot of people, but at the same time to me i want a reason to hate him. I don't remember any real reason why Courier 6 would have such a hatred for him, other than the stories Steven Randall had and a few references here and there. I am just curious as i am a goody two shoes courier, what is my motivation and hatred for this man? Is bounties 3 going to give me a reason for him to stand out as some horrible bad guy i must hunt down in his retirement other than he harmed one of my quest-givers long ago and there is a price on his head?


I am already sure that the mod will be excellent and my question will be answered and by the end of it, i will want to kill Marko as much as anyone else but i roleplay a very very very optimistic courier who often has troubles facing the harsh realities of the wasteland which is why i love your mods just, I hope there is a good reason for my courier to get so invested in hunting down this retired outlaw!


LIke i said love your mods, i know the story will fold out fantastically, I just want to have a good reason to go after him other than a few notes referring to him and Russels ending slide :D


Edit: I guess I should say i want to kill Marko as much as anyone else just, I want something for my Courier to be able to think he is doing the right thing even if so much might happen to convince him otherwise

Edited by Spartan4646
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Hey someguy and someguy fans! I just wanted to first off thank you for the incredible quality of work you put in your mods, they will forever be considered fallout canon to me they are just stupidly amazing, your efforts make the modding community for all games in general look good and i will forever love you for that.


I have been lurking this post for a while now and im very very very excited to see the thrilling conclusion of the bounties series. I actually just finished up all your mods recently excluding new vegas killer, and king of the ring but i plan to start the latter soon. However i notice everyone seems to be very deadset on killing Marko and we know that he was an outlaw and has killed a lot of people, but at the same time to me i want a reason to hate him. I don't remember any real reason why Courier 6 would have such a hatred for him, other than the stories Steven Randall had and a few references here and there. I am just curious as i am a goody two shoes courier, what is my motivation and hatred for this man? Is bounties 3 going to give me a reason for him to stand out as some horrible bad guy i must hunt down in his retirement other than he harmed one of my quest-givers long ago and there is a price on his head?


I am already sure that the mod will be excellent and my question will be answered and by the end of it, i will want to kill Marko as much as anyone else but i roleplay a very very very optimistic courier who often has troubles facing the harsh realities of the wasteland which is why i love your mods just, I hope there is a good reason for my courier to get so invested in hunting down this retired outlaw!


LIke i said love your mods, i know the story will fold out fantastically, I just want to have a good reason to go after him other than a few notes referring to him and Russels ending slide :D


Edit: I guess I should say i want to kill Marko as much as anyone else just, I want something for my Courier to be able to think he is doing the right thing even if so much might happen to convince him otherwise


At least he didn't use the lake of fire draft. That would make everyone hate Marko within the first ten minutes of installation.

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Going along with Spartan4646 brought up about Marko is it wrong that I think there's a chance Someguy could pull a twist on us so when our Couriers finally reach Marko we discover he's terminally ill, doesn't have long to live and unable to fight? It'd be one heck of moral dilemma. Then again IIRC Marko is supposed to do something horrible to our Couriers? Kill off a companion? Be reason enough to take him out.


Still looking forward to Bounties III, keep it up but don't burn yourself out Someguy.

Edited by ghostnull
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Guest deleted2159825

Thanks for the support, everyone! It's a busy week for me, but I plan on starting a new re-casting thread at some point within the next few days, or perhaps this weekend. It depends on when I get some breathing space in RL.


As for motivation to kill Marko, I suppose it depends on your rapport with Randall. If nothing else, your character can always be driven by curiosity - or perhaps even admiration.


Another matter that I'm weighing is whether or not to add a branching conclusion. Right now the main questline is rather linear, and I've been deliberating on whether or not to include an alternative ending from some of my notes. Right now there are two endings, but they're fairly similar. Some of it will depend on whether or not I can get some of the voice talent to record new dialogue. It will present a singularly brutal moral dilemma, and that's usually a good thing in Fallout. We'll see, though.


I appreciate the encouragement! I'll post a link here when I start the thread.

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Just add another similar ending to the two already designed and call your mod Mass Effect reloaded. Everyone will hate it, but everyone will download the mod and play it!

With paid critics saying that its the best thing ever! And how its about the journey not the story or lore! :tongue:

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Just add another similar ending to the two already designed and call your mod Mass Effect reloaded. Everyone will hate it, but everyone will download the mod and play it!

With paid critics saying that its the best thing ever! And how its about the journey not the story or lore! :tongue:



I liked the game, but the ending is just good for one slideshow, not 3.

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